I have taken a quick look at your site, and before we continue, you really need to take a look at your 3rd party installations. At present you have errors being logged constantly from them, so even getting to the error messages you mention here is proving difficult.
Currently you have:
A banner at the top of the page stating you have PHP8 incompatible items present. Thos will break things, and you need to address this
36 x 3rd party applications. 16 of these are stating there are updates, so at least 16 are out of date, and there is no guarentee the others arent either. You would need to check. I would highly suggest checking and cutting back on these where you can
28 x 3rd party plugins. As with the above, there are 3 of these showing you they are out of date at last, and it may well simply be the others dont check for updates.
You also have 3rd party themes that are showing out of date on there.
For context here, just of the 3rd party plugins & applications, there are 222 3rd party hooks, meaning 222 possible points of failure outside of the main software.