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  1. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from xdrox in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    So, this plugin existed in 4.4 and I sorely doubt that they will deny it in 4.5. Its a cosmetic change that doesn't affect performance. When they speak of "removed functionality" they are talking about things that are detrimental to the health of a site and thus why it was removed (Re: the topic title of the next unread post at the bottom of a thread:

    which was removed due to major performance issues on large communities)
    As for the link on time.... that's been a feature since IPS was in version 1.x. Honestly most platforms have the feature to click or copy the link from the time as its been a building block of forums for as long as I can remember for over the past 20 years.
    IPS isn't depriving you of choice. YOU have the choice to add it yourself. All IPS did was remove the fact that they offer it as default functionality. I personally removed post numbers even in the 2.x days and find softwares that use post number a little archaic and aged. Yes. Even Xenforo is getting a little behind in the UI times.
    Unfortunately, that's not how time works and using referencial time makes what you're looking for impossible but its cute. If you find the time clutter then remove it. I find the time a good reference for me to know how long ago something was posted. Its my best reference IMHO.
    Overall, I've seen this come up a few times since it was removed in the 4.x days and its a circular conversation.
    "I want it because I think its useful"
    People provide "reasons why its not useful"
    "Okay but its not useful... here are more reasons."
    "But I think I deserve to be able to keep it despite your reasons."
    "Well then use a plugin. Its not coming back to core."
    "BUT I WANT IT because...." return to step one.
    This whole conversation so far has been that and if you go back through it, it really exemplifies what I just put into laymens terms. I understand that you feel its useful for your community but really it would be more "useful" overall if you taught your users how to use the newer more advanced features then asking for the more basic archaic features back.
    Education is king in a community environment, don't teach your users that this is a bad thing, teach them that it both helps THEM as its faster and it helps the end user because its easier.
    Hell.... teach them how to use quotes. Quotes link to the original post.
  2. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Ibai in Pages Database Statistics   
    It would be awesome (and I know a mod could make it and I may just code it myself if necessary) if there was a 'statistics' widget for pages databases. Basically like other statistics widgets where if gives you the number of records (using the databases record lingo) number of comments and latest record.
  3. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from sobrenome in Automatically embedded links stop working in 4.5 .....   
    This is considered an upload.
  4. Like
    Morrigan reacted to DesignzShop in So much empty space...   
    Thing is you can take out ranks and pips and with my theme adjust the size of the profile picture and width of profile area. The reference I was making is you can make the width of the profile area to go into the text area to make it smaller. 
    I also wouldn't say people are stupid either. In todays world like I said it's all about me, me, me. If that's what people want, I give it to them, if it's not what they want, I make it adjustable 🙂 
    Also as I said above, most of the people who use my themes like it like you see it. Whether they post a word, 5 lines or 20, it's about them. 
    If you looked also you'd notice the only thing that's been enlarged in that screenshot is the profile picture. Everything else has stock IPB css as far as spacing goes. I just wrap around it. Pretty simple, you don't want a large post profile photo, adjust it. But I can guarantee most people want the full size post profile photo instead of something they can barely see.
    I've also never had a complaint about that area or the adjustability of it, most end users don't live in 1990 with everything smashed together.
  5. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from DesignzShop in So much empty space...   
    I did the same thing. People like to show off, they want their data out there (especially in the case of my site which is a site for other sites to list at). I have badges for people to show off their nerdy pride (like which type of Bender they are, which GoT House they are, which Hogwarts house they are a part of etc).
    I'm working on my 4.5 version of my site and I am likely moving this away from being a sidebar into being a header of author information instead.
    But as @DesignzShop said it really depends on the community.
  6. Like
    Morrigan reacted to DesignzShop in So much empty space...   
    Your personal preference may be getting in the way of what your community really thinks. As an example I redone my themes post profiles and even made them larger in accordance to where they were. One of the biggest compliments and most feedback I've gotten is how the post profiles stand out.
    Most users now days are all about the me, me, me thing. Take social media for example. Facebook, Twitter etc... are all about highlighting one person as a general rule. I'm not referring to businesses here, just an individual account. They want to be seen, they want to have their posts, tweets, counts, likes, etc.. out there for everyone to see. Again, it's all about me, me, me.. 
    From my past feedback, users wanted full post profile pictures, highlighted post counts, wider post profile to take up more blank space in the post. By making the profile wider I removed some of the posting area and made each post more about the user than ever before. This may not be for everyone, but like I said, it's been a pretty big hit from the feedback I've gotten.
    Of course not every individual may not like one approach but in general, but what I've done has far outweighed the no compliments to a bland, stripped down user post profile.
    Another issue I've seen also in the past is admins / people who are more code conscious tend to want things stripped down. Most end users however want to see more, especially if it's about them.
  7. Haha
    Morrigan got a reaction from Nahash5150 in IPS V4.5 Topic formatting   
    Topic title is higher than that:

