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Archived content vanishes from member's page


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This seems like a bug, but when I archived older posts on my forum the archived posts that were made by a member were removed from their member page. For example:


has 6 posts, all are archived. None show up on their page, but they do exist:


Why would their posts be disconnected from their profile? Is this intentional? If it is intentional, why would their profile not have a "nofollow" tag, as do other profiles with no content?

I think you should still be able to find all content posted by a member, even if that content is archived.

Edited by sadams101
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Yes, I believe this is a bug that should be fixed, and my guess is that IPB probably doesn't see this this as a bug.

I'll likely pay someone to make a plugin to fix this like I have to do with many things in this software (i.e., their 301 redirect links that are used liberally throughout their software, in their widgets, profile pages, page links, etc.).

Oh, and the bug? Why then don't such profiles with no content then have a "noindex" tag like all of the other profiles with no content?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've had a new application created by @DawPi which does the following (I've always thought that the profile page is set up wrong, especially because I have about 5,000+ articles, many by doctors and other authors, and you can't find their About Me without fishing around for it--the about me tab is nearly impossible to find in the mobile format):

1) There is an option to add "noindex, follow" meta tags on profiles where all of the poster's content has been archived;

2) If there is About Me content, there is an option to display that content above the user's Activity Stream, and NOT show the About Me tab. It also removes the About Me tab IF there is no About Me content. You can see this here:


3) If the user has posts that have been archived, a new "Achives" tab will appear on their profile, and when you click it all of their archived posts can be found (currently they are detached from the user forever, and cannot be linked to the user).

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