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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You would need to disable these temporarily while you check first of all.
  2. Ah, it actually only seems to be with that block for some reason. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release. I have closed the poll as the bug is confirmed
  3. This was not mentioned here, and was left in a private setting. If that is the case, its on another license there, as there is no content licence on that licence being used. We can go through your issue in that ticket, but please be aware until we get that issue resolved, nothing else is going to resolve your problem
  4. I am unable to replicate what you are seeing there. What browser is it that you are using?
  5. As mentioned, please disabled 'all' 3rd party items first of all
  6. We would need to deal with this on your ticket. Please see my latest response there
  7. This is being dealt with on your ticket, but the issue here is that you have IP.Content installed on 3.1
  8. If there is information you wish to share which cannot be placed in public, I can certainly create a ticket for that purpose. I'm sure you can appreciate however that there is no way at all for us to know you wish to do this, unless you let us know you wish to do this. I have created you a ticket. Please provide this private information there
  9. No problem. Once you have done that, please PM me with the email used, and I can take a look to ensure its there
  10. Without some way of being able to replicate it, Im not sure what a ticket would achieve here. In addition, what would be the purpose of the ticket? We have access, and you have given us the information as to where you are seeing it. But we are not seeing the issue. If you can provide a way for us to actively replicate the problem on your site, then of course we can look further.
  11. Glad you managed to get it working there 🙂
  12. That would indeed be the only way in which to do that. There is a guide here on promoting members if this is required https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/promoting-members-r313/
  13. I feel you are misunderstanding my original statement there. Using that custom code within a cached and prewritten block like that is not what that block was designed for. Please note, while we provide the ability to use custom location also, we do not provide assistance with your own custom code. I understand what you are saying by we are providing that possibility, however we also provide the ability to add plugins and applications, the ability to update themes, and the ability to translate. All of which we would not provide support with if those customisations break the site
  14. Yes. It has to be set to that in order to function correctly.
  15. I will need to get this looked at further by our developers, so have created a ticket for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  16. Not on the starter pack, no. As per the description and limitations of that package, custom items are not allowed on the starter pack
  17. We would advise all tables are running on INNODB, yes Could I ask here, are you referring to converting 3.1.4 invision? I ask because this being the case, the issue on your other ticket would likely be that you have had ip.content installed
  18. Before we continue, have you just upgraded to 4.6?
  19. You shouldnt have ant /applications/cms folder at all. Have you got a folder of that name? I notice you have submitted a ticket. Please respond to that ticket and we can take a closer look at this
  20. Please provide a link to the item in question, then we can take a look for you
  21. Please go to your admin cp, go to support, and select "clear cache". It looks like it might be a cache issue, as I noticed you are missing other javascript elements on the page too
  22. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  23. Do you know how to check if there is anything showing in console at the time? Have you checked your server error logs also?
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