Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,500 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Good Day, I have two sites hosted by Invision (in-the-cloud) and, up to now, I have loved my sites and the service. However, I have to admit my recent experiences have made me a shade cranky. There needs to be a clear and easy to find guide for terminating a site. I put in support tickets which have gone unanswered. I tried doing a support ticket via the Manage your site option and keep getting a Something Went Wrong page. I have searched the current guides and done all that I can do think of to cancel one of my two sites. I finally had to removed my credit card information and cancel automatic payments. This has been far harder than it needs to be. So - my…
Last reply by Dean_, -
- 15 replies
Hello, Since I allowed upload of images on my forum, more and more users with slow connections are getting this non-descriptive error. Thing that makes me mad from your side, dear Invision Community, is that you didn't bother to at least add a description to that error. My findings are that is a thing purely from your side, since my server settings as well as image settings are optimized to the core. Can someone shed some light on this issue?
Last reply by SamGG, -
- 0 replies
Hello, maybe you can add small icons instead "x replies" and "x views" like on WordPress 👇🏼 and also maybe you can add a feature with an icon for showing how many times the topic is shared...
Last reply by Feneroin, -
- 2 replies
Rumbletalk has Record and share short video & audio messages...our community can offer these features?
Last reply by Woodsman, -
- 0 replies
IF I want to create a live quiz between two clubs, for example A against B. Members of each club help each other over the audio to answer questions live. How to organize this event without the members of IPB needing to give personal information (skype account, telephone number, ...)? Because there today the community to which I see stop to written discussiosn. But if we want to make the community alive, create a fun event, impossible?
Last reply by annadaa, -
- 30 replies
How do I change this? It appears to be set at 30 minutes. How to adjust this? I can't see anything in ACP.
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 17 replies
Hello, Today new users do not see all or 50% of the page. Too much information overwhelms the user and therefore they end up leaving the site in a few minutes or seconds. It is recommended to have a "Home Page" with the necessary information of all the areas of the site, in addition to a short description. A great example of a real home page is the one with "". I would like to suggest that you please add a default page with the necessary information for all sections. Best Regards!
Last reply by Sheffielder, -
- 4 replies
This seems like a bug, but when I archived older posts on my forum the archived posts that were made by a member were removed from their member page. For example: has 6 posts, all are archived. None show up on their page, but they do exist: Why would their posts be disconnected from their profile? Is this intentional? If it is intentional, why would their profile not have a "nofollow" tag, as do other profiles with no content? I think you should still be able to find all content posted by a member, even if that content is archived.
Last reply by sadams101, -
- 0 replies
Please give us a native feature to delete private messages and other content created by a known spammer.
Last reply by CoffeeCake, -
- 0 replies
I legit had a freak out when no one could post in any forum (including me) and I was unable to change permissions despite BEING AN ADMINISTRATOR. Come to find out, when I moved forums from the one single category I had previously made to now be category-less, it converted them all to categories. Of course NOTHING communicated this. All I saw was forums that, regardless of being a child of what I explicitly made a category or not, could no longer have any permissions changed aside from "See Forum" (which calling this a forum adds to the confusion). There's no reason to force categories and absolutely no excuse to auto convert types without consent. While seemingly …
Last reply by Derek M., -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
We currently have these Social Profiles available to add to the bottom of our IPS4.4: Facebook Twitter Youtube Tumblr DevianArt Etsy Flickr Foursquare Github Instagram Pinterest LinkedIn Slack Xing Weibo VKontkte I'd like to add a few others like: Soundcloud Twitch Mixer It'd be nice to have an option to add costume one letting us upload our own images. 🙂
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
So this really drives me batty and I think it needs to be fixed, especially with the mobile app coming. I'll start with the suggestion THEN I will explain why I believe its valid. When you click the "show X replies" in the flash message this should include YOUR OWN REPLIES! Now for the explanation: IPS prides itself (and it has been said many times by people like @Matt and @bfarber ) that conversations are linear. "We don't fully ignore posts to give context" thus why ignored posts show up as "ignored" instead of fully disappearing. Its something that is regularly quoted as to why there aren't threaded replies (like on reddit) and whatnot. Well.... let…
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
- 6 replies
Can we get an ACP option/toggle to open ALL links in posts (including internal) in a new tab? I won't even ask for a new toggle. you can add this to the "open External links" thingy to like a drop down or sumthn' 🙂 * Don't suggest middle/Ctrl clicking. Humans are dumb and don't know/remember this feature's existence. Yay? Nay? I vote yay. please?
