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PoC2 last won the day on January 14 2014

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  1. That is good. I have a list of about 20 strict tags (never a good idea to let users decide their own – taxonomic nightmare) in use across a site of 20 years. I wouldn't want all that tagged content lost so conversion is what I would want.
  2. Source Mode uses: Custom embed of videos that are custom sizes, like Vimeo 21:9 or whatever ratio we wish to use - doesn't work properly without source mode. HTML code clean-up in Pages (as already mentioned). Embedding Sketchfab 3D models or other 3rd party materials (e.g. Custom Google Map embedding), the use of source mode for adding specific code for custom settings. So many uses for source mode. Not having it I consider a serious omission. More important than having a sticky toolbar.
  3. Source editing definitely a must for admins. Somethings we cannot embed without this functionality.
  4. Sticky Toolbar - excellent. +1 for tables. Will previous use of CKE spoiler code auto-update on upgrade to expandables or will previous posts remain legacy "spoiler"? There are also various buttons I want my mods and admins to have access to but not general members, so restriction by group would be useful. There's obviously a lot of work going into version 5.
  5. I'm not a great fan of AI but it seems to be a hydra developing at a rate of knots. Some thought it would take 10 years to achieve what these malgorithms have done in 10 months. If Q* gets released it's yet another game changer, and not a great one for workers.
  6. Auto-summaries. Excellent idea! If this ended up being AI-based it would definitely be "Cloud-only" (and I would very much understand why). Either way (I'm not on Cloud for technical reasons), it's great to see Invision not resting on their laurels and still innovating.
  7. Version 5 is looking very, very good. Thanks to all the team for their hard work!
  8. As @Matt pointed out – no two sites are the same, which is why I'm looking forward to several of the new features, but very happy they are being made optional so we can all assess if they are a good fit for our respective communities. This already looks like great work. Oh Dark Mode, how we've missed you...
  9. Ahhh, got it. thank you. Meanwhile, are there any further updates in fixing this bug? Many thanks.
  10. The disposable email filter is a really nice touch. IPS really does amazing stuff.
  11. I don't get spam but I appreciate the great work IPS does in helping blocking it where it is an issue.
  12. Or did I miss something that means I cannot change them but I should be able to- which would seem more likely or they wouldn’t be seen at all (even greyed green)? Just not sure. I’d have added this to my previous comment but post lockdown times seem very short here.
  13. – but it's my site. Shouldn't that be my choice about what notifications I wish to receive on my own site?
  14. Latest update installed but phantom members are still there. 🙂 Also, can't seem to switch off account deletion notifications ("greyed out" green)?
  15. Same/similar issue? Two members asked for account deletion and this was done but the notification pop-ups in Admin CP still appear - even when there's nothing there. It keeps coming back... 👻
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