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    SUBRTX reacted to Chris Anderson in Add PHP Compatibility to all Marketplace Apps Going Forward   
    Please see my findings attached below.  If a customer installs the suite on a site running PHP 8 or higher one would assume that all of the marketplace apps would be compatible based on the statement above. Even though PHP 8 has been around for 1 1/2 years many marketplace apps are not in fact fully compatible and in some instances, they will break a site hard if they are enabled with PHP 8 running. You might be expecting marketplace developers to keep their apps compatible with each new PHP release, but they are not consistently meeting those expectations.
    A lot of assumptions are at play here.  I'm simply recommending that IPS and marketplace developers be more explicit around PHP compatibility to minimize problems going forward.
    Encouraging customers to upgrade to PHP 8 could be very problematic if many custom and marketplace developers have not ensured their apps are fully compatible. A site is bound to show very strange behavior that will be difficult to trace from a customer's perspective and IPS support and marketplace developers.
    I updated to PHP 8 approximately a month ago while testing out 4.7 betas.  I reenabled all of my third-party apps and I couldn't log into the ACP any longer.  Revert back to PHP 7.4 and I could.  After disabling all third-party resources, I painstakingly reenabled them one at a time to find out the last resource was NOT compatible with PHP 8. It's quite possible that those individuals that had purchased that particular resource hadn't updated to PHP 8 so the developer never received any reports of incompatibilities,   I myself had used the app without any incident for a year but on PHP 7.4. 
    Once being apprised of the situation; I was told the resource had not been vetted to run on PHP 8.  So as long as I don't enable that app which has great value to my site, I can use all of the others.  I have only installed a small portion of third-party apps so I don't know how many more will be problematic.  There might be just enough apps incompatible with PHP 8 that I won't be able to update to that version for some time.  So I will revert back to PHP 7.4 which will be problematic as some of my resources will only support PHP 8 going forward as the developer has chosen to drop support for PHP 7.4 going forward.  
    Each PHP version currently available has minus and plusses in their use.  I'm simply encouraging some clarity around the issue so that customers can choose a version that's best for their unique needs and have the requisite information to make an informed decision. That should come from both the IPS team and marketplace developers.  The more forthcoming you are the less one-on-one support interactions you will have to endure.
    PHP Audit.docx
  2. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Chris Anderson in Add PHP Compatibility to all Marketplace Apps Going Forward   
    Many self-hosted servers are setup to support running just one version of PHP.  All PHP scripts need to support that particular version or there will be compatibility issues. 
    Now that PHP 7.4 is approaching it's EOL there will be a concerted effort by developers to ensure their PHP code supports PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 in the very near future.
    The challenge is that some developers will release products that will only work when PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1 is running on a server as they will have decided to abandon support for PHP 7.4 all together.
    So IPS and custom and marketplace apps will support (or not) a variety of vastly different PHP versions for the next several years. 
    With the upcoming release of 4.7 developers are already starting to upload compatible updates of their apps.
    The rule of thumb in the past has been that marketplace submissions had to fully support PHP 7.4 and support for PHP 8 or higher was optional, so there was little reason to note PHP compatibility.
    Now that PHP 8 support is no longer going to be optional but will soon be a necessity the marketplace will need to track PHP compatibility for each new release. 
    After a quick audit of the new marketplace releases, some developers are being very diligent and are clearly noting which PHP versions are supported and some are not.
    It would be nice to put into place a marketplace guideline that all new uploads post 4.7 should clearly state which PHP version or versions that release is fully compatible with.
    That way customers can audit their marketplace purchases to see if all of them will uniformly support a particular PHP version. 
    It would be great if IPS added an additional "File Information" attribute as shown below to allow customers to more readily see and search for PHP version compatibility on this site and in the ACP marketplace.

    Hopefully, PHP 8.2 and beyond we won't have to worry so much about PHP compatibility. 
  3. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Stuart Silvester in Profiles reload when first opened   
    I have opened an internal issue for this so one of our front-end developers can look into it.
  4. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Marc Stridgen in Profiles reload when first opened   
    I have tagged our developers on this so they can review what you are referring to on the loading of that item
  5. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to KT Walrus in Recent slow loading to the point members are giving up   
    I don't know what your specific issue is all about, but I recommend you sign up for a free Cloudflare account regardless. You will need to move your domain's DNS to Cloudflare to put Cloudflare in between your users and your VPS. Cloudflare will really make a difference, even if you don't end up upgrading to a paid account. 
  6. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Nathan Explosion in Please can you disable purchases on all of my Marketplace listings?   
    @Daniel F can you revert this for me please? My break is over, my beer fund needs a top-up.
  7. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to opentype in invoice has expired but member cannot renew   
    That’s why it never gets fixed. IPS just pretends there is no issue with excuses. The expiration isn’t the point. It’s the fact that an existing expired invoice on file blocks future purchases, which is very clearly wrong and not how ANY other subscription service on the planet is working. If I subscribe to a newspaper and cancel it, I will always be able to start FRESH in the future. Of course I am. It’s what I want, it’s what the newspaper wants. Why would the software prevent it for now reason against my will and the provider’s will? The Washington Post or Netflix aren’t saying “oh, your subscription expired 5 years ago, so you will never ever be able to start a new subscription”. That would be insane. But it is how IPS has coded it. And that it even fine in the sense, that things like that happen. It was probably an honest mistake to set it up like that originally. But it is not fine to not own up to it and correct it after admin after admin runs into this problem for years, loosing money because people willing to continue a subscription can’t and just give up.
    Not letting invoices expire is a work-around at best, it’s the not the proper solution. If someone would let the subscription expire and they did not use it for years, the SHOULD be starting fresh with with any product and the current conditions, maybe even higher prices, because their subscription has expired years ago. Why should I set it so that they will forever be able to pick up the old subscription just so users don’t run into this problem of not being able to continue a subscription at all. This is objectively flawed. An expired invoice is meaningless. It should not block people from buying the product like a new subscriber. Anyone with expired subscriptions should get exactly the same offers as someone who never had a subscription to begin with. 
  8. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to LiquidFractal in Support php 8.1   
    The other thing to remember is that while Invision may support 8.0/8.1.x, this isn't necessarily true for third-party developers, who are of varying aptitude.  I just installed PHP 8.0.x on my development site, which dies with an error 500 unless I disable my third-party customizations (which means that one of them isn't coding properly somewhere for PHP 8.x).  And I don't currently have time to troubleshoot.  So there's support, and then there's support.
  9. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to opentype in How can a member eliminate his account?   
    Yeah, it doesn’t make sense. The arguments against it are objectively flawed and I have explained this many times. But if management doesn’t want it, what can you do. At least we have the third-party options. 
  10. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to OptimusBain in How can a member eliminate his account?   
    I don't understand, really. You are telling me that a user cannot delete his account or at least request a deletion? That should be a core feature and not something that has be paid. That doesn't make sense. 
    Users will have an option to disable/delete an account. It's the normal behaviour, like adding a new user or editing it.
    This is not possible at present, only via a plugin created by Adriano Faria.  
  11. Haha
    SUBRTX reacted to TAMAN in Ukraine emoji flag?   
    thats not the rooster i posted

