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Invision Community Team
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  1. Like
    Marc reacted to Dean_ in Username glow for groups   
    Be sure to enable this too.
  2. Like
    Marc got a reaction from brfcs in Bulk email failed after 300 sends, can I bulk resend?   
    You can set up any mail that uses SMTP by adding the relevant details into the email settings area. You can see how to do this here if needed
  3. Like
    Marc reacted to Jim M in Which i can do with Pages addon?   
    Pages is our Content Management System(CMS) application. Has a lot built into it. I would suggest starting in our Guides to get a feel for what it can do: 
    Can create static and dynamic pages, build Databases to create an article system (or other custom data types), custom blocks/widgets, and more. 
  4. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Jim M in Here we go again.. Facebook action required   
    You would need to email all members to let them know if they use facebook login, they need to reset. There is no way in which to specifically target users with facebook login at present
  5. Thanks
    Marc reacted to Matt in Achievements - Days/Months/Years of Active Membership   
    There's a bit of confusion here from my brief responses. I'll be a little more verbose in this reply. 😄
    Here's how the system should work and why:
    The rule 'Member logs in for the first time that day'...
    ... offers two options. "Time since registered" and "concurrent daily login". These are two different things.

    The time since registered, is simply an award based on the length of time since they joined.
    The concurrent daily log in is simply an award based on the number of days concurrently logged in (so logged in daily without fail for N days).
    This rule is triggered by a new session being started. A new session is started in the code for you when you either manually log in with a form/button or visit with cookies stored.

    Starting with Invision Community 4.6, we record the log-in date in a separate table.

    With 4.6, when a session is created, a row is either added or updated for that day.
    This means that from 4.6, future rebuilds CAN award the "concurrent log in" badges without a user needing to log in again IF they have logged into your 4.6+ version at any time.
    With regards to time since registered: if you chose to rebuild your achievements, the rebuild iterates through your members and looks for valid full members, who have visited at any point since you launched your community and checks to see if their joined date is old enough for the badge.
    If you chose not to rebuild your achievements, then you would need to wait until a user comes back and log ins to create a new session and trigger the event.
    Hopefully this clears it up. I understand it's a bit confusing and it seems like you've had overlapping answers because it's a fairly complex part of the suite and what happens is really conditional on the length of time since you've upgraded to 4.6, and when you last rebuilt your data and when your users last visited.
  6. Like
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in There's something wrong with .mov files embedding   
    I can see this happening with MOV files here and opened a bug report on this. It appears it is happening with any device that cannot natively play them. Not only can you not show the video (expected) but you cannot download it (not expected)
  7. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Kjell Iver Johansen in Firefox Problems   
    Excellent find! I will get some more information on that my end now, and see if we can get this confirmed, then logged as a bug
  8. Like
    Marc reacted to Zone Plate in Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.   
    Bingo! I had a related issue with an old app that I moved out of the folder as a copy. I would have never figured this out.
  9. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from Joachim Sandstrom in How taxes work for each country?   
    You would find what is being referred to above in Commerce->Payments->Settings->Tax Rates within your ACP (Admin CP). You can choose from either a single rate per country, Separate consumer and business rates, or European VAT rates where there is a differentiation between VAT-registered and none VAT-Registered companies
  10. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Jheroen in Column count doesn't match value count at row 1   
    No problem. If you are happy with the resolution there, all good.
  11. Like
    Marc reacted to opentype in How taxes work for each country?   
    There is no universal list. It depends on what is legally required in your country. 
    There can also be distinction between business-to-business sales and business-to-consumer sales and there is an additional condition within in the EU about VAT ID numbers. But again, all of that depends on your country. 
  12. Like
    Marc reacted to Jim M in How do I move a post?   
    For those wondering, "Split" is the command which will allow you to split a post from a topic and either make a new topic out of it or add it to an existing topic.
  13. Like
    Marc reacted to WP V0RT3X in How to create a social subset of the Member group?   
    With this he can ...
  14. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Luciann in Clearing themes cache   
    It can only really be cache external to the software if theme updates arent showing after clearing cache. I would suggest contacting your hosting company on that issue
  15. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Meddysong in Posts disappearing from board since upgrade to 4.6   
    I have created a ticket for you on this. Its impossible to say without investigation why this may have happened. 
  16. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from marklcfc in What happens if great content badge is awarded twice?   
    If the same member is awarded the same item on 2 occasions, it would indeed get awarded twice. Say for example, 2 separate posts for being helpful. So on the profile it would actually show twice, with 2 links to the items in question.
    For example, 'Mr Test' here has 2 badges for being helpful

