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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Miss_B is correct. There would be no way of doing that within the core platform
  2. Take a look at the guide I linked to above, which shows how to do this. If you select "Reset" and its someone who purchased when they signed up, they would be returned to the members group. You can be sure it does so simply by selecting that option when you set up a subscription You can add people to a subscription, yes. You would click on the + icon at the side of a subscription in order to manually add members to it.
  3. Please dont change anything via direct database manipulation. Do you have some example posts you can share?
  4. There is no way in which to restrict editing by section. This can only be done by group.
  5. The simplest way to resolve this would be to reset your editor to default using the button provided in your admin CP. If this does not resolve the issue, then please let us know and we can take a closer look
  6. I see this was marked as solved. Please let us know if you have what you need there
  7. If you are referring to header images, there is no specific size that can be given for these, as they are as wide as your screen is. The area will change size as you change your screen size. There is no way in which to set it to a specific ratio at present
  8. The answer to your questions here, is it depends what you set up in those subscriptions. The group they are attached to is the group you specifiy in the subscription you set up, if you set it to do so. If you do, then it will downgrade if you have set it to do so. In the "benefits" section of the subscription you set up, you would set it to move users to whatever group you choose, and set it to reset if you wish for it to move them back afterwards. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/commerce/products-purchases/selling-subscriptions-r308/
  9. There would be no way in which to add it to the homepage only unless you create your own ad location in a template and use that. You can see how to use custom locations here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/internal-advertising-r57/
  10. If you were using promotion rules for that reason, you simply wouldnt have that option switched on
  11. This has been fixed in 4.6.8 as the badge emails are actually improved as a whole
  12. There appears to be no ticket relating to background processes on your account here. Issues with background processes will likely be related to your own site, so there wouldn't be anything which is a general response. The only thing we can really state would be that if you do not have the traffic to run tasks, you would need to ensure you have a cron job set up. Also, disable any 3rd party items to check those are not causing problems.
  13. As mentioned in the ticket, this appears to be the download speed on your server unfortunately. As mentioned, you can try increasing the timeout if you can't optimise the server speed, you can do this by creating a constants.php file - https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-constantsphp-r25/ and adding a constant for DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT <?php \define( 'DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 15 ); However this should be adjusted with care, and adjusting too high may lead to other issues.
  14. While I understand what you are showing there, it is unable to be detected at PHP level. This isnt something that can be corrected by the software itself
  15. You would need to go back to your hosting company in this case unfortunately.
  16. Unfortunetely the software cannot detect it on your server. Have you tried entering the full it_IT.UTF-8 as shown?
  17. You need to upgrade and if your site goes offline, you need to contact us. I would say however that what you are describing sounds to be a hosting issue
  18. Please go to support in the admin CP and select "Clear cache", then test. If that doesnt work, also disable all 3rd party items. Failing this, ensure all access details on file are correct (admin access login is incorrect at present), and we can then take a look for you.
  19. Is that a category that you can see? Also, could you please confirm if others are also seeing it?
  20. In the first instance, I would advise ensuring you have applied all patches, and test with cloudflare disabled. If you are then still having issues, please leave cloudflare disabled while we look further
  21. I dont understand what you mean here. The setting in spam settings is set to require approval for 5 days. No matter what you set elsewhere, or what promotions are in place, it will require approval for 5 days. That is as per design
  22. As mentioned within your ticket, unfortunately we appear to be in the realm of hosting issues there. These issues we simply arent experiencing on the product as a whole, and it seems there are no slow queries or anything being logged
  23. There isn't any way in which to do that at the present time unfortunately. I have moved this ticket to our suggestions area for consideration
  24. It may well be that the person developing was abbreviating to cut the length of the string. However in reality, it could be named anything. With regards items with the same definition, there will be different use cases in code that have required that
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