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    SeNioR- reacted to MMXII in CKEditor 5   
    The answer to that is "No". Version 4.4 will use CKEditor 4.11.0 (see this post).
  2. Sad
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Sonya* in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    @Sonya* yes, and it will stay issue as long as IPS does not change the sitemap mechanism and structure.
  3. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Sonya* in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    We have 1407 sitemaps. The oldest is more than 1 month old and the newest one is 4 days old. And we have decrease in Google indexed page. Is there still an issue with large sitemaps?
  4. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to bfarber in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    Just a few points from me...
    1) In my POV it is far better for you to create individual topics for individual requests. It is rare that we spend time reviewing large "how about all of these things" topics because frankly it's difficult and time consuming. We can and do, however, flag individual requests for follow up on our side quite often.
    2) We absolutely DO base our changes off of requests clients have made. They may not be requests YOU have made, but why would we (as a business) spend time implementing things no one wants? That's just illogical. It's important to remember that we get feedback from many different sources (this forum being but one of them) and you may simply not be aware of common things we hear about from other avenues.
    3) We'll be sticking with PHP for 5.0.
  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to SoloInter in Automatique Ban IP   
    Yes it will be great to have something like that for IPB. Cause, when we are on a share hosting, we can not do what we want on the server side. fail2ban and other can not be added.
  6. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from SoloInter in Automatique Ban IP   
    I have a same problem. The only way at this time is to block this IP in htaccess but every day there is a new bot with another ip address
    so it's tiring ..: /

    Great idea. Something like this http://www.site-scanners.com/smart-404-security-blocking-addon/
  7. Sad
    SeNioR- reacted to SoloInter in Automatique Ban IP   
    Every day I get some IP¨address who try lot of things like that :

    I think it will be good if we can configure some filter. If any address IP get more than 10 error code in 1 minute, she had to be ban directly for 1 week or something like that.
    I know there is CDN who can help for that, but I think it will be good to have it on IPB.
  8. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Mark in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    We haven't used salted md5s since v4 😉 We use bcrypt.
  9. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to 13. in reCAPTCHA v3   
    No. "Invisible reCAPTCHA" is one of forms of reCAPTCHA 2.


    reCAPTCHA 3 has some more advanced features compared to v2.
  10. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Tom S. in reCAPTCHA v3   
    Isn’t “invisible reCAPTCHA” version 3?
  11. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to 13. in reCAPTCHA v3   
    Is there any plans to introduce reCAPTCHA v3 in near future?
    It designed to use in more places rather than just registration and anonymous commenting. Hope to see this soon in IPS at least on registration, sign-in and commenting (not only anonymous, but also registered group-based) forms. Thank you.
  12. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to batarjal in Patreon Integration   
    With this plugin site owners can connect a Patreon campaign to their forum allowing members to link their Patreon accounts. Connected members can gain access rights and be shown in top lists helping the monetization of your site.

    All campaign data will be pulled automatically - The ACP allows easily to assign Patreon tiers to user groups. The campaign image, description text and join button can be shown in a widget. Members can link and unlink their accounts to Patreon form the user menu Settings > Connect Patreon Account. Linked members can be assigned to user groups according to their pledge tier. If a member changes their pledge or unlinks their account the user group assignments can be removed automatically. Widgets for current goal, top patrons and new patrons. Widgets show join campaign link for members that are not already a patron. Pledges, goals and campaign information will be automatically updated in the background to stay up to date. Buy it now
  13. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to CSSlife in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    Add this code to your custom.css Phil, fixed the ads that appeared over the posts for me among other things:
    /* GOOGLE AD CODE FOR RESPONSIVE ADS */ #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; } @media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } } @media (min-width:764px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } } @media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 468px; height: 60px; } } @media (min-width:1160px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } } #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; } @media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } } @media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 600px; } } .adsbygoogle { display:inline!important; }  
  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Firdavs Khaydarov in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    I started developing an iOS app a month ago. But I'm too busy and haven't finished yet.
  15. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Cyboman in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Adjust mobile design:
    Then create the progressive web app (PWA) with common requirements:
    My community is begging for an app, and I already lost ~60% of member traffic to Facebook and WhatsApp. Why? Not because my content isn't good enough anymore, but my members use my contents, and afterwards, go on with live messaging/meetings (which is an elemental part in my industry) via Facebook and WhatsApp and I lose control. I can do nothing against it. My competitors don't have contents, but they have active Facebook and WhatsApp groups. The FB/WA messaging functions are way better, and my users require an app icon to remember my site as well as push notifications to their mobiles. Not having an app is blocking my success factors extremely. I'm already considering buying an app development for my WordPress pages (which seems to be cheaper as many developers already did it for the WP platform...), but that would be the point to lose the power an IPS app would have. I'd prefer an IPS app, but I don't have ages to wait for one. We need to speed up any arrangement.
    I'd be willing to pay, too!!!
  16. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to TheJackal84 in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    I actually use a android application for this site and my own one, it send notifications for new files and so on

  17. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Adlago in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    My sitemap php offers too few indexing URLs to Google.
    I used a paid online tool (03/31/2018) and created a sitemap xml that I installed in a rout directory and sent to Google.
    Now the index in Google has begun to recover.

