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Often when you are reading a topic, comments, or other posts, you will see team members replying. Although IPS Community Suite already allows groups to set up custom images and member titles, these replies can get lost in the noise.

Version 4.1.13 now allows you to switch on post highlighting per member group. This makes sure the reply stands out from the rest of the replies.



Of course, this feature works everywhere; from calendar comments to article replies.



The feature is switched on via the Group form in the ACP.



You can edit the look of the highlighting via the theme’s settings which allows for different color schemed per-theme.



We have also ensured that theme designers can get the most out of the system by embedding a data attribute noting the group of the author. This means that you can add custom CSS to use different colours per member group.





We think post highlighting will be a simple way to bring attention to member posts in groups that you define.