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25,503 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
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Shouldn't the event of following a topic come after the posting of the topic? They probably have the exact same timestamp and perhaps the activity stream is sorted by timestamp alone. ok that is very strange earlier today the order of the All Activity stream had it reversed - the content was followed before the content was added. -
Last reply by Ocean West, -
- 1 follower
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There needs to be a way to SORT / FILTER / HIDE past purchases. Right now it shows me the oldest thing I have purchase first and i have to scroll thru products that are EOL and not even supported any more - or not compatible with the version of the forums I am operating. It would be nice to hide or ignore past purchases.
Last reply by Ocean West, -
- 6 replies
I'm most likely in the minority, but thought it best to post and see other's opinions. Basically, If I wanted an instant notification of every little thing to happen on this site, I would use email notifications. I used to use inline for things I could review later, and did not need to be notified about right this instant, distracting me from anything I might be doing at that moment(read: code....). Now, I have no choice but to either deal or simply disable all notifications. My email client will notify me like the browser notification does whenever I get an email, so the browser notifications, for me, are annoying. I would very much like to see a per-account pr…
Last reply by Rikki, -
- 0 replies
Would it be possible to make it optional to post a new topic for an Article/Record? Some you want it, some you don't. Right now it's all or nothing.
Last reply by socceronly, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
First off, where are they now? Next, if I subscribe to a post can I get just one email (not a daily one) once a post is submitted and then no more until I visit the thread? If I subscribe to a popular thread I will have many email in my inbox in the morning. One would be enough.
Last reply by Square Wheels, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Please allow members to delete/hide their IP.Download files. Now they can't, only mods can. thanks
Last reply by RObiN-HoOD, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Can somebody please explain why IPS uses a different code (an iframe)? For example, this is the IPS code for Instagram: <div class="ipsEmbeddedOther" contenteditable="false"><iframe src="/?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&" data-controller="core.front.core.autoSizeIframe"></iframe></div> This is the original code Instagram offers: <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="4" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width…
Last reply by Kirill N, -
- 1 follower
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In regards to desktop notifications: When you receive a notification of 1 content item, clicking it ... will take you to the content item. When you receive a notification of multiple content items, clicking it ... will take you nowhere? At the very least, shouldn't it redirect me to the "View all notifications" page so I can see what my notifications are? Furthermore, shouldn't clicking on the desktop notifications clear the inline notifications (the "bell" icon)? Also, I think you should allow us to do simple styling on our own desktop notifications (eg. community's logo).
Last reply by Joel R, -
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(I find myself to be in the unfortunate position to be at 99% of my attachment limit, which is the only reason why I'm bothering with this page. ) Suggestions: Allow filtering by app and category, so users can identify level of importance of attachment. (For example, I may want to keep my attachments from IP.Page's Bug Tracker database but not IP.Board's Test Posts. Also, I've posted 100 pictures of cats somewhere.) Batch / select all. Otherwise, sheer laziness is going to dictate that I'm never going to delete individual items from 33 pages and I'm going to end up contacting IPS Support to delete the attachments for me, one by one by one. Have fun!
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
In no particular order or importance: See my activity -- Won't this duplicate the default Activity tab? I really don't see the need for a profile's Activity tab when a custom Activity Stream can be constructed with much better options and filtering. Who I Follow -- I often wish, while browsing profiles in the IPS community, who they follow to determine who they consider as their "thought leaders" and major figureheads. Clicking on the widget can also be used to manage who I follow. Consideration should be given to users who don't wish to disclose who they follow. Rank -- would be nice to link to a built-in ranking page, so members can see the differ…
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Various suggestions: RSS Feed leads to Fatal error (Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\Content\Search\Result\Content::$databaseColumnId in /var/app/current/applications/core/modules/front/discover/streams.php on line 224) "Showing topics I have not read" is clickable. But doesn't do anything. Avatar and FA icon are disjointed and look very awkward. Avatar exceeds content box Content item's title is on new line, which leaves excessive space next to Avatar and FA icon Username is not clickable
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Today I noticed an old bug. Members can easily use Alt+255 before their usernames and create a fake account. Please fix this bug ASAP. It's really annoying. Thanks
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 0 replies
I noticed that there are no member pictures when viewing a forum topic list from an Ipad-2 in Landscape mode. Is this a bug ? (When viewing the same page in portrait, or in smaller smartphone resolution and full-screen pc mode pictures are visible) See the example screens: full-screen: Ipad Landscape mode: Ipad portrait mode: Smartphone size :
Last reply by SeaTea, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
- 858 views week? Been quiet on this front so I'm assuming not this week.
