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Invision Community Team
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  1. Haha
    Marc reacted to DaiAku in Group Promotions   
    Hah, my first post finds a bug!
    Thanks for following up on it!
  2. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Automatically Follow Content Setting?   
    You can setup the option as enabled by default in ACP. Any member who has not edited their notification setting for that specific option will have it automatically enabled after your change.
  3. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Change web address   
    Here you go:
    In your case, if you're keeping the same server and only changing the URL, start from step #3.
  4. Like
    Marc reacted to Nathan Explosion in Can Users Access my Invision-based Community Site through a Mobile App?   
    See here on how to get the Web App setup for users to install.
  5. Like
    Marc got a reaction from G17 Media in Assign an ID to Revisions link on Articles page   
    I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for here. The intention of the platform is to make life easy for users. Its not clear why exactly you would want people not to be able to download calendar entries
  6. Like
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in I cannot receive notification about registration   
    It is indeed possible if there are issues with smtp on the server. As the emails are indeed being sent, you would need to investigate alongside your hosting company to ascertain why emails are not being sent via the SMTP method
  7. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Italy Photography Studio in I cannot receive notification about registration   
    It is indeed possible if there are issues with smtp on the server. As the emails are indeed being sent, you would need to investigate alongside your hosting company to ascertain why emails are not being sent via the SMTP method
  8. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from WebCMS in Reduce the number of revisions stored   
    The issue you are having there is with your custom theme unfortunately. When creating a default unaltered theme on your site, the revision button is showing 
  9. Haha
    Marc got a reaction from Afrodude in Reduce the number of revisions stored   
  10. Thanks
    Marc reacted to Nathan Explosion in Reduce the number of revisions stored   
    The answer you gave is in relation to Downloads, not Pages, hence the confusion.

  11. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Atomic Kurt in Recurring Coupon for Subscription   
    No problem. Was just trying to give you options based on what is currently available there. Please feel free to post this up within our feedback area, if you wish to see something like this appear in the future.
  12. Like
    Marc reacted to Daniel F in Turning off Tags still display tags in Activity, Streams, etc.   
    I fixed it for the next release
  13. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from WebCMS in Turning off Tags still display tags in Activity, Streams, etc.   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  14. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Vodafone CZ in I cant change value in streams settings   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  15. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Turning off Tags still display tags in Activity, Streams, etc.   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  16. Thanks
    Marc reacted to Adriano Faria in Turning off Tags still display tags in Activity, Streams, etc.   
    It should “remove” from viewing, if that’s what you meant.
    That’s a similar situation that was “fixed”: 
  17. Agree
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Error uploading multiple images to gallery   
    This is a server issue. You need to contact your hosting about it:
    ModSecurity: Access denied with code 44 (phase 2).  
    They must either disable/tweak the ModSecurity rule triggered by the gallery uploads or disable it completely.
  18. Like
    Marc reacted to G17 Media in New deployment option for Invision Community Classic   
    IPS won't do this because their cloud system doesn't work like this. However, we actually locally maintain our own Docker "master image" which has all of our custom apps and tweaks to IPS - as well as custom written ability to automatically upgrade (e.g. automatic database and IPS formatted application upgrades) as well as automatically install for testing branches etc. It doesn't actually require any changes to IPS' core code (at least for v4 😆), so you can definitely hire a developer or work on doing the same in-house if you want a serviceable Docker image.
    IPS give us the software, it's up to us how we chose to install/deploy/configure it.
  19. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Posts counters to reflect total number of posts in forums list   
    We actually have an open bug report for this 🙂
  20. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Joey_M in Alert to multiple members (not groups)   
    No problem 🙂 
  21. Like
    Marc got a reaction from G17 Media in New deployment option for Invision Community Classic   
    As with the above assumption on how our cloud platform works, this is also incorrect. We dont actually support any environment. We support the product, and state the following
    The added line related to windows server is in absolutely no way at all related to how its set up. Its related to the fact we have seen on many occasions issues when people are using IIS. Usually surrounding things like permissions etc, but often related to the underlying server setup. Not necessarily just IIS. 
    I have to admit to being a little confused as to why you believe this to be the case? We don't "spin up" a new box when someone creates a new cloud instance. Its essentially just an account. While it will have it owns files (things that people have uploaded) and its own data, it doesn't necessarily mean it will have its own instance of the software. You are thinking of this in terms of an installation that is done on self hosted, and cloud just doesn't work in that manner in any way. 
    We are not likely to get into the decisions made on a daily basis for each items we decide on. Its simply not feesable. We have too many things we make decisions on daily. However I can put this into some context for you by asking you a simple question. If in your job, whatever that happens to be, you could do something that would add nothing at all in terms of value as a company. Would you do it? The reality is, the 'self-hosted' product is a shrinking market. We have made changes to the licensing to ensure that its viable for the immediate future for our customers. But we need to be selective over what we spend development time on, and things such as these are not really of huge value.
    Note again, it's not a decision that I would personally make. However I'm giving you the reasoning why its probably unlikely. 
  22. Like
    Marc got a reaction from AlexWebsites in 504 Gateway Time-out - invisioncommunity.com   
    It has been 🙂 
  23. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from WebCMS in Articles are disabled   
    Looks like there was an issue with a small number of sites and keys over night, which has now been resolved.
  24. Like
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in Just experienced 10 minutes of downtime (Invision Cloud)   
    For issues on the cloud platform itself, you are best to create a ticket when you can. Just so the correct people get that right away 🙂 
  25. Like
    Marc reacted to Joey_M in Alert to multiple members (not groups)   
    Does anyone know if there's a third-party existing plugin/app that brings further functions to the alerts feature?
    Thanks, @Marc. I will make the suggestion in due time. 🙂 
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