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Members Shop ( Support Topic )


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14 hours ago, Steph40 said:

Playing around with this dp44 referals system.  Is this still valid for points.

for the time being yes but it is going to change, also using it that way will not log anything via the logging system in the ACP

11 hours ago, Mark Spieker said:

I googled this forum topic and couldn't find this question. Is there a way to have a PDF that they can purchase with their points?

No mate it don't do that, I could probably add a item what can send a pm once purchased and in that PM you could embed the PDF file so when they redeem it they can receive it via PM

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I think I made something wrong today.

One member with rank AFILIAT was promoted to VIP with the help of MEMBERS SHOP. Now are 3 days left till he will auto-go to the old rank ( AFILIAT ) but I permanently removed that rank from my forum. So...now when I want to go to Membergroup Upgrades I receive this error:


OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(73): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(14)
#1 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Helpers/Table/Db.php(418): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\{closure}(14, Array)
#2 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(484): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Db->getRows(Array)
#3 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(108): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
#4 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->manage()
#5 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->execute()
#7 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}

Any ideas?

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On 5/7/2019 at 4:54 PM, TheJackal84 said:

only way to do it is manually remove their points then manually add the credit to their account, Or you could make a custom shop item selling it for x points then when a member redeems it you will get notifed and then manually add it

This is interesting.  I'm looking for a point system so that users can do on-site transactions with others (not as an incentive earning system) and this system looks promising, though I wish they could just exchange their points to account credit and then request a withdrawal after if they meet the minimum without our involvement or having to "purchase" something.

Edited by Alismora
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I haven't purchased this app yet, so please know that I am keeping a close eye on developments because:

1. I'm unhappy with IPS store. I don't like how difficult it is to integrate payment methods through it. I bought points economy to fix this, but Kevin made it so that Rules app is required. It's blacklisted in the marketplace. The lite version doesn't really do it justice. I hate that where developers give a free version but they make you have to buy it off site. Anyways, there's no way to manage points with it. But from what I'm reading, IPS store has very minimal integration with Members shop. And I don't want to have two store apps on my site.

2. Is it possible to add a custom payment gateway system to members shop? There's no harm in having multiple points systems, if I can set conversion integration rules to go with each ones strengths and core values. Here's what I'm thinking. Members shop, allows someone to add credit into it. that credit through points can be transferred as a payment method directly to pay for items in the IPS store. Another option is to have it transfer to points economy and have a rule setup to both apps to increase compatibility with points, credits and available payment methods for purchases. for example, if I donate points to a member, I want them to be able to purchase or access items with it. But I also want them to be able to exchange cash flow between multiple members. An account credit integration with commerce would allow this to happen through balance links. I want to award members by posting with points that can be converted to cash, and cash that can be converted to points.

3. I need the ability to make shop items movable between the IPS store and members shop, with the option to purchase the same product from both places. Especially if it is a file download, or access to a particular site page. Members shop has a ton of add ons to enhance the functionality, but I need the two linked together to have say, goals be compatible with donations, and or account credit be compatible with points sent as gifts.

 I want to create a referrals system through an invitations app, that allows actual members to be considered as products to interact with. So integrate referrals with coupon or voucher codes. then get rewards based on the quality of posts your referrals bring in. this way quantity could control what permissions referrals get assigned to if trusted member groups is where someone with a "quality reaction, review or rating" can truly master. So for example, I'm selling an application form potential musicians to be approved into my new band. But, the musicians I want may not all be on the site. So I want all members of the band, to be rewarded for best work made by other artists. The best way to do that, would be to get awarded initially for bringing another artist referral on to the community site. Then the more posts they make with their files they created, and were approved independently by that band organizer, the band member would get a reputation that would increase over time. eventually, they'd be accepted into the band, with the end result being, referrals turn into awards. Awards turn into cash flow. If I wanted to collaborate with other members on a project, I'd want there to be ways in which such a collaboration could be recognized. I could do that with reactions, but only if I were able to browse all reactions a particular member received or had been given respectively. You can't do that yet with IPS. Nor can you do that with trophies and medals because they're only displayed publicly, but not in relation or context to why they existed. Which is what I want to promote, a stream that is more than a bookmark, tied in with the complementary system of points, referrals, awards and shop items. That in itself would be the affiliation all done in house, without a need for products that have no life, like a pizza or a statue from generating renewable income independently.

If this can all be done, you got me as a client for life. As such, this ats as my improvement list. I hope to be able to buy this as the achievements turn into reality. Manually managing items like this should also be an option for quick admin approval overrides.

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Is it possible to add a feature? Is it possible to send an Automatic PM for every item when a member redeems a custom item? Right now, there is only an option to send a sentence through the vouchers addon but I would like to send an automatic PM when the user redeems and not when I fulfill the custom item.