Last reply by Michael R, -
- 3 replies
Will there be bug fix release for 4.0.x after the release of 4.1 oder must we upgrade to 4.1.x ?
Last reply by socceronly, -
- 1 reply
Some members don't know reputation is the Like system, so finding the list of Likes is not intuitive (clicking the reputation box). In fact I didn't even know it could be clicked. When you visit a member page you see Like activity below mixed in with all the activity, in the minimized alert style (the grey alert lines). So you figure when you click See My/Their Activity, it will be there under All Activity, and also a selection on the left, but it is not. You have to click the actual reputation box, and then it takes you to a menu where All Activity is not even an option (that part may be a bug or oversight as stated, so never mind that part for now. And I also just…
Last reply by chilihead, -
- 7 replies
When you are working with the server, sometimes you need to switch on/off MySQL server (for example, for upgrade). When it happens visitors see the error page instead of the special page with your message about maintenance work. It would be much better if this page is as independent of the other resources (MySQL) as possible.
Last reply by Nathan Explosion, -
- 0 replies
The main editor here has shrinked controls, the main edit area shirnks and expands while I type more lengthy text, is it caused by wrong mobile & desktop devices detection?
Last reply by bwx, -
- 0 replies
I would like to localize the "#comment" term added to the forum posts link, is it possible?
Last reply by bwx, -
- 2 replies
Browse Guidelines, Staff and Online Users It does not make sense to me for having them in the same place in the menu as Forums, Gallery, Blogs, Calendar. Somehow they do not fit together. Maybe move them next to Activity Stream and Mark site read as before? Or somewhere else? Or add separator in the menu, even something simple like | ? In this way the 2 groups can be separated. CC: @Charles
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 214 replies
Hello, is somebody know how to restore the members list ? Thanks,
Last reply by Lindy, -
- 3 replies
In the Status Updates default stream here, the expanded/condensed view does nothing, yes this is WAI because they are always expanded by design, but when they are in their own stream that makes it look like a bug. Also if you look at it now someone added a huge image that takes up a whole page in the stream. Condensed should be possible in all streams no matter the content. Also since status updates are not bumped or marked new with a reply, there is no difference in the "Content items only" and "Content items, comments, and reviews" setting. This is noticed more when in their own stream, as it does nothing to the list, but they should be bumped, or the new action s…
Last reply by chilihead, -
- 3 replies
The new activity streams feature is looking great and I can't wait to put it into use! However, I noticed that while it can filter content to show only specific users, it doesn't have an option to show content from certain groups. An additional option to only use content created while the user is/was actually in the group would be nice, too. Alternatively, when content highlights are eventually added, the ability to create activity streams for certain highlights would be a good way for me to achieve my goal as well. (I want to show developer posts for a game, and not every single post is relevant to the entire community.)
Last reply by Charles, -
- 1 follower
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This drives me nuts. When I've edited the theme settings and save them, I'm redirected back to the themes overview. In most cases this is the point where I wish to then view how it looks on the front end and then continue tinkering with the theme settings in the same exact theme. So in 9/10 cases it's far more useful to be redirected to the same tab I was in when I edited theme settings. I don't wish to then suddenly go and edit another theme...
Last reply by TSP, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, just want to ask if the mobile menu is smooth on your device? I have a Nexus 5 and sadly it stutters (not much but noticeable) on Chrome (default browser).
Last reply by GriefCode,