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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Your ticket has already been escalated. If you need to revert quickly, it would be best to revert to your backup taken prior to this process.
  2. Glad to see you managed to get the upgrade through. I would suggest getting your live one done and up to date now, so that you are in a better position for us to support you
  3. Ive flagged this for our developers so they can confirm
  4. We are aware its an issue, and it has actually been resolved in a future release
  5. While there are some great ideas here, as I mentioned, unless you post these in the suggestions forum they are unlikely to be added. The topic here was related to how to set up the existing spam service, which was answered above.
  6. Please update the access details in your client area, and we can take a look for you. Also, we will continue via the ticket I have just responded to, as you have 2 tickets and a topic open at present
  7. Not sure what was happening, but it seems to have rectified itself as they are showing correctly here
  8. Could you please confirm which site this is referring to? The one you selected when creating the topic requires email
  9. It is very likely the issue there is with ckeditor, however our devs have been looped into this, so will respond once its reached. I do need to point out however, we would only generally support stock items. If you are adding 3rd party items to your mobile, there is only so much we can do to support these.
  10. I have no interest in joining any dance classes at this time either. Gotta be honest, I probably never will, and for the safety of all concerned, probably shouldnt.
  11. As mentioned in the message there, the system cannot create folders. The uploads folder and all its subfolders must be fully writable
  12. No problem at all. Glad we got what you needed there
  13. The user "peggy appel" has their own entry in the moderators section of the admin CP. Therefore that will override any group permissions set in that section. On her own entry as a moderator, the "Can view all topics/questions?" permission is not selected. The member "Tess case" does not have their own entry, and therefore would follow the rules from the group added in the moderators section. That does indeed have permission
  14. Not a problem, however there are certainly things that can be done about guest posts
  15. Sorry, Im not sure what you mean there. Please could you reword this?
  16. As mentioned, it would need to be posted as a suggestion of things you wish to see added
  17. That would indicate it cannot write to the uploads folder. Have you made sure uploads and all subfolders are writable?
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. Please could you provide me with an example so I can take a look for you?
  20. Apologies there. The last response you received was incorrect in having to change on 22nd Jan, because of the plan you are currently on. The other responses however were in response to your questions. The plans have indeed changed, and you asked what you would need to change to if you changed, and that you were changing the way you run your site. You were answered on that basis, as we do have customers who want to switch to the new packages for their benefit.
  21. Certainly sounds like it. Hope you manage to get things sorted
  22. I would need to know the name of the member you are using for testing, that cannot see topics. I can then take a look to see what you are missing there
  23. Thank you for your feedback. The topic is added to our bug report, so would be reviewed on this being addressed in any case
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