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Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)


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40 minutes ago, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

If you wanna move to 4.4.10 you need php 7.1 or higher but wit 7.1 its works great. Just copy the files of 4.4.10 in your forum directory ( do not copy conf_global ) and then go to /admin/upgrade and run the upgrade. But your theme will no longer work among with other plugins  / apps you have on the 3.4.8 ! I can do a video tutorial if you want.

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4 hours ago, burnyourfeelings said:

If you wanna move to 4.4.10 you need php 7.1 or higher but wit 7.1 its works great. Just copy the files of 4.4.10 in your forum directory ( do not copy conf_global ) and then go to /admin/upgrade and run the upgrade. But your theme will no longer work among with other plugins  / apps you have on the 3.4.8 ! I can do a video tutorial if you want.

I tried to upgrade to 4.4.10 using 7.4 and couldn't do it. So I submitted a support ticket and was told to downgrade to PHP 7.3 because 7.4 wasn't supported for 4.4.10. It will be supported in 4.5, though.

So when upgrading your php version, keep that in mind. 

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On 6/23/2020 at 10:30 AM, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

I suggest contacting @Makoto - very knowledgeable. Here is their provider page


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4 hours ago, supernal said:

And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

I may do that for you. Just PM me. I've made dozen od such upgrades in the past and.. still doing.. 🙂

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On 6/23/2020 at 9:30 AM, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

I have managed and upgraded quite a few other boards in my time. This article Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated) was not written for the faint at heart or those with a lack of experience. For those of you that feel a bit squeamish you have some pretty good options. You can contact IPS Support or contact a 3rd party support member as @DawPi.


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On 6/23/2020 at 4:30 PM, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

What versions are the php/mysql versions at your current host?

As long as you make a complete backup of everything, db and forum files/folders too, you do no thave to worry about loosing any data. If things do not go as planned with the upgrade, you can always roll back. 

Edited by Miss_B
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On 5/18/2020 at 2:36 PM, bfarber said:

Hm, we do support upgrading from 3.4.9 to the current release. What's the ticket number?

ticket #43551

Which gives me the following reason for not assisting beyond just attaching the requirement checker, which I already had by Marc Stridgen

"Unfotunately, not being a supported platform, this is something we are unable to assist with. I do happen to have a copy of the 3.4 requirement checker which I have attached, in case you are missing something."

On 5/18/2020 at 4:02 PM, Woodsman said:



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Just for clarity, in the ticket Marc was indicating we could not provide support for getting your 3.4.x installation working - we do support the actual 4.x upgrade.

Essentially you get your 3.4.x database in place, ensure MySQL and PHP are on versions supported by our latest release, upload our latest release files, restore your conf_global.php file, public folder and uploads folder from your 3.4.x installation, and then visit community.com/admin/upgrade/.

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Another few questions as I get closer to moving and upgrading from shared hosting to a new VPS host if you don't mind.

  • I have 3.4.8 on host A...which was converted years ago from a PhPBB installation. All running ok on 3.4.8
  • I want to run 4.5 on host B. Do I move my entire 3.4.8 to host B, get it running, and then try to have it updated to 4.5.
  • Or do I install 4.5 on the new host from the beginning, and then move the uploads files and the handful of other files needed, along with the database, and try and get it working on 4.5 straight off?
  • And do I download the standard 4.5 or the full version with converters?
  • If I wanted to start using and paying for other addons like blog or downloads etc etc....can I add them later once the 4.5 installation is working?
  • I am on a second level url right now. www.aaaa.com/yyy   If I want to move up a directly to the home dir, at what point do I do that (after it is all working or...?) to make sure all my links still function?

    Is it feasible to upload all the files to the new host, get someone (paid) who is more advanced than me, give them the login detals to whatever they need...and have them do the entire thing, up to the point that 4.5 is up and running and working?
    Time and knowledge constraints mean that my part in this is limited.

    Thanks again.
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/1/2020 at 3:40 PM, bfarber said:

Just for clarity, in the ticket Marc was indicating we could not provide support for getting your 3.4.x installation working - we do support the actual 4.x upgrade.

Essentially you get your 3.4.x database in place, ensure MySQL and PHP are on versions supported by our latest release, upload our latest release files, restore your conf_global.php file, public folder and uploads folder from your 3.4.x installation, and then visit community.com/admin/upgrade/.

I got that going, but it still stalls along the way. So support can help with the process or not?

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On 6/23/2020 at 8:50 PM, VaBeach_Guy said:

I tried to upgrade to 4.4.10 using 7.4 and couldn't do it. So I submitted a support ticket and was told to downgrade to PHP 7.3 because 7.4 wasn't supported for 4.4.10. It will be supported in 4.5, though.

In the 4.4.10 changelog we have this:

  • Added support for PHP 7.4


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  • 1 month later...
25 minutes ago, Mac1 said:

Do you know some good data convert method to do it with rest of my database?
I have many tables in sql from my own written apps and there are not converted with IPS Convert of course

The converter/upgrader only converts/upgrades the default tables. All the tables added by other third party apps. must be converted/upgraded apart.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I've also asked support, but I may only get an answer in half a day from now and I am a bit in a hurry. Maybe someone in the forum can help:

I have copied all the new 4.x files to my directory and am trying to run the update

At one point it tells me:

Your community suite data or database configuration is saved in an encoding other than UTF-8. Before your site can be upgraded, we must convert the encoding to UTF-8.


So I launch the converter


it appears to be doing some stuff once I click on the big blue button, then but after a few minutes it simply times out:


Can anyone help me with this?


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On 10/26/2020 at 3:02 PM, bfarber said:

If your database is particularly large you may need to run the UTF8 converter from the command line. Submit a ticket for technical support if you're having trouble.

In addition, when running your forum not in public_html, but say, a directory off that, like "forum" or "forums", you will have to copy conf_global.php into public_html, otherwise the converter will not find it.

Kind regards, Wim

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  • 6 months later...

@Jordan InvisionCan I propose a brainstorm session over how to store and easily highlight these extremely helpful and long running posts in a way that pinning doesn't always fit perfectly for? 

I'm wondering if maybe a subforum called "Community Guides" or something where only long running and extremely helpful community generated guides could live. There used to be a whole lot more of those pinned in the server and self hosted topics forum, but some of that has gotten lost in the consolidation and forums refresh.

Pinning is not great for mobile especially with a lot of pinned posts because it pushes new content below the first page fold, but I do appreciate how @Woodsmanis able to quick reference this thread to alleviate all the e-mail traffic.

Anyway, just a thought! There's so much great community content on these sort of (now) niche topics, and having a one stop shop to see some of the great long running threads might be helpful.

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