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Joel R

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  1. Like
    Joel R reacted to Sergey Kuzin in New: Social Sign In Streamlining   
    My code
    <ips:template parameters="$item, $login, $isReview=FALSE" /> {{$ref = base64_encode( $item->url() . '#replyForm' );}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->allow_reg}} <div class='ipsType_center ipsPad'> {{if $isReview}} <h2 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{lang="teaser_review_title_reg"}</h2> <p class='ipsType_light ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>{lang="teaser_review_desc_reg"}</p> {{else}} <h2 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{lang="teaser_title_reg"}</h2> <p class='ipsType_light ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>{lang="teaser_desc_reg"}</p> {{endif}} <div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsSpacer_top' data-ipsgrid data-ipsgrid-equalheights="row" {{/*this added data-ipsgrid */}}> <div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionHead'>{lang="teaser_account"}</h2> <p class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsType_light'>{lang="teaser_account_desc"}</p> <br> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register" protocol="\IPS\Settings::i()->logins_over_https"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_small'>{lang="teaser_account_button"}</a> </div> <div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionHead'>{lang="teaser_signin"}</h2> <p class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsType_light'>{lang="teaser_signin_desc"}</p> <br> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref={$ref}" seoTemplate="login" protocol="\IPS\Settings::i()->logins_over_https"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="teaser_signin_button"}" class='ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_small'>{lang="teaser_signin_button"}</a> </div> </div> {{/*this added*/}} <div class='ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad ipsSpacer_top'> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_small ipsType_center'><strong>{lang="sign_in_with_these"}</strong></p> <ul class="ipsList_inline ipsType_center ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half"> {{foreach $login->forms( FALSE, TRUE ) as $k => $form}} {{if $k !== '_standard'}} <li class='ipsType_center'> {$form|raw} </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> {{/*this added*/}} </div> {{else}} <div class='ipsType_center ipsPad'> <h2 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{lang="teaser_title_noreg"}</h2> <p class='ipsType_light ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>{lang="teaser_desc_noreg"}</p> <br> <br> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref={$ref}" seoTemplate="login"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="teaser_signin_button"}" class='ipsButton ipsButton_alternate ipsButton_large'>{lang="teaser_signin_button"}</a> </div> {{endif}} custom css
    /***========= guestCommentTeaser =========***/ div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad > h2.ipsType_pageTitle { font-size: 20px; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad > h2.ipsType_pageTitle + p { font-size: 12px; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad h2.ipsType_sectionHead { font-size: 18px; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad h2.ipsType_sectionHead + p { font-size: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad h2.ipsType_sectionHead + p + br { display: none; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad span.ipsSocial_icon { min-width: 48px; } div[data-role="replyArea"] > div.ipsType_center.ipsPad span.ipsSocial_text { display: none; } /***========= end guestCommentTeaser =========***/  
  2. Like
    Joel R reacted to Simon Woods in New: Gallery Lightbox Navigation   
  3. Like
    Joel R reacted to AtariAge in New: Device Management   
    The last bit about showing multiple users sharing the same device is very important to me as an admin.  Very nice addition!  If you can take this one step further and create a page that shows ALL devices with multiple users, that would be an extremely useful report.  This allows you to more easily catch people creating multiple accounts, especially handy to help catch trolls who are trying to evade a ban.  
    Thank you!
  4. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from RObiN-HoOD in New: Calendar Event Reminders   
    Should include
    - Time in hours or minutes (eg. 1 hr before event starts) 
    - other forms or notifications like modal pop-up, desktop notification, and inline notification
  5. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from openfire in New: Calendar Event Reminders   
    Should include
    - Time in hours or minutes (eg. 1 hr before event starts) 
    - other forms or notifications like modal pop-up, desktop notification, and inline notification
  6. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from BN_IT_Support in New: Calendar Event Reminders   
    Should include
    - Time in hours or minutes (eg. 1 hr before event starts) 
    - other forms or notifications like modal pop-up, desktop notification, and inline notification
  7. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from LiquidFractal in New: Calendar Event Reminders   
    Should include
    - Time in hours or minutes (eg. 1 hr before event starts) 
    - other forms or notifications like modal pop-up, desktop notification, and inline notification
  8. Like
    Joel R reacted to Square Wheels in New: Calendar Event Reminders   
    Awkward wording in actual reminder.
    There's There're or There are less than 3 days to go until...
  9. Like
    Joel R reacted to -FP in New: Recommended Replies   
    Reading the stuff in the images... coudn't resist.

  10. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from SammyS in New: Recommended Replies   
    It's called Recommended Replies and not recommended posts or recommended topics, so IPS might have a good reason why they only highlight the replies.  
    With that said, I'm also curious how IPS will display multiple Recommended Replies at the top of every page.  That seems, at least to me, like a waste of space to see the same replies over and over again.  
  11. Like
    Joel R reacted to jair101 in New: Recommended Replies   
    Sounds great!
    Do not forget to add it as a filter in Acitivity Stream
    Some additional ideas: Allow members to "Vote to recommend" and after X votes, the reply can be automatically recommended. I suppose @Kevin Carwile will make it available in the Rules app, but it would be nice to have it built in. The burden of selecting recommended posts shouldn't lie only on the shoulders of the moderators
  12. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Kjell Iver Johansen in New: Leaderboard   
    I was just thinking about this last night as well.  
    I think there should be a way to exempt membergroups or certain members from counting on the Leaderboard.  IPS' own community is a good example of how the same admins dominate the leaderboard, which is neither helpful nor motivational to other members.  
  13. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Netherlord in New: Leaderboard   
    I was just thinking about this last night as well.  
    I think there should be a way to exempt membergroups or certain members from counting on the Leaderboard.  IPS' own community is a good example of how the same admins dominate the leaderboard, which is neither helpful nor motivational to other members.  
  14. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Bill Edwards in New: Leaderboard   
    I was just thinking about this last night as well.  
    I think there should be a way to exempt membergroups or certain members from counting on the Leaderboard.  IPS' own community is a good example of how the same admins dominate the leaderboard, which is neither helpful nor motivational to other members.  
  15. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from opentype in New: Leaderboard   
    I was just thinking about this last night as well.  
    I think there should be a way to exempt membergroups or certain members from counting on the Leaderboard.  IPS' own community is a good example of how the same admins dominate the leaderboard, which is neither helpful nor motivational to other members.  
  16. Like
    Joel R reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in New: Word and Link Filters   
    Yes - a message is shown to the user that their post will require moderator approval, and then notifications sent to moderators as well (if they have configured their notifications to do so - same as if a user is on the mod queue).
  17. Like
    Joel R reacted to nodle in New: Leaderboard   
    Looks great! Is there anyway to make it show on the user as an option? This might make others envious when they see it on posts. For example or even another badge:

  18. Like
    Joel R reacted to Myr in New: Word and Link Filters   
    Can we have the abilty to exempt select forums from the filter? This would be perfect for controlling political posts outside of the one allowed forum.
  19. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Tarun in New: Tag Quick Edit   
    I think it would be cleaner and more comprehensive to use a phrase like "Manage Tags" (which can encompass both adding or editing tags) instead of strictly "+Add Tags," which I think is slightly misleading.  
    Also: fa-tags
  20. Like
    Joel R reacted to The Old Man in Post Color Highlight   
    Clever, but in all honesty I can't see the actual point of this, sorry! You normally only include features based on high enough demand and this seems more like a mod in the MarketPlace as opposed to a being stock feature. 
    Sorry to sound ungrateful. Would much rather see improvements like being able to toggle open/close categories of smilies, to make reordering via drag and drop in the AdminCP less painful due to excess scrolling, for example.
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