  12. Haha
    SUBRTX reacted to HeadStand in More developers leaving?   
    I will probably do this until retirement, so we've got at least 20 years to go. 🙂 
    Or unless I marry rich. Seems unlikely. And even then I'd probably work or I'd go crazy.
  13. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to HeadStand in More developers leaving?   
    Just renewed my license and all my modifications should be active again shortly.
  14. Haha
    SUBRTX reacted to opentype in Support Renewal Alert Out of Sync with Date   
  15. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Dean_ in Basic Points (Support)   
    All fixed, thank you.
    Is it going to be the first half of this year do you know? As it's holding me back with what I want to do with the community. 😔
  16. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Grafidea in Optimization for speed   
    IPS is commercial not open source. Either way, they will have to optimize what the internet and the future require 😃
  17. Haha
    SUBRTX reacted to Everade in Light / dark mode button - themes   
    Someone here is fearing to missout on dark theme sales.
    This would be a great addition, and has become standard for any great web service these days.
    For example right now i'm almost losing my perceptual vision because i'm on this website.
  18. Agree
    SUBRTX got a reaction from Michael.J in Basic Points (Support)   
    Hello, I fixed the issue. I don't know why but my original code in the forumsource.php is different from yours, here is mine:
    /** * Set form for creating a node of this type in a club * * @param \IPS\Helpers\Form $form Form object * @return void */ public function clubForm( \IPS\Helpers\Form $form ) { try { /* Club points disabled? */ if( !\IPS\Settings::i()->basicPoints_club_points ) { return parent::clubForm( $form ); } /* Add tab for default fields */ $form->addTab('basicpoints_club_settings'); /* Show default fields */ parent::clubForm( $form ); I have this "Try" in my code.
    So, I added the extra code from the fixed solution, and keep that "try", and my setting didn't reset and club feature is normal
    /** * Set form for creating a node of this type in a club * * @param \IPS\Helpers\Form $form Form object * @return void */ public function clubForm( \IPS\Helpers\Form $form, \IPS\Member\Club $club ) { try { /* Club points disabled? */ if( !\IPS\Settings::i()->basicPoints_club_points ) { return parent::clubForm( $form, $club ); } /* Add tab for default fields */ $form->addTab('basicpoints_club_settings'); /* Show default fields */ parent::clubForm( $form, $club );  
  19. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Matt in Stripe Tracking & Telemetry   
    It's why you guys are the best. You help make us better.
  20. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Michael.J in Basic Points (Support)   
    Thanks for reporting, I've put up a manual patch until the next update is released here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/bugs/other-paid-products/basic-points/clubs-add-topic-error-r357/
  21. Agree
    SUBRTX got a reaction from Patreon Lukazuki in What is this loading on profile page?   
    Just upgraded to latest version yesterday. (never happened on 4.5.x)
    I thought it only occur on my site, but here on IPS, same thing happened, it's annoying and could take some times to load if you're using cell phone network.

  22. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to RevengeFNF in Hump Day: 4.6.9 Beta 1 is out! 🎉   
    PHP 8.1 was also released today. Anyone tried it to check if everything works fine?
  23. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to EmpireKicking in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    We need more seasons theme, like Halloween, Easter and whatnot 🙂 Be cool to click a option and theme becomes Halloween. With bats flying or something. It's Halloween and I have nothing going. Option in the setting to add fontawesome icons for post bit
    As I need to add location and Gender
  24. Like
    SUBRTX reacted to Dean_ in Basic Points (Support)   
    I had to revert to PHP 7.4.
  25. Haha
    SUBRTX reacted to AlexWebsites in Way to Disable Upgrade Banner?   
    It is a bit annoying especially if you don't upgrade right away. Once is enough or maybe a little message by the version # saying "upgrade available". This huge announcement type banner on the front end and back end is overkill. I would pay for a plugin to eliminate that.
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