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    Ramsesx reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    Just six short weeks ago, Ehren hit record on a video that changed everything for Invision Community.
    The blog was called "Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5," and it ripped up the rule book on what forums should look like and revealed a slick new look featuring a new forum home feed view and sidebar navigation.
    A lot has been discussed, but we're not even close to done!
    Before we bring you news of more features after Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a mid-season break to recap what we've seen so far.
    First up was the introduction video, which gave a broad overview of the new UI Invision Community 5 would be sporting. Ehren takes us through many new elements, including the sidebar navigation, forum feed view, simplified post view and more.
    Up next was a focus on dark mode, accessibility and mobile views. Invision Community 5 features the ability to have native dark mode without additional themes or complex variables to set up. Our aim with Invision Community 5 is to hide the complexities and technology and just let you focus on creating a great community experience for your audience.
    Bringing complex theming to everyone was the message in the blog talking about the new theme editor. Now, you can make wide-ranging changes to your theme without the need to edit CSS or manage HTML templates, all driven by a smart and simple interface.
    Next, it was my turn to talk about a new feature. I introduced two new features designed to help those who run support-based communities. Finding the most helpful answers and identifying community experts help your members do more with less time and frustration.
    Last week, Ehren demonstrated our new icon and badge builder, which is an amazingly powerful tool to produce slick and professional badges along with the ability to customize your community further with emojis and icons for menus, reactions and more. Building ways to reduce the barrier to customization has been a strong theme for Invision Community 5.
    We can all agree that we've showcased a lot of impressive functionality coming with Invision Community 5 already.
    But what does the future hold?
    Lots! We have a lot of new functionality that we're putting the finishing touches on, and we can't wait to show you more. These new features further help to reduce noise in topics, make the community feel alive and bring long-needed updates to core components such as the editor. Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway.
    We also have a lot of less flashy updates, such as the new consolidated Feature/Our Picks feature, which is now a single feature.
    An improved Moderators Control Panel brings a more uniform experience across deleted, hidden, and content waiting to be approved.

    We're still on course for a release of Invision Community in early 2024 and can't wait for you to experience the future of forums.
    What has been your favourite feature so far? I'd love to know; drop a comment below!

    View full blog entry
  2. Thanks
    Ramsesx got a reaction from TracyIsland in Screen Capture Video Recommendations and Embedding   
  3. Thanks
    Ramsesx got a reaction from TracyIsland in Screen Capture Video Recommendations and Embedding   
    I use this one: https://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.html&ved=2ahUKEwjtqcSm3reCAxU0RPEDHYtMAJYQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3-drGxxaljhw8Xa5xJWckg
  4. Agree
    Ramsesx reacted to Durango in Marketplace Closure   
    Just discover this
    sounds weird to me, App store, Google play store, Wordpress plugins depository, it makes sense to find all apps / plugins at the same place, rather than to have to check all devs websites...
    i am not sure that's a good move
  5. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to The Old Man in Commerce needs urgent improvement   
    Okay, thanks.
    For anyone interested or finding this in future, here's the 4 CSS rules I used to increase the size of the product images in Commerce. I didn't go as far as editing the HTML templates to add lazy loading or anything but it's a start:
    /* Add to custom.css - Overide and increase size of tiny Commerce product images */ .cNexusProduct_image, .cNexusCategory_grid .cNexusProduct_image { width: 100%; height: auto; } .cNexusProduct_image img, .cNexusProduct_image .ipsNoThumb, .cNexusCarousel.cNexusCategory_grid .cNexusProduct_image img, .cNexusCarousel.cNexusCategory_grid .cNexusProduct_image .ipsNoThumb { width: 100%; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; } .cNexusCategory_list .cNexusProduct_image, .cNexusCategory_list .cNexusProduct_image img, .cNexusCategory_list .cNexusProduct_image .ipsNoThumb { max-height: 100%; min-width: 250px; } /* Align product images with top of row and Product title in List mode */ ol.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_large.cNexusCategory_list li.ipsDataItem div.ipsDataItem_generic { vertical-align: top; } /* End overide */  
  6. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Charles in [Suggestion] v5 and Dead Space   
    There are, called widgets. Be creative.
  7. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Joel R in [Suggestion] v5 and Dead Space   
    I know you posted in Feedback, but some creative suggestions for the creative community managers out there:
    - You can reduce the # of posts that appear per page in a topic.  Really! Most admins rarely change this number (and why is 25 posts the magic number anyways??) but if you insist on symmetry, reduce the # of posts to match your sidebar length.  
    - Add relevant blocks for users that help with self-promotion or content discovery. In other words, utilize all of that emoty sidebar space! Add your guest sign in widget, newsletter sign up widget, Community Hive widget, popular content widget, our picks widget, recent comments widget, etc. to inspire and grab your user deeper into your ecosystem.  
    - If the Topic Summary is the only item of your sidebar, think about switching to the Compact View that layers the Topic Summary into the posts.  That will eliminate the sidebar completely and give you clean aesthetics.  
  8. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Rikki in [Suggestion] v5 and Dead Space   
    I think personally I would dispute the idea of 'dead space' as a concept. You don't have to fill every pixel of a page with content, and doing so could actually have a negative effect by taking focus away from the actual content people are trying to find.
    Facebook doesn't do it, Reddit doesn't do it, Instagram doesn't do it, so that should be a good indicator I think.
  9. Agree
    Ramsesx reacted to SJ77 in Have we ended the aggressive release schedule for 4.x?   
    Just wondering if we have ended the aggressive release schedule for 4.x in favor of focus on 5.x? 
    If so, I consider that a blessing as personally I dislike always falling behind due to frequent releases. Will be nice to have a break. Maybe we can just have bug fixes, and security flaws fixed as needed instead of forcing monthly releases. 
    Just asking
    Thank you 😊 
  10. Haha
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Joel R in March Release Chat   
    My idea for a ChatGPT integration:
    autoregister new users let them create content that fits my forum topic auto moderate my forum If you get this done I will asap switch to a cloud plan.

