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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Could you provide me with the example of this? Actually, thinking on this, I am in the UK. So if you post something new now and PM me the link so I can take a look
  2. If you did a conversion, check the converter login method, which is linked to this
  3. Glad to hear you got where you need to be 🙂
  4. That is correct. Has this resolved the problem for you?
  5. You are mixing 2 things here. The issue you are having is unrelated in any way. The exception you were getting rendered your site inaccessable. It does not change data. You're also misunderstanding the question there. Im asking what put them in the group in the first place.
  6. I have tagged devs to get confirmation, but Im not sure thats something we have control over.
  7. I will bring this up internally, thank you Its not feesable
  8. I will take a look at that and probably get it removed. It is indeed something that just never had anything added to.
  9. Is there Something Specific that would have put them in that group in the first place? I ask as I cant see them having been in that group
  10. We appear to be unable to get to your site as we are being blocked by cloudflare. I would advise on disabling this to check if the issue is occuring too
  11. If its showing nothing to update, then you have the latest. If you want to make 100% sure, you can always upload a fresh set of files from your client area
  12. You would then need to report this to swiftkey, as the issue itself is not an issue on the editor. We have no control over what shiftkey sends to the editor (select here, backspace here etc)
  13. Please ensure you are on the latest release, and if so, ensure you apply the patch showing in the support area of your admin CP. If both those are done and you still have the same, please let us know
  14. Please could you point out which guide here?
  15. It would then appear its already present. Did you perhaps update after the patch was released? If so, you would already have it
  16. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  17. Glad to hear you managed to add what you need 🙂
  18. Im a little confused on this one. Why is it you are attempting to reset your URL?
  19. No. If you switch, any tags already present will stay, but no new ones can be added unless they are the ones you specify
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