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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. We do not offer downloadable trials unfortunately. It would be a separate instance you would need to use, which is available as a trial on cloud from our main page It would not be a separate installation. It would be part of your current install. So what you would do there is actually move your current community to root where your current CMS is. You can then set the pages application as your default application. This is not something available at the present time. You could however potentially make use of things like zapier for these kinds of things.
  2. You could do this by using a stream. So create a new stream with all the items you wish to see, and then you will see in the top right there is a "Send me email updates" link 🙂
  3. You would need to contact your hosting company in order to ascertain why things cannot be written to. Thats not really something we would be able to answer
  4. There is no way in which to do this with the native platform. Nor has there ever been on version 4
  5. It should indeed be true when its enabled. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  6. As mentioned already, this is something you need to be sorting out at a server level, rather than a software level. If they are able to hit your site to do that many logins, you already have an issue way before it gets to the software.
  7. As mentioned in one of your other tickets, the first thing to do here is to upgrade to the latest release of the platform. At the moment you are 34 releases behind, including multiple which are security releases
  8. I would advise before anything else, upgrading to the latest release
  9. Im not actually sure what you mean here, to be honest. Are you looking at 3 levels of bar here?
  10. This can be found in the following location within your admin CP. System->Settings->Terms and Privacy Policy You would be switching off the "Show terms of service confirmation or cookie bar to Guests?" option
  11. In order to do that, you would indeed need to licenses for the 2 public facing sites
  12. This isnt the case. As mentioned by Nathan above, you can do this on a localhost install. What you cant do is have 2 online sites running. One with your v4 and one with your v5, which is what I thought you were referring to there
  13. I get what you are saying there, however, the changes were put into place to ensure the viability of the classic self-hosted product going into the future. Of course, this doesn't affect your current license unless you want to switch to those new terms. The reality is, that the new terms are less expensive for some, and more expensive for others (if you would not have previously purchased multiple applications). But exactly the same for any current license holder, as their terms haven't changed. (unless you choose to do so). The majority of our customers will find any new license they purchase cheaper, and will certainly find comfort in the fact we made changes to ensure viability. In terms of what we are referring to here in terms of renewals, yes, of course paying for something you have been using is more expensive than not paying for something you have been using.
  14. You would need to run within your license agreement. So this would be only 1 live install, and a non-accessible test install if needed.
  15. We will of course have more blogs coming in due time, however if you are interested in development items, be sure to follow our developer blogs https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/devblog/blog/
  16. This would be in Members>Staff>Moderators. Edit the entry in question, visit the content tab, and set the "Can set a future publishing date?" setting
  17. There are no emoji packs available from ourselves, other than what is preinstalled. As far as marketplace is concerned, there may well be people who provide these, you would have to take a look through the providers list. In terms of removing, there is no way in which to do this. Those are not emoticons, but rather standard emojis which are available on most devices natively
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. It is worth noting that The monthly releases, for the most part, are exactly what you have requested there 🙂
  20. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  21. While I understand the frustration, unfortunately changing a version of jquery is a major change. As such its not just a simple case of "Lets just get that done". As much as we would like to make these changes quickly, there are times things need to be done within a major release. In terms of 5.x, we have said in a few topics and blogs, we are moving to naive javascript over time. However that will not happen in the first rendition of 5.
  22. Licenses that are under the new terms that are not renewed after 24 months will be expired permanently and cannot be renewed.
  23. Please upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and then get this again.
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