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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Of course I can only tell you how it works at present. I have reported this internally, as its letting you select it. We should probably either not allow it to be set in the first place or show it somewhere. But that would be for the people who design to decipher 🙂 You would of course need customisation in order to achieve this. Its not something i have looked at myself, but Im sure if you employ a developer for this, its achievable.
  2. It wouldnt really be suitable as a subforum type for a fluid view
  3. There is currently no facility in which to show this within the filters unfortunately
  4. There is nothing like this in the core platform. Even in a pages database, you wouldnt be talking about replies. Instead you would be looking at the topic/database entry itself
  5. Can I please clarify that you have facebook set up on your site, the embeds side set up on facebook, and that they have checked your specific account for an issue, rather than generally?
  6. I'm not sure I would agree with you there, to be honest. Users have their own notification settings, which while I understand some may not know how to use, I would think the ones posting all the time will tend to. There is also the fact that there is the follow topic shown below where those users are posting.
  7. I have to be honest, and say you are the only person I have seen this happen to. It would lead me to believe its very likely that member wasnt actually in the group you thought they were. If its not a problem now, we can leave it there, and if you see anything like this happen again please let us know. Alternatively, my first call would be for me to get a backup of the database from prior to that point in time, in order to check the groups. As you mentioned yourself, there, its not possible to move a user from a group without it actually being reported in the members page
  8. Check permissions on your uploads folder. It looks like you may have permissions issues there, or even missing parts of the folder on your migration
  9. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  10. Please could you provide an example user where IPs have not been removed?
  11. Unfortunately, Im not sure what you mean here. Do you have an image perhaps of what you are trying to achieve from elsewhere that you have seen?
  12. Thank you for your feedback on the product. Quite often people will post feedback only to say what they dislike or what to change on a product, while remaining quiet if content. Thats fine. Its just the way of the world 🙂 So its nice to hear details on why someone likes the direction we have been taking
  13. Ive tagged devs on this to see if this is possible to do. In terms of hosting invision yourself, you would need a classic license in order to do this
  14. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  15. There is no known issues with the spam defense service no. If these are genuine users, you can of course whitelist them using the section provided at the top of the spam defense page
  16. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can take a closer look.
  17. Please ensure that cloudflare is disabled on the test site too
  18. There isnt anything we can really investigate at present, as its working. If you do see it happen again though, let us know and I can escalate
  19. Try just removing the code on them on your test site one at a time, and see if it comes back. I suspect it will
  20. On point 1 there, I have just noticed from the users ticket to you there, they actually stated it started Sun/Mon. This was days before the issue occurred. They are not related here
  21. Sorry you are frustrated here, but we are indeed crossing each other in communication 1 - The 2 issues - One was an issue with communication between 2 items on your site (redis in this case) and the other is related to change in data on your site. I completely understand you feeling they are related, but its like saying because it was raining at the same time your data changed, it was caused by the rain. 2 - The question on the group, you are misunderstanding entirely. Im not asking what moved them out of the group you believe they should have been in. Im asking what put them in the group they should have been in firstly. Im asking this, as if this was by something that was automated, such as a purchase, a promotion, or something similar, it could be something wrong in that process that has caused it to revert.
  22. Could you please see if you can pinpoint the time it nexts happens, then leg us know that time so we can investigate accordingly? I suspect they indeed may be, but I would need that to know for sure. Please also leave the issue in place while I take a look
  23. It would be worth checking server error logs to see if you see anything happening in there too
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