  11. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Ehren in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    Welcome to Invision Community 5!
    Over the coming weeks, we'll be exploring a bunch of new features and improvements coming to our user interface including our brand new theme editor, a new mobile UI, dark mode and performance improvements thanks to a reduction in both JavaScript and CSS. To kick off this series, let’s take a closer look at the new sidebar layout and new view modes for the forum index and topic pages.
    Sidebar Layout
    Traditionally, Invision Community has shipped with a horizontal header and navigation bar at the top of the page, which is still available in version 5. We're introducing a brand new (and optional) sidebar layout, which can be enabled or disabled easily from within your theme settings. The sidebar not only provides convenient access to your applications, activity streams and search bar, but you can now add links to nodes for even easier access to popular or commonly used areas of your community. For example - a category from your forum, an album from the Gallery, or a product group from Commerce.
    Forum Index: Feed view
    One of our goals for version 5 was to re-imagine new ways for your visitors to consume content, and the sidebar layout is just one of our solutions. Table view has been the typical way of displaying forums, providing visitors with a simple summary of the most recently active topic. Grid mode introduced cover photos to forums and is a great way to make your page more visually engaging, while fluid view allows visitors to filter through a list of topics to easily focus on multiple areas of the community.
    Joining these view modes in version 5 is our new Feed view. Optional cover photos and featured forum colours allow you to personalise each forum, and a list of recently active topics with snippets of the most recent reply allow you to easily see what each forum is focusing on at a glance. The topic list drops below the cover photo and converts to a scrollable list on small devices. It's our fresh take on content display, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback!

    Topic pages: Compact view
    In addition, Invision Community 5 also introduces a new, compact layout option for topics. We wanted to create a layout which placed focus on your content while still keeping all of the authors profile information easily accessible within a mini profile. Stats, rank, badges, reputation points and more can be found by tapping the icon at the top of every post. The mini profile strip has also been added to other areas of the software too, such as comments and reviews in applications like Gallery and Blogs, and will appear on the mobile layout when the traditional "table view" is used in topics.
    Switching between the new compact view and the author sidebar view takes just seconds giving you complete control over your community.
    Mini profile.mp4
    As part of this view, you also have the choice to feature/pin the original post to the top of every page, making it a breeze for your visitors to easily understand the context of replies without navigating back to page 1. Pinned posts have a slightly larger font-size to distinguish them from replies, and we've thoughtfully truncated them on pages beyond the first to keep scrolling to a minimum.

    The new sidebar layout and view modes offer a fresh and innovative approach to navigating and interacting with your community. We’re really keen to hear your thoughts on these new views and whether you’ll be unleashing them on your own sites! We appreciate that no two sites are the same, and those who are a fan of the classic header look will benefit from quick styling tools and a visual way to re-arrange the header elements which we’ll cover in a later blog.
    We’re looking forward to showcasing a whole bunch of new features over the coming weeks - so stay tuned, and we’ll see you then!

    View full blog entry
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    Ramsesx reacted to SeNioR- in Invision Community Insight: Version 5 teaser II is here!   

  13. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Alfa1 in March Release Chat   
    My idea for a ChatGPT integration:
    autoregister new users let them create content that fits my forum topic auto moderate my forum If you get this done I will asap switch to a cloud plan.

  14. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Adriano Faria in ChatGPT / AI coming to Invisioncommunity+   
    Working on an integration currently.
  15. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to aXenDev in First article about creating app IPS for beginners   
    Another tutorial 
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from AlexJ in March Release Chat   
    My idea for a ChatGPT integration:
    autoregister new users let them create content that fits my forum topic auto moderate my forum If you get this done I will asap switch to a cloud plan.

  18. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Charles in Enhanced Services Add-on   
    We have soft launched this service at $129/month plus an implementation fee that varies a bit based on needs. We will post more information soon!
  19. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to opentype in Pages feature request: database relationship field pagination and ordering   
    The use of the Pages database relationship field creates a comma-separated list for outgoing and incoming links. This is usually fine when there are just a couple of entries. 
    But there can also be hundreds of entries and then the field becomes way too limited. Suggestion:
    Ordering becomes an issue. With 100+ entries, there needs to be admin-defined ordering based on fields (e.g. title or custom fields) or something like record ID, publishing date et cetera. Just like it exists for the database itself. In fact, taking over the ordering from the specific database being linked would probably solve it for most cases.  Pagination becomes necessary when there are lots of entries.  Template. Make the field output part of the Pages template system, so it can be customized on a database level. (So far, we had to hack the theme templates, but that won’t be easily possible anymore in 5.x). 
  20. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Andy Millne in March Release Chat   
    My idea for a ChatGPT integration:
    autoregister new users let them create content that fits my forum topic auto moderate my forum If you get this done I will asap switch to a cloud plan.

  21. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from SJ77 in March Release Chat   
    My idea for a ChatGPT integration:
    autoregister new users let them create content that fits my forum topic auto moderate my forum If you get this done I will asap switch to a cloud plan.

  22. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Charles in SFTP for Cloud Hosted   
    Just to confirm: we added a way to see the Pages media full URL. It will be in the April release.
  23. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Matt in Scared and overwhelmed   
    I’ll PM you. 
  24. Agree
  25. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Jim M in Gallery creating album --> Anyone in this club can submit to this album - makes no sense   
    Thank you for clarifying.
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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