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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Do you have your htaccess file setup correctly? It sounds like you may have friendly URLs enabled but your server is not processing the directives correctly. ACP>Search Engine Optimization>Rewrite URLs?
  2. Leave it overnight and it should be fine. Had something similar happen when it appeared stuck. Left it and came back the next day with it finally completed.
  3. Jim, I think he means the feature that notifies you if another reply was added while you were already viewing the topic. If so, it’s done by the software automatically in the background checking for new content in the threads you’re viewing.
  4. There are third party resources that can style banned member’s names. For example check out:
  5. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Choose accounts and billing.
  6. In order to download/install the software, you need to have purchased the SELF-HOSTED version instead of IPS's hosted version. Specifically you will want to have purchased: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy/self-hosted/ I assume you have purchased the wrong service. If that's the case, the staff will need to help you fix this. (I'm just another customer!) You can reach the Accounts and Billing team by using this form: https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Once another member of the staff see this thread, they can also create a ticket for you as well with that team. After you have everything squared away... most 3rd party plugins/resources are purchased via the marketplace found in your new site's AdminCP.
  7. It's interesting that it would have also broken the ACP editor screen as well! At least you were able to get to the bottom of the problem!! That's the most important thing!
  8. Have you tried disabling your third party resources (apps and plugins) then clearing the system cache in the support section of the ACP?
  9. Click on reset default config. It will mean you have to fix any extra buttons you've added or rearranged. I've had that happen a few times with custom third party buttons that went wonky eventually.
  10. Take a look at the following for setting up Stripe and it’s associated webhooks:
  11. It’s built into the core CSS already. Just wrap the sidebar code with: <div class="ipsWidget" data-ipssticky data-ipssticky-relativeto="#ipsLayout_sidebar"> </div>
  12. I think this is a language translation issue. If you change signature to subscription… it makes much more sense. (If that is the case he needs to just setup the appropriate web hook.)
  13. https://help.hospitable.com/en/articles/4605516-how-can-i-add-the-ical-feed-to-the-calendar-on-my-device The above looks to have directions for iCal and android. I don’t have a device to test though.
  14. When this is done typically, the IPB staff generally remove the value that is stored in their server. This allows the next domain to try and activate it to do so and use that value. 🙂
  15. The existing core IPB software allows you to define profile fields that are not shown publicly. On a per-field basis, you can set how a value is handled. ACP > Members > Member Settings > Profiles In a profile field, you can edit it and set permissions: And as you noted, you could also create a Pages database if you wanted fine tuned control of the display and layout.
  16. You could do public_html for IPB and public_html/old for Wordpress. IPB does not have any folders named “old” so you won’t have any problems with WP just being in a sub folder.
  17. You could do one of two options… - Use Pages to create the HTML page verification. (Just make sure to choose the option to not use the board wrapper.) Paste the code Google asks for into a Pages page with the name they tell you. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080?hl=en#html_verification - Use DNS authentication. If IPS hosts your DNS, you’ll need their help via a ticket to create a TXT record in your DNS. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080?hl=en#domain_name_verification There are technically other options if you use Google Tag Manager and other Google services. The full list can be seen at: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080
  18. Are you self hosted or hosted in IPS cloud platform?
  19. It’s a time out error. It means your server sent a request to Google but after 10 seconds got nothing back. This means one of two things: 1. There was a networking issue between your server and Google’s server. 2. Google’s servers for whatever reason was down and unable to respond. In either situation, IPS can’t fix those issues. It’s going to either be a temporary transient problem that fixes itself or something your host has to address. By the way… “resolving” most likely points more closely to your server’s DNS being the problem instead of Google as it’s highly unlikely that Google’s DNS was down.
  20. I say the same thing each day I participate here! I’m always learning from the staff and power users here! The wealth of knowledge here is unbelievable.
  21. Sounds like you need to work with your hosting provider to get your PHP8 install fixed! You are missing some critical things that will absolutely break your site if missing. 🙂 Once it’s fixed and it shows as all green on PHP8, try your site on it then and you can move onto testing/fixing third party resources. Step one is to get the base software running with the required system modules.
  22. Ok. 4.7.3 technically supported PHP8.1 (it was added in 4.7.0). Have you disabled all third party resources/applications and switched to a default theme? The next most likely thing that a 3rd party resource has an issue in PHP8 that does not exist in PHP7. By the way… only run that compatibility checker when on PHP8. That way if PHP8 is missing a module you will know! (We already know your PHP7 is fine.)
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