Also, are there any other new features in the works?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just uploaded the last version of MembersShop and unfortunetly same error:



OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(73): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(14)
#1 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Helpers/Table/Db.php(418): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\{closure}(14, Array)
#2 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(484): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Db->getRows(Array)
#3 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(108): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
#4 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->manage()
#5 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/applications/membersshop/modules/admin/purchases/membershipupgrades.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\membersshop\modules\admin\purchases\_membershipupgrades->execute()
#7 /home/csblackd/domains/csblackdevil.com/public_html/forums/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}


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3 minutes ago, Sethhh. said:

I just uploaded the last version of MembersShop and unfortunetly same error:

yeah sorry, that weren't a update a moderator edited the description and it looked like it got updated, There will be a update for this out with-in the next day or two

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My users are getting this error when purchasing from the members shop, I googled the EX0 and saw a post from you about resyncing, but I can't find that. Any suggestions?

PS I could of sworn we had a PM going on this and you would be getting back to me after a few days when you got back. But I can't for the life of me find that again.



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13 hours ago, Sethhh. said:

Don't forget about my PM with that bug. Because of that bug I receive many other errors 😞

what other errors are you getting from it? That page in the ACP is throwing a error cos it is looking for a group what ain't there, that is fixed for the update but if it is throwing errors elsewhere then I need to know so I can check the files, the apps files are too big and too many for me to browse through so if you let me know I will know where to look

8 hours ago, Mark Spieker said:

PS I could of sworn we had a PM going on this and you would be getting back to me after a few days when you got back. But I can't for the life of me find that again.

What does the url look like on them pages?

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7 hours ago, Mark Spieker said:

Here is one 


I also get the EX0 error when either of the two categories are clicked on, takes me to the same url above, and the category url below gives the EX0 error also


wait till the update comes ( hopefully tomorrow ) and we will check it all then


New update adds much better commerce features like shown in the images posted above it will allow you to use the points to pay for items and you can also sell points ( probably will be a widget ) where users can enter their own amount to buy



the price on the button will update when the members change the amount they want

Edited by TheJackal84
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18 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

wait till the update comes ( hopefully tomorrow ) and we will check it all then

@TheJackal84 (is tagging etiquettely appropriate on the forums?) Thanks so much! I did the upgrade, and I get the same EX0 error when I click on a membershop category. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'm new to the Invision community and I don't know what type of info to provide other than the version I'm using and I just upgraded.


Edited by Mark Spieker
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Updated to 1.0.9

New Features

  • Commerce
    • Added points as a payment gateway to be used for purchases
      • Each currency you use will have a conversion rate ( Example, if you are using USD and set it to 100 then a $10 item would cost 1,000 points )
    • Removed the ability to sell points via commerce packages ( This has been replaced read below )
    • Added the ability for members to buy points by entering the amount they want to buy
      • Each currency you use has it's own conversion rate ( Example, if you are using USD and set it to 100 then each $1 spent will give the user 100 points )
        • Set the minimum amount users are allowed to buy
        • Set the maximum amount users are allowed to buy ( This is per transaction )
        • Set price examples
          • Create a list of points & on the buying points page it will show a list of example prices with the list of points you created along with the price they would cost
        • When a user changes the amount of points they are buying, the checkout button will update with the price of the points


  • Removed all database columns linked to and of the IPS apps and or core_xxx tables and created custom ones for this app

Bug Fix

  • Fixed the bug in the ACP membership upgrade page for if you have a deleted usergroup in there it would throw a error


  • If you are using the points payment method for commerce & then the downloads app allowing members to charge points for their uploads then you will need to disable the points payment method from the downloads app ( You can do this in the downloads settings via the ACP ) as it will clash and not award any point commission to the uploader you may of set, The uploader will still be able to charge points for their files when the points payment method is removed as it uses it's own functions
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I tried to apply your update but I receive this error:


In the application details ( in ACP ) I see this:

Application Title Members Shop
Current Version 1.1.8 (11008)
Author TheJackal
Installed July 4, 2018
Last Upgraded 10 minutes ago

So the application was upgraded but not totally or something like that.


On 6/5/2019 at 3:33 PM, TheJackal84 said:

That page in the ACP is throwing a error cos it is looking for a group what ain't there, that is fixed for the update

Yes, that problem is resolved as I see. Thank you.


Edited by Sethhh.
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Is there a way to show the uploaded item image when browsing through shop categories? I want users to be able to see the item's image when looking through the shop without having to click on that specific item. Right now it's just a blank space unless there's no image uploaded for the item and it's just set up with font awesome icon.

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