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Marc Stridgen

Invision Community Team
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    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Sonya* in Mention Tags Cannot Be Removed on Mobile   
    Please could you ask that member? I can add the extra info to the bug report
  2. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to teraßyte in How to sort template_ipc_group Error?   
    The error is coming from the ipc_group plugin: class_core_global_plugins->ipc_group
    The name doesn't remind me of anything right now, though. 🤔
    Do you have a plugin with that name? And if you do, does disabling it make the error go away?
  3. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen reacted to superaven in Invision Community v4 vs v5 and hosted vs cloud   
    I thought I'd follow up to this thread since I did indeed make the move to Invision Cloud services. Its took a bit longer than I had hoped, which was almost entirely my fault.
    As feedback for Invision, it would be nice if after signing up, that there is a welcome message that specifically outlines the process and what to expect. Unsure if it was just me or if it's standard protocol, but I got an acknowledgment receipt and nothing else for the first day or two and then finally reached out to check in. After reaching out, I received the sort of introduction / overview I'd expect that summarized what I needed to do and some details about all the steps needed, as well as an introduction to the Invision Support member that would be helping me.
    Once I knew what was going on, I took my forum offline so no new data would be added and created the backups they asked me for, in the format they needed it in. This took me a bit since to sort though since it was a ton of freakin data and I'm somewhat rusty on my CLI prompts, which was necessary in my situation. The Invision Support person was super helpful and very patient, after I blew one migration window after another trying to add storage to my hosting environment so I could create the backup (450+GB) and then prepare it in the way they needed it done (>50GB chunks). Once that was done, I had to download all that data, as well as upload it to an intermediary storage so they could then access and move to the Invision Cloud infrastructure, which took quite aq while for me to get done.
    After I got the backups they asked for prepared and moved to the platform they needed, it all went surprisingly fast and from my point of view, appeared to be smooth and trouble free. I was concerned since my forum has data going back to 1999 and we've migrated forum system about a half dozen times since then. Also do to complications with my former host, my forum was woefully out of date and hadn't been updated in at least 2 - 3 years. Seems that wasn't an issue and they got my forum migrated and updated to the current stable release within hours or so of me passing along the backups. Soon after, I got some instructions on how to update DNS to point to my forums new home and a few minutes later, we were back online.
    All in all a great experience, even if we were down a few days while I got my end together. So far the forum seems extra snappy and I haven't seen or been informed of any issues, so looks to have been a complete success. I am excited to now have our community hosted on a platform that is tailor made for the software and community we're running and all of it seems to be offered at a very competitive price. I did search around and did my homework and have done everything from running my own server / network to co-locating to running my own server instances wit5h AWS and Liniode through to managed hosting and virtual hosting. Time will tell if uptime is awesome and support is responsive, but so far, so good. I'd highly recommend it to anyone and everyone that's running an Invision Community.
    That being said, a few suggestions for Invision from my humble point of view... As said in the start of this post, an auto response email along with the transaction confirmation (receipt) that has a welcome and clear explanation of what to do and expect is an obvious one. The instructions I received were pretty clear and complete, but perhaps a bit more insight and suggestion would be great. Perhaps better would be an auto degenerated DM message or link to a help desk or private thread so there's a running list of dialogue between a customer and Invision would be welcome. Its a scary thing to consider shutting down a community and moving it and the extra hand holding would probably be appreciated by anyone making the jump.
    Additionally, using a browser based upload system to upload chunks of backups in 50GB pieces seems like a bad way to do this. It worked, but https seems like not the best protocol to handle sustained transfers of this size. I'm fairly certain that Invision has a reason for this, but it would have made a ton more sense (IMHO) to use SSH to tunnel between the source and destination and then setup a CLI based SFTP session or rsync to move all the data. It took me hours and hours to download and hours and hours more to upload, with the transfer failing several times before I managed to get it done. Granted I had 450GB+ worth of files and database, so maybe it's just that most migrations are less data. I can't imagine what a forum two, three or times the size of mine would be like with that system. I suppose the upside to doing hot this way is that I have a local copy of the backup as well. In any case, it all worked so ultimately this is more a question / suggestion than any type of criticism.
    All in all, it was a solid experience and I remain pleased that I made the move. Hopefully it continues well and I'm really looking forward to putting more energy, focus and investment into our community and really excited to see what its like running our community on the upcoming v5 release.
  4. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from evcom in Can't seem to get FB/Instagram OEmbed working.   
    I believe you have to have business verification now for it to show up, unfortunately.
  5. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Nathan Explosion in TypeError: IPS\forums\_Forum::setLastComment()   
    Apply the patch that was released to fix this:
  6. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Sonya* in Mention Tags Cannot Be Removed on Mobile   
    The issue we know at this point is when people are using the swiftkey keyboard
  7. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to teraßyte in Changing allowAdminEmails through API   
    You can use this API: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/members/POSTitem
    Pass the correct key/value pair using the rawProperties parameter: allow_admin_mails
  8. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Owdy in Forum down   
    It was indeed. As mentioned by my colleague, it was indicating your server was full. It may be they store your mysql data on another disk (obviously just a guess)
  9. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from WebCMS in Form submissions are running into frequent errors today   
    Ive just passed this on to see if we can get this looked into for you.
  10. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Daniel F in Can someone help me to sort this Template Error?   
    No. It's actually a bug in our categorySidebar template.
    We'll fix this for the upcoming maintenance release.
  11. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen reacted to annadaa in IPS usage feedback   
    I initially used IPB around 2010, then again about 5 years ago, more for fun. However, I continued to follow the evolution of IPS and today, I am starting a serious and monetized project with a community.
    Currently, in rebuilding a site with IPS, I am noticing significant progress from the team. The introduction of a gamification system, improved ergonomics, push notifications, and the recruitment of Ehren are major advances to stay at the forefront of UI and UX design, as well as for PWA integration.
    In the past, with IPB 4, we had grievances regarding the design, mobile navigation, and the absence of a dedicated app. These issues are now resolved, eliminating any hesitation to stay on this platform rather than looking for another to manage a community.
    Regarding the marketplace, I remain optimistic, convinced that even without development expertise, the decisions made by IPS aim to improve and accelerate the product's evolution, while reducing bugs.
    This contrasts with WordPress and its vast user base, where major changes are risky and can hinder development due to the many interferences between applications and updates.
    Despite debates on the number of user applications available on IPS, the possibility to install applications remains, ensuring their availability for a few more years since they have not been completely removed.
    There are aspects that we must accept and adapt to.
    Apart from the absence of an Elementor-type editor, available on WordPress, I do not perceive a significant gap in IPS's current offering. This feature, although not urgent, could be added to enrich content management without impacting the ability to maintain a community.
    I believe we must stop seeing IPS solely in terms of forum installation, but more so today in terms of member and group management, as well as interaction between them. So even if forum participation may decrease, there are still many possibilities to use that can facilitate support, interaction, and individual tracking within the community.
    That's why I hope the upcoming products will allow for better online meetings directly on the site, live quizzes, coaching, personalized assistance, interaction within clubs, etc.
    Unfortunately, and maybe I'm wrong, IPS is not used and known to the extent that it should be despite being a very stable product. Many turn towards WordPress filled with plugins from different builders (thus bugs), and to try to build a community, which IPS already does in its core with group and member management and is surely less expensive when adding an app for gamification, another for the community, etc.
  12. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from SoloInter in IPS usage feedback   
    Thank you for your feedback on the product. Quite often people will post feedback only to say what they dislike or what to change on a product, while remaining quiet if content. Thats fine. Its just the way of the world 🙂 So its nice to hear details on why someone likes the direction we have been taking
  13. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Yous You in Issue with Notification Messages After Server Migration   
    I managed to solve my problem, but it's rather strange. 
    I had noticed that the thousands separator had a symbol for an unsupported character (this character: "�") :

