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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. There is no functionality that would allow a user themselves to close only their own topics. This is a moderator function, and would require them to be a moderator to achieve. That would mean they can close other peoples topics
  2. Could I please confirm you have resolved this, and what the issue was?
  3. We need to address what is happening when you upgrade first of all, as that is the first thing that needs to happen before we look at any further issues. Could you provide me with more information on that?
  4. I see you marked this as a solution. You found what you were looking for in this?
  5. This is something we are aware of happening in the Edge browser, and it being incorrectly flagged. We are working on a fix for this
  6. There is no way in which to rate limit to x per day at the present time. Our advice if you are at the point you are hitting mail limits would be to switch mail provider to one which is better suited to your needs.
  7. See the following guide on switching your site itself to https. The software itself ignores this in the licencing check, so thats not something you need to change on file.
  8. Glad to see you found the problem there 🙂
  9. There would be no way in which to do this without template modification
  10. Just going back to the original topic here. If you have converted from vbulletin and these members were banned on vbulletin, you should see they are already banned on our system. If they are not, we would need to take a look at that so you should submit a ticket. As mentioned above, banned and validation are actually statuses of a member rather than groups. You can see in the member section of your admin CP who is banned and who is validating using the lists provided. Also, if you open any member in the admin CP, it will tell you at the top if they are validating or banned
  11. Do you know what error you received there?
  12. I have created a new bug report for this. Thank you for reporting this issue
  13. Its not clear here if this is now working properly or not. Could you please confirm? If this is the license that you moved to cloud you are trying to use, its because it checks the domain. So there would have indeed still been an install there, but its not on your server. It just needed us to reset it on that occasion which I believe my colleague has done. Please let us know if thats sorted the problem.
  14. That is the reason why guests cannot post in that club. A club needs to be a public club where people to not have to join in order to be able to be posted in using post before register, as it has to be something whereby an initial registering user would ordinarily be able to instantly post
  15. It should actually work in any area that can be posted to by a member. The club in question, can a member post to before joining?
  16. If the user has no permission to read topics, they will get an error message stating they need to log in anyway. You can customise the error message on the setup of each forum if you wish to do that. If you are looking for something more general, then adding a guest block on your page may be more suitable. You can add whatever text you wish to this. There isnt currently a way to do this after reading x posts.
  17. Actually to the contrary. "WYSIWYG" by very definition is intended to be used only via the editor. The Page builder block is a text block which has further formatting options
  18. As this is an issue related specifically to your account, I have created a ticket for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  19. Those however are 2 different blocks. The advanced item is on the page builder text block, not the WYSIWYG block.
  20. I have created a ticket for you on this, and will get it escalated to see what the problem is
  21. Before we do anything else, please disable all 3rd party items and then test this again. You have quite a lot of errors in your system logs related to those
  22. Please update your access information on file. You can do this from your client area, by selecting your license, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section.
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