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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There is no mechanism for that within the login handlers at present. You would need development for that.
  2. Glad to hear you got where you needed 🙂
  3. If thats the case, recreate a new block with the same contents, in the manner I described here.
  4. You would ned to speak to the author of that theme, if its not showing only on your new theme
  5. Yes, that would be correct. The problem you have here, is you are trying to both have forums as your main page, and not have forums has your main page, depending on person. Thats not possible unfortunately
  6. You are on the forums page, so it will indeed be showing the stats. What you are trying to do there is change the forum page into something that isnt the forum page. You would have likely been better to create a new page in the pages application and set pages to your default application if you are doing it like this, to be honest
  7. What you could be best doing with that block, would be to create a new block in the admin CP which is a custom block. You can use that as a template, and with doing it this way you can set specific permissions. So for that popular contributors block for example Go to Pages->Page Management->Blocks in the admin CP Click "Create new block" Under "Plugin" select "Popular contributors" and click next Give it whatever name you wish in the name section, then click save Remove the permission for guests, and click save Now you have created a custom block, you can add it to the front end Open the block manager on the page Drag the "Pages->Custom blocks" block to the page Click to edit that block and choose the custom block you created In this way you can create any number of blocks with exactly the permission you wish
  8. If this is happening often, we would need examples of it. Also, do you have other methods of registration being used at all?
  9. Indeed, it seems that the issue described by my colleague. Something is redirecting to https however your site isnt set to use https. You can make your site use https from your conf_global.php file by changing the URL there
  10. It prevents registration with those users. They could then try another username should they wish to do so. That entry you show is not a default entry, no
  11. We have sendgrid integration, which may well serve your purposes. You can integrate with this in System->Site Features->Integrations
  12. It may not actually be called itvcontact. But that is what the hook its using is called. So it may indeed be (PC) Contact for example
  13. Blocks will show only if the content they contain can be seen by the viewer. So in the case of these, they are members blocks, gallery blocks etc. So you would need to remove permission from guests to view those items in order to remove the blocks. Looking at module permissions may serve you better for some https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/managing-members/member-permissions-r305/
  14. Sorry, Im a little confused here. If you need to point the @ record elsewhere, you could just do that first, then reset the URL in your client area.
  15. As previously mentioned, only items relevant to the person viewing are shown. If there are no items relevant to that specific person, then a sidebar would not be shown. This is as per design. I have taken a look on the site there, and there isnt actually anything showing when logged in that would show to a logged out user
  16. I think Molly means items tagged with a word used for search dont show up automatically, you have to go to do a tag search.
  17. Im assuming you are trying to copy these? If this is the case, click on the cog icon on the far right of the page, which allows you to copy that setting to any other forum
  18. There wouldnt be anything for us to fix there. That is a server level issue, rather than a software one. Of course anything in terms of security on cloud (if thats what you are referring to), we would always take care of. But that wouldn't require a release.
  19. If you are looking for something like this, our cloud platform may be something of interest to you.
  20. You would need to ensure you are using the correct location and that the file is readable there. Im not sure what you mean here, as this appears to be essentially the same question
  21. You would need to contact your hosting company on this as it's a deadlock on tables in the database. I would say its worth checking tables to ensure they are all INNODB for a start, as it locks differently.
  22. We are not able to tell you one way or another, as we didnt write the plugin. Only the person who wrote this would be able to answer that question
  23. I would suggest checking this for your latest one on sendgrid to ensure this is definitely the case first of all.
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