  17. Like
    Marc reacted to Daniel F in Bulk email failed after 300 sends, can I bulk resend?   
    Yes, they have a limit of 500 emails per day
  18. Like
    Marc got a reaction from TAMAN in Clearing themes cache   
    It can only really be cache external to the software if theme updates arent showing after clearing cache. I would suggest contacting your hosting company on that issue
  19. Like
    Marc reacted to opentype in Bulk email failed after 300 sends, can I bulk resend?   
    What method/service is set up to send emails?
    My guess would be that you use your hosting provider and they limit the amount of mails you can send out. 
  20. Like
    Marc reacted to Matt in 429 Too many requests   
    I would ask them to define what they mean by "too many". It could mean 5000, or it could mean 5.

    It sounds like a host that is trying to fit large sites on small footprints.
  21. Like
    Marc reacted to Stuart Silvester in Why has my custom Java and CSS disappeared?   
    Hi Nigel,
    I think you're looking at the global theme editor instead of the specific to Pages.
    The CSS and Javascript files for Pages are stored in a different place, go to AdminCP > Pages > Templates.

  22. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Dexter_X in Online Users doesn't always show correctly   
    Just an update. I have sent this up to our tier 2 developers to take a look at this and see whats happening. 
  23. Like
    Marc reacted to Ehren in A way to add "members only" after forum titles?   
    Hi @Redmak
    I do something similar on my own forums, however I show an overlay to non-customers (basically guests or regular members). If an admin or customer is viewing the site, the overlay isn't shown. I use css to achieve this, and it only involves a minor template modification on globalTemplate.
    This technique can easily be adjusted to show the icon/message to members instead. To use this technique on your site, open your globalTemplate file and find:
    <html Change that to:
    <html data-group-id='{expression="member.member_group_id"}' That will output the member group ID of the current visitor. We can now use something like the below code to display a message or icon next to certain forum names. This example will add a "Members only" badge next to forum #81 if the person viewing your site is in group 3 ("Members" by default):
    [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='81'] .ipsDataItem_title::after{ content: 'Members only'; font-size: 0.6em; font-weight: bold; background: rgb(var(--theme-text_light)); color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; padding: .2em .7em; margin-left: .7em; } If you're unfamiliar with CSS, you can add this badge to multiple forums by duplicating and comma separating the top line like so:
    [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='81'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='82'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='105'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='202'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='231'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='232'] .ipsDataItem_title::after{ content: 'Members only'; font-size: 0.6em; font-weight: bold; background: rgb(var(--theme-text_light)); color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; padding: .2em .7em; margin-left: .7em; } Or, if you'd rather use the padlock instead:
    [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='81'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='82'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='105'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='202'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='231'] .ipsDataItem_title::after, [data-group-id='3'] [data-forumid='232'] .ipsDataItem_title::after{ content: '🔒'; }  
    Does that help?
  24. Like
    Marc reacted to Stuart Silvester in Date format in Calendar date picker   
    Unfortunately, this is controlled by your browser, the browser language settings and in some cases, your OS locale settings. It isn't something we have any control over.
  25. Like
    Marc reacted to action-reaction in I can't install the forum   
    Hello Marc,
    I tried once again and this time it works at first time.

    I will change the menu in the next days, so if that problem is back, I will make a point here.
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