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Pages SuperGrid support


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  • 2 weeks later...

@opentype Hi Ralf, is there anyway to turn off the sidebar in the listings view? I have the system categories block on the index page which is fine, but I don't want it to appear in the actual record view as it takes up real estate on the page and it would be better for the listing to have more breathing room.

I understand that \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['enabled'] = FALSE; can be used to turn off the sidebar, but I can't find where to place this (if indeed it can be placed) in which template, but only for the record view page.

With thanks 🙂

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19 minutes ago, Davyc said:

I understand that \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['enabled'] = FALSE; can be used to turn off the sidebar, but I can't find where to place this (if indeed it can be placed) in which template, but only for the record view page.

You can just drop that in any template that is used for the view you want to change. 

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5 hours ago, opentype said:

You can just drop that in any template that is used for the view you want to change. 

Thanks Ralf, I tried all the templates but none worked - the template that it should have worked in just threw that line of code onto the page as though it were part of the content.  I've since managed to get rid of the sidebar, but there is a long list of CSS commands for each article page lol.  It's a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it works 🙂


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...


I really love the plugin 🙂 Makes my articles section quite nice. Thank you!

One question, when I see an individual record, on the left of the avatar there is quite of empty space. I like it in general, but I think it is too much empty space (for my laptop resolution or people with high resolution).

Can I somehow control the ratio of this? Like instead of 60% of the space to be for the article itself and then on the left - avatar + empty space, can I change this to 80% of the space to be for the article content? 

Can I change this somewhere in the code maybe?

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3 hours ago, opentype said:

There is no setting for this. The code is in the record display template, if you want to change it yourself. 

I found the code and the template, but not sure where to find and modify the CSS.
As far as I can see, I need to modify: .ipsGrid_span9 and, .ipsGrid_span3, to 85% and 15%

.ipsApp .ipsGrid > .ipsGrid_span9 {
    width: 85%;
.ipsApp .ipsGrid > .ipsGrid_span3 {
    width: 15%;

Can you guide me @opentype where in the admin panel I can find these to modify them?

Edited by estan
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  • 4 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, 403 - Forbiddeen said:

Hello @opentype, this is a pre order question.

1. It's possible to allow filter by TAG or CATEGORY? I want to create a section to share cheats and tutorials about game, and i want to allow the possible to filter by CONSOLE/PLATAFORM and filter by GAME. 

Pages can use filters if you set a suitable field (like ‘select box’) as filter and then add the filter widget to the page. That would be supported by every Pages database, doesn’t matter which template (like SuperGrid) is being used. 
(tags don’t work as filters, neither do Database categories. Categories act like folders.)

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  • 3 months later...

I figure out to display the lock status icon with supergrid frontpage.

How is it possible to display the lock status icon in category listing?

When i insert that

{{if $record->locked()}}<span><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></span> {{endif}}

in supergrid listing(recordRow template) it breaks.

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  • 2 months later...

Once the homepage is full of articles (10 in my case) should there not be a pagination to be able to view older articles? Doesn't seem to be any way of doing that unless we go into catagories.

Also has anyone got this live on their site, would like to compare with mine to see if I can improve it further. 🙂

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1 hour ago, marklcfc said:

Once the homepage is full of articles (10 in my case) should there not be a pagination to be able to view older articles? Doesn't seem to be any way of doing that unless we go into catagories.

Also has anyone got this live on their site, would like to compare with mine to see if I can improve it further. 🙂

I use it. Pagination is there. 

Could contain: Text

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, kotaco said:

Unsure if this is intended, but it seems a record listing on a dark mode site isn't displaying in an ideal manner: 

Well, normally all my template products just inherit the colors from the theme. But many custom themes were setting colors in such a problematic way that I had to force a background color for that article area. Guess I have to add another option to make that optional. 

Edited by opentype
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20 hours ago, kotaco said:

Unsure if this is intended, but it seems a record listing on a dark mode site isn't displaying in an ideal manner: 


12 hours ago, opentype said:

But many custom themes were setting colors in such a problematic way that I had to force a background color for that article area.

I had the same issue with my dark theme and light theme so it's easily corrected using a little bit of CSS in your custom CSS file:

.SG_record_right_with_image {
    background-color: #ffffff !important;
    color: #000000 !important;

Change the background color to whatever you want, my light theme was a white background and the text color was black.  So, background changes the color of the background and color changes the color of the text.

Custom themes are a great way to enhance your eye candy, but they can throw up a few issues that need some outside the box solutions.  Hope that helps 🙂

BTW @opentype your wares are brilliant and I use them regularly, fantastic work 🙂


Edited by Davyc
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Might I make a feature suggestion?

I have SuperGrid and I also recently purchased SuperReviews.  I am using them independently on different databases.  However, I really like how the SuperReviews formats the Multi-image field in the record display.  Is that possible to add to the SuperGrid record display as well.

My use case is that when I do reviews, I attach the photos of the interior and exterior to the review and SuperReviews does that well.  But in my news database, I still need to do this for when there is a vehicle release, but with SuperGrid it appears to use the default IPS formatting.

Thank you for considering.  Both plug-ins are fantastic and essential to the running of my site.

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On 5/31/2022 at 1:36 AM, opentype said:

Well, normally all my template products just inherit the colors from the theme. But many custom themes were setting colors in such a problematic way that I had to force a background color for that article area. Guess I have to add another option to make that optional. 

Thanks for the consideration. In the meantime I have no problem doing some CSS adjustments, but it's nice to know its in the back of your mind 🙂

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  • 1 month later...

I recently upgraded to 4.7 and noticed that several of your plugins that I run now say they are not compatible with 4.7, including:

  • SuperBlocks 1.2.0
  • Enhanced Forum Views 1.4.1
  • SuperTopics 1.1.0
  • SuperGrid 3.2.0

Each one appears to be functioning in 4.7, so perhaps IPB automatically flags all plugins as non-compatible until the author checks off that their plugin is compatible?

In any case, do you know when those plugins will be marked as compatible, or an updated version will be available?

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