Last reply by Pavel Chernitsky, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Last reply by LewisP, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Why not offer integration of some marketplace platforms? Then we can continue working on IPS and possible offer community ecommerce ability for our members...
Last reply by kmk, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
It would be great if there was a user option to only receive email notifications when they're offline, or to get a summary email of the notifications that they've missed if they don't visit the site for some period of time (as Stack Overflow does). There's no point getting email notifications when you're actively browsing the site, but equally if you're only an infrequent visitor you don't want to miss any replies to things that you're interested in or that you posted, and something like this would strike that balance (while also helping to boost retention in a user-friendly way).
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I miss request ability to show logo according different language. This little thing made me have to create logo that contains different languages at one image, please complete this internationalization need.
Last reply by kmk, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am using forum to post daily news, in many times we found several news even from differents time they are the same topic, what I would like to do is have these news grouped and show it chronologically, that will made my news section very organized... In case of topics: Need some mechanisc ability that create connection in these topics, when user read one, the others topics will show topics titles that are defined as before and others after. In case of posts( inside of a topic, post differents news that are same topic 😞 Need reorder ability to organize the posts according the data timeline.
Last reply by IP-Gamers, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Search in "Everywhere" should also include tags. Tags should be listed as an option. Options should be multi select.
Last reply by eskaiter, -
- 0 replies
I've brought this up years ago, but wanted to know if there were any plans to improve the cropping of animated photos yet? Currently, the cropping system doesn't work on .gifs and forces the full image to display everywhere regardless of what is done in the cropping process, squishing and pulling it to fit into predefined places. Using max- attributes with a hidden overflow only works on static images and will still squish and pull images to fit within a space that it doesn't fit correctly in. The overflow of this static image is properly hidden, as the cAuthorPane_photo has a max height of 160px but this image is 220px tall: However, this image is bei…
Last reply by ahc, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
At the moment if there is a video embedded in the editor, it can be difficult to remove because clicking it just controls the video. If it was a widget and had a grab handle, it would be a bit easier to control.
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
- 8 replies
I have been looked around Admin Cp but i have found anything. As like i have added the image, it will be possible to add a feature "Background per forum" with a colour or a background image/photo?
Last reply by IP-Gamers, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I would report a feedback with alignment of internal link rich embed Currently there is not a possibility to align the block inside ckeditor, I think this should be a option to align it but the default "justify" ckeditor widget don't catch iframe block because javascript code remove the parent paragraphs <p> (CKEDITOR.plugins._replaceLinkWithEmbed) and the only allowed content alignable is this.allowedContent = { 'caption div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre td th li': { // Do not add elements, but only text-align style if element is validated by other rule. propertiesOnly: true, styles: this.cssClassName ? null : 'text-align', classes: this.cssClassName …
Last reply by Askancy, -
- 2 replies
We'd like to see an easier way to rename applications. While it can be done by editing the furl.json files now, we'd like to see this changed to be included in the ACP without requiring file access or changes, especially for installed third-party applications.
Last reply by CoffeeCake, -
- 26 replies
Hi all, Trying to make Pages similar in usability as Joomla, I suggest to include more templates for database, categories and listing templates. The category listing template is really ugly, they're articles, not a blog! I suggest to include a) The "recipes" and "release notes" should be included as default in every IPB Pages installation. It will not harm to add a lot of ways to show the information. b) Category listing should have options like database's article template (category 3 column feature image). Some very nice things were done by users, why dont include them? c) Import/Export for data OR move content between databases. P…
Last reply by Monique DUFOURNY,