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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Check your .htaccess as it still is likely referencing your old folder name and would need to be adjusted. You can download a new one in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> Rewrite URLs. If that is not it, one of our techs can assist further in your ticket.
  2. There is no delete all messages button, I'm afraid. To delete a status update, you will need to click the status update and view it. You can do this by clicking the status update in the block or going to the profile of the user who posted it. You can then delete it by clicking "Options" then "Delete" as outlined below in the screenshot. Moderator permissions control what you can moderate on the front-end of your community, such as here. You will need to ensure your group has correct moderator permissions. Administrator permissions control what you can do in the Admin Control Panel so simply because you have an administrator account does not mean you have moderator permissions. For more on this, you can read the following Guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/creating-administrators-and-moderators-r31/
  3. You will want to go to the status update itself and ensure you're a moderator which can either delete or hide the status update.
  4. This is through the Recently Browsing block. You can drag/drop this to your topic template by using the Block Manager: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/using-the-block-manager-r309/
  5. Please submit a ticket if you’re experiencing an issue. We will be happy to assist 🙂 .
  6. Curious, is there a reason not to just break this subset of Club users who only would have access to a specific "forum" to another Club?
  7. Jim M

    Block Manager

    Possible already with our Pages application 🙂
  8. Disable all third party apps and plugins then test registering. More than likely one is outdated or not yet compatible with 4.5 and causing you issues. You can then re-enable one by one to find the culprit if it works. Just be sure to disable the Spam Defense system so you don’t get marked as a spammer with many test registrations.
  9. You'll want to edit the standard login handler and choose email address as the authentication type in System > Login & Registration. You can only force users to follow content they've created. The following will change these preferences for new users: Members > Notifications > Followed Content. The @ symbol.
  10. You can customize the staff directory page by going to ACP > System > Staff Directory. If you believe someone is maliciously attempting to access your account because they have your display name, you can switch logins to emails only as well. Those aren’t publicly viewable by the system.
  11. We're aware of it and working towards a solution, per Daniel's post that he linked to 🙂
  12. That would indicate that there are no tags setup in ACP -> System -> Posting -> Tags. If you are using a closed tag system, tags have to be defined there.
  13. On iOS, use Safari and click the share button -> add to home screen. On Android, use Chrome, click the menu -> add to home screen. There is no popup message for PWA.
  14. Can use the following guide as a base, just need to grab the contents of the file Google gave you and name the page the same as the file theyve provided you. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/pages/tips-tricks_361/creating-a-robotstxt-or-adstxt-file-r318/
  15. There are 3 options for CAPTCHA for you to choose from in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> CAPTCHA tab. Whichever is selected there is used throughout your community where CAPTCHA is necessary. Additionally, reCAPTCHA v1 by Google was deprecated (the one with the letters/numbers you had to type) so was removed quite some time ago.
  16. There is not a separate mobile view in our software as a responsive architecture is used (aka we adapt the view based on screen-size). CSS loads for a whole page regardless of what screen-size is used. You would need to use media queries to specify what parts of your custom CSS should render for certain screen-sizes: https://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp
  17. Font sizes, left/middle/right justifying text, etc... can all be done with the editor toolbar. Realistically, there is no need to allow members access to HTML as virtually all editor functions can be had in the toolbar similarly to MS Word. HTML should only be given to administrators or trusted individuals who in an extremely rare case need to do something elaborate with HTML. Editing in source HTML removes some validation which is done so it is only recommended to allow this for trusted individuals in rare circumstances. It is worth noting that BBCode (if you allow it in 4.5) will still be processed in Invision Community but upon submitted it will be transcribed in the database just like every other post. Meaning if you go back to edit that post in source, it will not be in BBCode but HTML.
  18. I would suggest checking out their website, likely answer your basic questions. As we've installed everything for you in the base software, you just basically use the HTML wherever HTML is accepted in our software. FA example: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/examples/ FA Icon list: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/
  19. Other issue is that the number can change with other moderator functions too like split/merge/delete/etc... Not really ideal to statically number things in a dynamic world. Most older posts in a topic might not change but this is a good example where numbering can get confusing. If they are referencing those posts in a separate topic, I would recommend using the permalink as @Morgin mentioned. This is the way to reference an individual post outside of a topic. If a user is commenting on a post in the same topic, the "quote" feature should be used to reference it. If a member is just wanting to save a post for their own future reading/reference, a bookmark tool like in your browser or the app you mentioned are a good way to revisit.
  20. Couple things to mention (note: I am not an expert at SEO. If you need exact answers or help reaching out to an SEO agency/specialist may be your best bet) : Changing your software will more than likely itself cause a URL change as most software have some varying URL configurations/naming conventions. In addition, you changed the location of the software on your domain so this will also cause a URL change. During this period, your organic traffic may dip but should recover as the search engine re-indexes these new URLs. 301 means a permanent redirect and instructs the search engine the old URL should not be indexed anymore. A 301 passes all the link value a discarded URL has accumulated over the years over to the new URL, so it causes the new URL to gain or retain value. Thus, it is OK and recommended to leave these in place. More on redirects: https://yoast.com/which-redirect/ Meta keywords are no longer part of Google's and other search engine's algorithm. Google in May did a huge algorithm change: https://medium.com/better-marketing/google-may-2020-algorithm-update-4-key-changes-and-how-to-adjust-9fdd6294b83c
  21. Correct. Only the block (widget) would display this information.
  22. Are, at minimum, 5 of those 10 posts in a single topic and within 60 minutes of each other?
  23. Are you using Google AdSense's auto ads? If so, this is likely what is happening. You will need to disable this in Google AdSense.
  24. There are no limits other than what is displayed on the upload UI and controlled by your member group settings. Keep in mind, if the gif animated, this can impact the server resource consumption as well. You may wish to switch to GD if you’re running Imagemagick and do a lot of animated gifs. You’re welcome to submit a ticket to see if we can find something to help you go back to your hosting provider with.
  25. If you were uploading a large gif, this likely hit some resource limits on your server when attempting to process it. Smaller images are not hitting this error due to it is not using the same resource consumption by your server. Your hosting provider would need to confirm by looking in your logs. That error coming back is a processing issue on the server (not software), I'm afraid.
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