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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thank you for letting us know, and glad you found a solution to the issue
  2. You need to change to https using the instructions provided here. However I suspect the problem here is that you simply havent changed the URL in your conf_global.php file
  3. We would not provide guides for how to set up server related tasks. You would generally run the task under the same account which is being used for your account on the server
  4. Could you let me know which you are trying to resend? I can then take a look at that for you
  5. Of course, please do get in touch if you wish to discuss hosting your site on the invision platform. It would save you ever needing to think about the hosting side of things for a start
  6. We are unable to share items such as these from our main page at the present time, unfortunately. We have a lot of custom items written on top of these which means they are not readily shareable.
  7. Sorry, Im not sure what the further question is on this. Please could you clarify? You asked there why you are not getting results and stated you have rest the back which tells you they are in progress.
  8. While I completely agree, and that is correct, we're talking a little cross purposes here. The issues in this instance are in that the software is being upgraded from 3.1 to tha latest release. As its over a decade old, you have things which have changed in the meantime such as PHP versions that are no longer supported even by PHP. Thats just one example but there are many more. If on 4.1.1 as in your example and was upgrading to 4.1.2, if there is an issue we would simply send it to a ticket and our developers would resolve.
  9. Please let us know the outcome of that conversation. There may well be others who have had similar issues with them, of course.
  10. It does really need to be noted here, your issues arent caused by doing an upgrade. Your issues are caused because you havent been doing upgrades. Once you manage to get to 4.x, I would advise you ensure you stay up to date
  11. I have created a ticket for you. Bear in mind it may take a while for a response, as this will need to be reviewed to see if there is anything we can offer here. The reality is its outside of support. Bear in mind also, its very likely the upgrade would need to be done again, as the data there is broken.
  12. The error is that it did not convert the data properly. Which will actually be an issue with the data prior to conversion. As I mention, if you want me to create a ticket for discussion for you, I can certainly do that
  13. Your data however has not been successfully upgraded. That is an upgrade issue
  14. You would need to add those in separate topics. However as mentioned, we cannot assist with upgrade from 3.1. I can create a ticket for you if you would like to discuss your options on that? What I meant with the above, is what concerns you about support here? Nothing you have mentioned there cannot be posted here in the same manner as you would post in an email
  15. What is it that you are concerned about here? Maybe I can alleviate those concerns? I ask, as our new system means you actually gain rather than lose
  16. You decided to renew on that date, not purchase. These are different things. We kept on email support for existing customers who kept up with renewal until 1st January 2022, which ever occurred later
  17. You do indeed have 30 days from the day or purchase. As its now 30 days since that point, the period in which you can receive that free of charge has completed
  18. You would simply post on the community in the support area as you have been doing. The way in which support works changed some time ago. You can obtain email support if you really want it by purchasing priority support within your client area. The main area for support is actually here. We can access your details in the same way, ask you for details in the same way, and if the need arises and we need to discuss in private or escalate, we can actually create a ticket on your behalf if needed.
  19. Much will depend on the content it finds and the rules involved there.
  20. On reviewing your ticket, I see the issue was related to WAF on the server. Just adding this here as a follow up in case anyone comes across any similar issue, but glad to see the problem has been resolved
  21. No problem at all. Glad you have what you need 🙂
  22. This is a known issue when using elasticsearch, unfortuanetly. We are aware and working to find a solution.
  23. Our developers will need to take a closer look at this, and a ticket has therefore been created on your behalf. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible with an update
  24. An example if what I would need there. I have this from your pm now, thank you
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