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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. If you revert that template, do things show up properly? It looks like there is an issue with your code there thats actually breaking the page
  2. You would need to fill in all details, including FTP. I see there that its on windows. Please note that we provide only limited support when used on that environment.
  3. Please see the following if you are unsure on this. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#access
  4. Please could you update your access details on file? Something you have there is incorrect
  5. The longer these things are left, the longer it will take to do. For example, in your current state you are on an insecure site, which is no longer supported (even for the upgrade). You will get to a point where your host will stop supporting the PHP version so you wont even be able to keep it online. The more up to date you keep your sites, the better in the long run.
  6. I must admit, its rare I would do so. Only really when its something coming up over and over, such as something that happens to have been linked somewhere that is very popular. Generally I tend to concentrate on making the current content more friendly, than spending the time on redirecting old content. Cost/Benefit of time spent on these things.
  7. The only other reason than the above this would happen, is if it cannot see your conf_global file for some reason
  8. Is there perhaps anything showin up within console on your browser?
  9. I can only say that is certainly the reason why its currently banned.
  10. As mentioned in the message, you would need to remove the IP that is being blocked from your ban filters. I understand you have quite a few entries there, but of course, you only need to remove the one that is accessing the API
  11. Im, not sure on what the question is there, unfortunately. Please could you clarify?
  12. This is one I have grabbed from a test install if that helps. You really should restore it from backup however <?php $INFO = array ( 'sql_host' => 'localhost', 'sql_database' => 'someDatabase', 'sql_user' => 'someUsername', 'sql_pass' => 'somePassword', 'sql_port' => 3306, 'sql_socket' => '', 'sql_tbl_prefix' => '', 'sql_utf8mb4' => true, 'board_start' => 1666185990, 'installed' => true, 'base_url' => 'http://localhost/', 'guest_group' => 2, 'member_group' => 3, 'admin_group' => 4, );
  13. If you have deleted your conf_global.php file, you need to restore that from a backup, as it contains content that is not possible to give you (mysql details etc). Recovery mode will do nothing to correct that part of things
  14. The only person who can really answer that question would be yourself, as its personal preference really. In the past Ive just responded with a more up to date answer where needed.
  15. We will be removing items related to physical items only, such as the ability to interact with delivery services, sizes of items etc. Addresses, while I understand it may seem are related, are actually required by many payment processors. So they would indeed stay. It is also worth noting that even without those, you could actually capture any information you wish via the use of custom fields too 🙂
  16. If your site is trying to get you to reinstall, you have moved or removed your conf_global.php file I suspect In terms of this, once its not doing the above, you need to use recovery mode as mentioned above
  17. What you are seeing there is correct as per design of the software. If you want to display something somewhere that doesnt have to be accepted by your members in any way and is just a page of information, you would actually be best to just create a page within the pages application
  18. Are you still referring to them clicking on the oauth button?
  19. Im not sure where there would be progress on this one, as the last message from us was asking for examples of those items where they are happening in chrome. However if you are referring to webp, that is indeed still an issue at present
  20. Feel free to send me the details via pm and I can then continue here. The account, and the item in question you use as an example please.
  21. There isnt really, unfortunately. You would need to follow each forum you wish to get notification of a new topic from
  22. You would be using the translation system to change any wording on the platform. You can read more about how to do this on the following links https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/languages-and-localization_326/translating-using-the-visual-language-editor-r119/ And https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/languages-and-localization_326/translating-using-the-standard-editor-r120/
  23. Its stored cards that we use rather than stripes subscriptions. Do you have that switched on for your stripe payment method?
  24. There will of course be a beta release at some point, but we cannot say when. Please see Matts statement below https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475690-introducing-a-fresh-new-vision-for-invision-community-5/?do=findComment&comment=2956002
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