  8. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Can't change image size after updating to 4.5.4   
    Does it happen if you do it at like 1x1 in size?
  9. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Dean_ in Can't change image size after updating to 4.5.4   
    Does it happen if you do it at like 1x1 in size?
  10. Haha
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in How to Shut Off Admin Upgrade Notice?   
    That isn’t logically sound. The entire point of a beta program is to have the external testers to spot potential problems with their usage. If no one participates (as this is supposedly the “smart” thing to to do), then the beta program wouldn’t reveal any problems and nothing could “stabilize”. So questioning people’s participation, which is the very thing that leads to the stabilization, is kind of weird. 
  11. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from The Old Man in How can you gift a member a subscription?   
    Oh! I thought you meant for someone else to purchase a subscription for someone else.
    To give people subscriptions go into your Admin panel and create an invoice. Mark it as already paid so they don't have to pay for it. When the subscription runs out it will ask that they renew to keep it up.
  12. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from clearvision in How to make min. posts to start a thread but not posts?   
    You can copy the group and then just remove the permissions from the standard member group. Do a group promotion to the new group as a secondary group to give them the access.
    And no, you need to do it with a group.
  13. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Sheffielder in How can you gift a member a subscription?   
    When you get to the last screen this is where you add products. You choose "Member Subscription"
  14. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Viktor Levytskyi in Migration from VB 4 - problem with attachments   
    Morrigan, thank you for help.
    Everything is working fine now.
    I added full path "/home/{username}/web/{sitename}/public_html/uploads2" instead of relative path "/uploads2"  and migrator correctly moved all attachments.
  15. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from RocketStang in Reputation Activity is Empty   
    It lists reputation given and received. It MAY be related to the search index though:

  16. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Sort Saved Actions   
    I've been a proponent for a while that saved actions needs an overhaul in general. It needs to be removed as JUST a forum item as saved actions could be applied to any IPS suite item. That or each suite item needs saved actions of their own.
    As for sorting! Abso-fing-lutely. I'd put mine in "most used" to "not used often" order which would help any staff member.
  17. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from bfarber in Just a minor grammar issue   
    I've been re-doing my clubs to be named something else and came across this:
    Should be "Club Moderators are only able to" just missing a word there.
  18. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from BomAle in Hey, it's 2020. Selections should span pagination   
    They do persist pages. The issue is the number resets. Which is the core issue here.
  19. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Sergey_SV in Hey, it's 2020. Selections should span pagination   
    They do persist pages. The issue is the number resets. Which is the core issue here.
  20. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Aiwa in Lack of automation: Plans to add it to Invision Community?   
    I've used the rules app. It was garbage to begin with and was HELL on most communities especially during upgrades. Not to mention other things that affected that mod author which only some of my dear friends know about.
    While I do want and appreciate automation, I don't want the rules app to influence such a decision. It was a garbage app that.... nm.
    I do know that IPS has been adding more automated things and they have said that some things will be more automated so instead of asking for a garbage app to be implemented into core why don't you provide things that you would like to have be an automated thing? Things that you would like to see implemented either as a setting something you can configure.
    Auto-lock topics after no replies for X days Thank you for joining, how are you getting along PM/Email for users under a post count that have been registered for X days Hey, are you okay PMs/emails when a member hasn't come around for X amount of days. Birthday PMs Anniversary PMs (would love this with Awards too @Fosters) Promotion messages and or notifications (messages preferred TBH) I'm sure I could think of more but those are off of the top of my head while tired.
  21. Thanks
    Morrigan reacted to bfarber in Able to set another tab in profile as default   
    "their" in English is taken to mean "belonging to them". As we do not know the gender of the user, we can't say "his" (as in belonging to him) or "her" (belonging to her), so "their" is an acceptable gender-neutral solution.
    But, as you use a translation that adjusts the verbiage anyways, I'm not sure why this matters.
  22. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Clover13 in Child Theme Inheritance   
    Unfortunately, the Child themes only inherit the parent theme's "edit" changes/colors on the initial creation of the theme. There is no way to force the inheritance in that section.
  23. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from AA15 in How to hide unused widgets in block manager?   
    You have to enspect and use the custom.css but you would do something like this:
    [data-blockid="app_core_newsletter"] { display: none; } Note that this SHOULD only affect it in the sidebar block manager but I haven't tested it. You have to get the IDs yourself and do this manually though.
  24. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from aia in Ability to multi-quote selected text   
    No, do it similar to the way you multiquote full posts. When the "Quote selection" popup comes up have a "plus sign" that quotes that text.
    The biggest flaw I'm finding with the "select text" bit of quoting is that, if you have a few posts that you want to quote specific text from spans multiple pages the only way to do it is to multi-quote then to cute the quote down to the specific text (or texts) that you actually wanted to quote which is tedious at best.
  25. Confused
    Morrigan got a reaction from sobrenome in Record video and voice   
    If you ask my family I don't use YouTube enough. Its a good means for uploading videos without having to host or encode them or convert them or whatever.
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