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Marc Stridgen

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Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. I see from your ticket you managed to get this resolved. Would you mind letting us know what your issue was?
  2. To clarify on this, it strips EXIF data from the file itself, but only removes sensitive information. We have an internal discussion to clarify this, and potentially make changes to this.
  3. Im not actually sure what it is you are asking there. There is no facility to use any part of your site outside of the folder in which its installed
  4. Thank you. I will take a look at that and get back to you
  5. You can indeed. You just need to ensure that in the users group they have "Can upload movies?" selected Image types are gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp and video types flv, f4v, wmv, mpg, mpeg, mp4, mkv, m4a, m4v, 3gp, mov, avi, webm, ogg, ogv If someone had the direct link, they would be able to use that direct link. They would of course need to know the link in the first place You would always be charged your full renewal price for whatever applications you currently own.
  6. You don't actually have any shipping methods set up. So at present there are indeed no shipping methods for the user to select. Easypost isnt switched on, and there isnt any shipping rates set up
  7. I have copied that setting, and it appears to be copying everywhere without any issue. Are you ensuring you have saved the valid on that category first before you try to copy it? Otherwise you would be copying whatever the valid is on that saved category With the other issue, please provide a user and item you are happy for me to play with.
  8. Are you happy for me to test that second on there? I am not able to replicate this on my own instance.
  9. I would suggest checking those, as if you look in support in the Admin CP, its showing some are not INNODB at present
  10. It seems this was an issue with the data we were given to import there unfortunately
  11. Hello, These would be in themes/cms . I can see them there on your system
  12. 1 - You are checking the version 3 to version 4 section there, so you dont have that, as you arent on version 3. 2 - You should obtain an updated version of your language pack from the author, or update any changed translations yourself if you have manually translated. 3 - If this is needed, the upgrader will walk you through that process 4 - You are not upgrading from content to pages. As mentioned above, you are looking at version 3 to version 4. Thats not the process you are running. You are already on version 4 (you're on 4.3) 5 - This is not something that is available any longer. If you wish to use pages at root, you would move your site to root and set pages as the default application. You can see how to do this here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/setting-your-default-application-r256/ 6 - You will need to check any 3rd party items you have on your site are compatible
  13. The custom titles which are no longer present within the software. These are only still there because of a 3rd party "enhance user info panel" plugin you are using Just a quick note also, you could do with switching your tables to INNODB there. This is likely one of the reasons for the lag on your site
  14. It sounds like you had the session detail at the end of the /admin/upgrade in the URL. This would be worth checking if you ever get that in the future. In any case, glad to see you managed to get that through.
  15. I have indeed seen your ticket and moved this to our sales team to take a look at for you, in order to see what we can offer
  16. I have split this into its own topic here, as it doesnt appear to be related to what was there previously. I would need more information as to what exactly you have set up? Are you using a subscirption, products or something else? Could you provide me with an example member on your site?
  17. No problem. If its not completed moving however, that is likely what is causing you issues
  18. Im not seeing any tickets from yourself there. Could you clarify the issue?
  19. There is no functionality for this at the present time. I can move your ticket to our suggestions forum for future consideration
  20. I would suggest still switching those on. It will cause some overhead, yes. However you are on a revolving circle there. If you dont switch on the diagnostics because of overhead to resolve an issue on performance, you will not resolve an issue with performance
  21. I mean add the links to where you have uploaded them
  22. Could you please confirm are your users getting this logging in, or are you getting it when you update the terms?
  23. Did you manage to replicate this @ahc ?
  24. On looking at the response from my colleague there, it seems those were actually valid notifications being received there
  25. Did you manage to resolve this once you sorted the bits on your easypost setup?
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