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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Testing … Text directly after video.
  2. Sometimes I have to use use mathematical operators within template tags in templates, e.g. {{ … > … ;}} But this kills the HTML styling for parts of the template or even the rest of the template, making it hard to navigate the document, spot errors and it also kills the automatic code indentation. Is there any way around that?
  3. When working with theme templates, there is a Revert button. When we click it, we get a warning and we can safely restore the stock template. When working with Pages templates (Pages → Templates) a Revert button exists in the same spot, yet, behaves completely different. It actually DELETES the template, even without warning, potentially making the entire template set unusable with no way to add the missing template back to the template set. To replicate: create a Pages database template (e.g. Record template) edit a template (e.g. Record → Record) it actually shows a delete button now and the template is marked with an orange “C” instead of a green “I” (what do those stand for by the way?) now leave the template section and come back now the same template will be shown with a red M and the “revert” button appears, calling an “?do=delete“ action. To sum up the bug report: The Revert button should get the correct label “Delete” and and a warning dialog explaining that deleting a template could permanently damage a template set. Feature request: Having an actual Revert button for a template in a template set would be welcome. I can create an entire template set at any time. Why can’t I revert a modified template back to the unmodified state, just as with theme templates?
  4. Do you have the Pages app? It would allow you to create a custom homepage where guests would see a welcome message. Alternatively, it might be better to not remove app access entirely, so that guests don’t instantly run into an error page. You can also give access to the forum app for example, but not actually have them see any posts through the permissions of each forum.
  5. Since some in this topic are probably in the EU, I add this relevant information:
  6. That’s exactly how it works. Just paste the URL from YouTube or Vimeo and it will embed. Example: If you really want to deal with the embed code, you can’t just post the code into the editor, as the editor doesn’t process HTML in the text mode. You would need to switch to the source code mode.
  7. I see. Yeah, for a download that even guests can use, I am not surprised the numbers don’t match. People can share the download link button or the the download URLs directly, so it wouldn’t actually create a page view.
  8. Yeah, millions of online shops have that very same problem. They do a simple calculation based on one parameter, but parcel services have multiple parameters and limits. 3 of item A and 5 of item B might coincidentally fit in a certain box (and so a combined flat fee for multiple items and even different products makes perfect sense), but add one more of item A and you end up with a completely different box range and a completely different price. To solve that, the shopping system would need to be able to know which boxes you have and virtually fill them in advance based on sizes and weight limits and even chose multiple packages in some cases. Only very sophisticated and usually custom(!) shop systems will be able to replicate the necessary logic. Our normal shops will have to work with a mixed calculation unfortunately.
  9. You can just post the image URL, like https://someserver.com/theimage.jpg
  10. Would be much easier to judge this with more details/context or on the original website. Without that, it’s just guessing. If the two values don’t match, which one is suspicious? Are the views too low? Maybe that’s indicating a caching problem? Or are the downloads too high? That would be a different story. Is it a free download or paid? That would make a difference. Is it one file only with that problem or multiple files? And so on …
  11. My suggestion would be to copy the entire template into a coding editor. They can select an HTML tag from start to finish so you don’t have to figure it out yourself.
  12. I’ve seen that before. I just wanted to post the URLs but the sites are closed now. So much for that experiment. 😜
  13. That comparison doesn’t work at all. A license isn’t a warranty. Software isn’t a physical product, nor is extending a license (with defined digital services) similar to buying a completely new product. From a purely practical perspective, what you are asking for is bad idea. Third-party products are built on top of the IPS platform. You need to keep them synced or things will break sooner or later. I just pushed an update last week for one my plugins after IPS made a change in IPS 4.6.9. My update reacts to this change and resolves the created conflict. But if your license is expired and you stay on an older version, it would in fact be the plugin update that would break the product. Long story short: Either keep everything updated or pause all the updates for some time. It’s one of the two. You can’t expect to stay on older versions indefinitely and still keep getting updates for it. The Marketplace is way too small to accommodate the necessary “branched development”.
  14. I keep trying but every (closed) club is like starting a new community from scratch and I never get clubs busy enough. I don’t use the open clubs. That doesn’t make much sense to me because it goes against the club concept of joining a club first. Paid clubs would be an interesting concept once we can have Pages databases in clubs. That would open up lots of options like paid online courses.
  15. A Pages database works as an FAQ database out of the box. It doesn’t need a certain template. What else do you have in mind on top of the stock functionality? If you describe it, we could probably make some suggestions.
  16. Yes, it’s normal. See this recent topic about spammers creating such accounts. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462206-spam-defense-tuning/
  17. Well, there is no setting for it. You would have to mess with the theme template if that’s worth it to you. The template is called “customerInformation”. In it, you will find two DIVs with the class name “ipsGrid_span6”. You would have to switch their order.
  18. What do you mean by category? In a forum, you can certainly pin multiple topics. Do you mean a different spot?
  19. You can also easily create a custom version of almost any widget using Pages custom blocks. Custom templates are part of that and it wouldn’t require plugins or theme changes. You just need to be aware that those blocks are being cached, which can be problematic when live data such as online users are meant to be shown.
  20. I have this for years on multiple communities. It doesn’t make a difference. Those spammers will just use every registration form they find. They aren’t evaluating their chances of placing links first.
  21. The variables are accessible from the widget as $memberCount, $guests, $anonymous, but the idea of the widget is to list the names of the members itself. It’s not about full stats. For an alternative view and a turn-key solution, you can also check out this plugin:
  22. Biggest problem with that is that profile fields don’t have permissions, so the typical target of the spammers can’t be easily addressed this way. (Not to mention that adding new groups for minor feature changes is an unnecessary hassle. You change like 3 things for the group and gain several hundred settings for the group you have to manage from now on. I used to have those entry level groups but it wasn’t worth it in the end.)
  23. Not much if your site has an international audience. They are humans who have the sad job of creating these accounts manually. The obvious solution would be to not give them anything to fill in after registration (Website, About me links …). But that’s something IPS needs to implement. Discourse solved that through its Trust Level System. Invision Community needs this as well. A new Discourse user cannot: A huge array of clever spam prevention measures which are slowly and automatically lifted over time when a user proves itself to be an actual member, not a spammer.
  24. It’s a per group setting. So you need to edit your standard member group.
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