Clicking 'Accept Cookies' in the Cookie Bar leads to error page
Just tried it for you as a new visitor to the forum and I get the same issue Clicking accept again gets rid of the cookie bar
PHP 8.1.0
Did you give it a bit of time for PHP to start up? or are you just changing the php version and refreshing the page? The server needs time to swap over and start working its not instant
Cookie Domain
set up a redirect from www to the none www domain job done
Blacked out photos…iPhone 15…
I'm sort of the same! I have no Iphone so its no issue to me 🤣 Just to some members!
Blacked out photos…iPhone 15…
It would be nice to be able to figure out whats actually causing it so it could be fed back to members as a solution! I have full access to server settings but no Iphone to test it with 🤣
Blacked out photos…iPhone 15…
Sorry to drag up an old thread but I am also having this issue But I am also having the issue on two other boards I run that are using phpBB so I don't think it's software related I think its down to the configuration of the server they are hosted on!
Community Map
OH! Thats a bit disappointing!
Community Map
Hi @Martin A. How will this be updated now that the marketplace is closing? Will you be continuing to support this in someway?
Dates wrong!
Never seen this happen before I am guessing they have created the post on saturday then registered today?
- Dates wrong!
Dates wrong!
I have just had a member join up today (Monday) then posted within a few minutes of joining up but the post states that they posted on Saturday 🤔 See screenshot Is this some sort of bug?
Emoji problem (missing or double)
I have attached recently noticed that some emojis are broken on my forum But also I have noticed that they are broken on my other two forums that run phpBB who have just released this https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=14
Bug in Events language
Decrease database size
There are a lot more capabilities in IPB than phpBB as well. That requires more space. 🙂 Yes I get all that but the majority aren't filled with any data so are tiny 16/32 Kib so hardly almost triple the database size 😕 I'm not worried I have plenty of space on my VPS it just seems odd that the database size almost tripled
Decrease database size
One thing I noticed about IPS is that the database is huge! I converted from phpBB and the database size there was just under 1gb but once I had converted the database was over twice the size
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