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  1. I know, but my question is - is it possible to get a free trial as a 10+ year old client, to test them on my own server.
  2. As the topic question says - is it possible? 30 days or something, so I can test it with my forum, because I will probably buy it. Don't see it as an option anywhere. @Matt@bfarber
  3. Didn't know that. Please tag someone from the team, or tell me their name and I will tag them. Thanks.
  4. As I said, it is like they didn't make it at all. : )
  5. Neither did I saw them change their minds. It is like they literally ignore their paying customers. And I've been a paying customer for the last 10 years. @bfarbercare to explain to us, paying customers, why is SO HARD to leave an OPTION for US to decide what type of post count do we want to have?
  6. Yeah, it seems so. I just don't understand how can't they make an app for this in last couple of years.
  7. So, as usual, NO official answer to the paying customers, why did they remove normal post count and why didn't they leave as it is or at least gave as an option? Are you turning into Apple styled company? It is so annoying to see on my front page some abbreviation, not a full count of posts. This is literally one line of code, and you didn't want to leave it as an option. It shows to me how you appreciate your customers.
  8. As the title goes, so as you can see, one of my users has 033 nickname, but when quoted, he is listed as 33. I think that is a bug, when you were giving values to usernames. Can this be upgraded?
  9. Thank you. Is there an official explanation why do we have to do this manually?
  10. Yes, IPS theme, 4.5.2: <header> <div class='ipsLayout_container'> {template="logo" app="core" group="global" params=""} {{if !\in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}} </div> </header>
  11. I only have {template="mobileNavigation" if="theme.responsive" app="core" group="global" params=""} Can @bfarber or someone explain me, why do I have to edit template, to have a functional mobile web?
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