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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by beats23

  1. Hi, this is a great app but its limited to displaying in blocks only. It would be great if you could code it so it's accessible via the CKeditor, that way, we could post hotspot anywhere there's an editor access. Would this be possible? 

  2. On 4/8/2021 at 11:18 AM, Adriano Faria said:


    This is a very common “mistake” on this resource. As this is an app now, I’ll add a tool to grab country flag from all members on a background task and will also run it when installing the resource so it will show up the flags to everyone after install. 



    On 4/8/2021 at 11:18 AM, Adriano Faria said:

    It’s enough to the user browse any page or your community. The country will be picked if he’s a group you selected in the settings. 

    You mentioned this. Can this be a solution? I would like all members to have a flag and not only some members, It doesn't matter if the IP is out dated. is this possible?

  3. Hi, I only saw this plugin yesterday and bought it. It's a shame I didn't have it install in the beginning when I cerated my website. It only adds flags to new members and when old members logs in.

    Is there a solution to get all old members to display a flag without them logging in?


  4. 6 hours ago, Parker White said:

    Hey thanks for the advice! i attempted to do a test, my site web hook looks like this, https://www.unlawfulservices.com/?app=coinbasecommerce&module=ipn&controller=ipn

    is this looking right? i placed it in the spot you told me to in coinbase commerce, i still get stuck on pending forever and it doesnt deliver the key

    Could contain: Nature, Outdoors, Sea, Ocean, Water, Shoreline, Panoramic, Scenery, Landscape


    In your Coinbase account settings, notification, beside your web hook click edit, click send test, select charge: created, then click send test.

    If the results looks like this photo it means the web hook is working. If not. Delete the web hook and try this URL instead.

    Could contain: Text, Page


    If not. Delete the web hook and try this URL instead.

  5. If it's about this plugin 


    Check Installation Guide: step 5 as stated on the plugin page.

    Go to your Coinbase Commerce account, click your email/Top right. Under notification, add an endpoint 

    Edit and paste this link to the web hook endpoint.


    I have this app and it works flawlessly automatically for bitcoin sales.



  6. 23 minutes ago, Chris Anderson said:

    I reached out to Spanner's widow to see if some arrangement could be made to transfer his apps to someone else, and she indicated his will stipulated he did not wish his work to be transferred.  



    Thanks for trying Chris. Do you know if this was the only course app in the market place? I remember seeing a course app in 2019 that had different photos and the price was $100, but now I can't seem to find it.


    Hopefully a willing developer could create a new course app.

    @Adriano Faria and @HeadStand can you?

  7. It's very sad that @Spanner is gone too soon.

    Unfortunately I didn't buy his course app before he passed. Now it's no longer available to buy, I really need this app. Is there any way IPS and a developer could work out a resource transfer. Maybe some one knows his next of kin, they could contact them and see what could be done. Spanner has a lot of very useful unique resources, it would be great if they were still for sale.

    @Adriano Faria Maybe you could help?

  8. 1 hour ago, Chris Anderson said:

    @beats23 There are a multitude of professional level Learning Management Systems created to run on the WordPress platform.  Some professionally hosted and managed (with their own subscription plans) and some you can install on your own site. You might be able integrate one of these solutions with your IPS suite with WordPress to create an all-in-one solution.  

    You should read the following thread about such an integration:

    Or you could simply provide a link to the LMS platform via the menu and members could create an account on that site and navigate back and forth from that site to your site. Not a seamless experience by any means but it might "just" work for your members.



  9. 3 hours ago, Matt said:

    Here is the biggest barrier to that: there aren't many people to sell to in our market now.

    Forums have a significant place in a community strategy and we help many migrate from different platforms to us but rarely do communities start on forums now. They start on social media, free tools such as Discord or Slack, or even the new glut of community / creator platforms that start from $9/month.

    The days of selling low and stacking high are long gone. We just continue to evolve with the market, the same as we always have.

    We have gone through a cycle of hosted platform updates and new features, this cycle is just about done in terms of development (but not everything has been announced). You will see features coming to all platforms being released soon enough.


    It's always great when management chimes in.
    A Lil bit about my history which led me to be using IPS. As a teen, while living in Jamaica, I was one of the lucky few to have a PC and the internet. I won my first PC from a Coca Cola promotional raffle. Back then, the cost of a PC could buy you a house. I got introduced to the web when Microsoft was running Windows 95, me having access and the internet was the most incredible thing and still is. Having the opportunity to connect with others worldwide and share what I knew and learned from others was great. For the past 25 years, while being on the web, 95% of the forums that hold much helpful information and forums where I took my time to post information all disappeared. Some got wealthy and moved on, while some withered away. The time had changed, and I saw that internet hosting price was now affordable, so I thought, you know what, I want to run my own forum and information hub. The idea was to have a website based on all the different things I'm into. I started researching the various forums applications. I did end up on IPS page, but for some reason, I thought IPS only did subscriptions. I tried WordPress and a forum plugin. I then found out that to have WordPress running the way I needed it, I would have to invest in a lot of plugins, and I was not too fond of the fact that all those plugins were calling home. I tried Joomla, which was a bit clunky. I then saw a post on a forum where someone mentioned IPS self hosting package.  I checked IPS website again, but the price was out of my range at the time. So I did a search, and lucky me, I found a guy selling the whole IPS self hosting package licence at half the price. The main thing that drew me to IPS was that all the various applications I needed were under one roof. I got my site up and running and gradually started to post content in my free time and offer some free files I created. For two years, the website laid dormant with only 50 members. Still it felt great having my own system so I kept at it. I then realised one of the things I was into, there wasn't much info about it on the web, so I started focusing on that topic. All of a sudden, in less than five months, I had over 1200 members, and my ball started rolling. Touch wood, it continues.

    Evolving is a must. However, evolving grows hand in hand with success. If there is no success, things don't evolve, so one has to have success in the equation if one wants to survive.
    I think a few of the main reasons why forums are on the decline are the forum cost, forums usability and YouTube. In the present time, when folks need information, the first place they turn to is YouTube. YouTube is free for content and discussion, videos are visible, plus it's lucrative for the content creators.

    An idea for big success for IPS would be, IPS offers a basic forum package free to all users and spend more on promotion.
    Look, many internet giants who have grown to be very successful started by offering things for free.
    You give away £10 today to earn 20 times that amount tomorrow.

    My idea might sound farfetched and a joke to some. However, the statistics are out there. 
    The aim of the game is always to get the masses to follow you, and free is the best calling card.


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