    So I edited my "locale frensh" file on my server to see what the character was for the thousands separator :

    It was the code <U202F> for "Narrow No-Break Space". But strangely it wasn't recognized by my server. I replaced the code with a simple space and rebooted my server. This corrected the number display, but strangely enough, it also corrected my initial problem with notifications...
  14. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Jim M in User unable to create account error - 2S129/1   
    It looks like you're using a reverse proxy on your server as all IP addresses of users are logged as a local to your server IP rather than the actual IP address of the user. I tried enabling "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" but that did not help as it should so your proxy is not passing this header as most do.
    You have 2 options:
    Work with your hosting provider or server administrator to disable the reverse proxy or pass the real IP address of the user as the best practice header. Disable Spam Defense in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention. As IP Address is one of the parameters we use to detect a spammer, this would create problems for you if the IP address being logged is not of that the user.
  15. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from JP TTT in Native solution for unread notification badge number on PWAs   
    I have tagged devs to get confirmation, but Im not sure thats something we have control over.
  16. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to JohnCourt in Looks like Instagram embed is not working   
    I've disable everything Facebook in our community, the only that is left is the social icon directing users to our FB page. It became such a hassle, login with FB, Promote to FB, just a PITA.
  17. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to tim260 in Template Broken after move from Cloud   
    Yes I had the same issue with the default theme (but I have resolved it since by reuploading all the files)
    If it ever occurs again I will try the data-store path method! Thank you Alexandru!
  18. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Daniel F in Repeated log entries   
    this was my debug code which was left accidentally after I was working on your recent ticket with the broken embed code.
    I noticed this actually 2 hours ago and removed it, that's why nothing new was logged after 12:58pm
    I'mr really sorry for this.
  19. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Dll in Sever propagating really slowly (posts taking 10+ mins to show?)   
    Is the person in the UK logged in? If not, they'll be getting a cached view, which on the Invision cloud is 10-15 minutes, which would explain the delay?
  20. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Randy Calvert in Setting CORS Header of Invision site   
    ACP > System > Settings > Advanced Configuration
    Under the "Server Environment" tab is a section called "Security".

    After you make this change, you may need to clear your system cache and for any guests accessing the site, you may need to wait 15 minutes for any pages cached by the CiC CDN to clear.  
    Make sure you fully trust this other site as this makes it possible for it to do some rather nasty things if that other site is compromised or anything similar.  
  21. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to WebCMS in Form submissions are running into frequent errors today   
    It resolved itself after a few hours.
    I did not do anything to resolve it as I'm on CiC and not much is in my control as far as hosting is concerned.
  22. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Joey_M in E-mail's failing to be sent (4), running them encounters an error.   
    Please ensure you are on the latest release, and if so, ensure you apply the patch showing in the support area of your admin CP. If both those are done and you still have the same, please let us know
  23. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Teddy Rogers in Allowed File type   
  24. Haha
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Safety1st in [BUG 4.7.15] Fresh install throws an error trying to enter the Web App settings page   
    Thank you for your feedback
  25. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from My Sharona in REDISException: Cannot_Connect (0)   
    Yes, you can PM them, and I will add them as hidden on a post here for other staff
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