    I also think there is a problem with sitemap php.
  18. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to sadams101 in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I did implement all mods and am seeing positive results since I did it. At a low point I had 111,000 indexed, which really makes no sense at all given that I have nearly 1M posts, well over 100K topics, and an article site also that has 5K articles. As you can see it is going up fast now, and is up to 187,000. Since there are built in canonical links, I would not block anything in the robots.txt file:


  19. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Rhett in Font awesome 5.0   
    There is no need to tag anyone really as we all read this feedback section regularly.  From what I understand the changes needed for font awesome 5 are pretty large, too large to hold up 4.3, which is already in the stages of internal testing. 
    Thank you
  20. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Lindy in Close / Deactivate Account Automatically   
    Account deactivation will be coming very shortly, but this is not to be confused with account deletion. There are no immediate plans for an automated deletion system for various reasons outlined in other topics. It's worth noting that the GDPR provides for lawful bases of collection and processing of information. If money has been exchanged, for example, they cannot demand you delete their account and existence provided you have a purpose for retaining it and in the US, we are obligated to maintain financial and legal records. You must, however, outline a retention policy (ours will be forthcoming.) In terms of content, unless a post or other content item contains personally identifiable information such as a physical address, you do NOT have to delete a member's content - it belongs to the community, not the member (and that should be clear in your policy.) 
    So, the impending account deactivation will disable the profile and effectively archive the account. There will be no way to contact the member, even with an admin override (and no such modifications will be allowed in the marketplace) through the software and they will receive no further communication from the site. This will satisfy requests in which the user wants to leave but cannot be forgotten. 
    Right to erasure requests for which there's no legal basis for processing (communities where there's no contractual premise) an do require deletion would still need to be processed manually by the admin. Again, there's too much to consider there - hacked accounts, validation, purchase records, etc. for us to comfortably automate without a fairly significant amount of development time, testing and resources and our efforts are better focused on keeping people on your community, not spending weeks developing functionality to allow them to delete themselves with the click of a button.  
    We'll have more info on GDPR as it relates to IPS and account deactivation soon. Thanks for your patience. 
  21. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to mark007 in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    There are a few problems in indexing pages:
    is the same as
    and the same as
  22. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Numbered in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Found one more sitemap problem.
    <lastmod> tag show generation time of the current sitemap file. It's right, but.. What is tell standard
    So, coming back to our case, now we have 5271 sitemap files. So google should get all of them! He get information 'it's modified! take it' and doesn't matter content inside changed or not. Moreover - inside sub-sitemap with url's we didn't have any <lastmod> tags. So google get very old url to subsitemap file, get it and see just list of urls without additional meta information.
    My proposal:
    add <lastmod> tag to every url inside all sub-sutemaps. It will tell google which urls contain new elements and which should be scan and it tell which one not changed and not need to re-scan => will optimize scan perfomance.
    Add <lastmod> tag to index sitemap file, which never tell date of this file generation - it should provide newer date of last modified url inside this file. With that google never download sitemap with 500 urls where no changes exist => will optimize scan perfomance.
    P.S. I'll try to create a patch. If i do this - i'll share it here (for other dev's checks and helping IPS).
    Thanks for you attension and support )
  23. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to DawPi in (DP44) Custom Links   
    What's New in Version 1.0.4  
    Fixed bug related to parsing one word in post. Tweaks and optimization.
  24. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to DawPi in (DP44) Custom Links   
    What's New in Version 1.0.5
    changed parse order. Right now the longest phrazes would be parsed first. For example two phrazes "google" and "google analytics" will be parsed from longer - "google analytics" first (if occured) and then only "google". changed anchor if no title is provided. For example, users could type the word as "Ferrari" or "ferrari" or "FERRARI", among others. For example, if they enter "FERRARI", the plugin will display it as "FERRARI". But if they enter it as "FeRRaRi", the plugin will display it as "FeRRaRi".
  25. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Daniel F in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    NOPE, please not! For the record, I'm not talking about your use case, only about your hook... Just a minor suggestion, please use  IPS\Application: convertLegacyParameters() instead of overriding the session class. This would be the "official" place for such redirect, this definitely doesn't belong into the session object!

    You can see some examples in the core or forums app:)

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