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    SeNioR- reacted to Abies in Hide the scrollbar if a modal window is open   
    Bootstrap has a solution to this. Well, actually two solutions:
  2. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nathan Explosion in CMS (Pages) - Sidebar block separated from articles   
    I'm not confused - I'm clarifying your request to move from the general ("the blocks") to the specific ("the Recent Status Update block"), and your response confirms that it is the default blocks that you are asking about.
    The 'fix' is to use custom blocks instead, as follows (note: I am not providing what you put in to every field, I am providing the specific things that need to be done...the rest is up to you)
    ACP Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block In the second field ('Plugin') select the block you want to use ('Recent Status Updates') Give it a name (example: myBlock) Save this Pages -> Blocks -> Create Block This time, choose 'Custom' -> 'Manual HTML' On the first tab, name your custom block On the 'Content' tab, insert the code below On the same tab, DO NOT enable 'Cache this block' Save the new custom block Now, on the front-end you put that custom block in place, instead of the 'Recent Status Updates' block {{if \IPS\Request::i()->controller==='page' AND !isset(\IPS\Request::i()->id)}} {block="myBlock"} {{endif}} Why do it this way? The 'Recent Status Updates' block is cached, so adding the {{if....}} statement in its content will end up with strange caching results.
    Result (there may be some finesse needed, but there is your starting point):


  3. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Karina Harumi in Error Template Default: mobileNavigation   
    This will be fixed in an upcoming update 👍
  4. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Brainy S. in Remove Post Count From Forum Page   
    Go to index/forumRow
    find & remove
    {{if $lastPost AND ( $forum->can_view_others OR \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_read_all_topics') OR ( \is_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('forums') ) AND \in_array( $forum->_id, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('forums') ) ))}} <dl> {{$count = \IPS\forums\Topic::contentCount( $forum, TRUE );}} <dt class="ipsDataItem_stats_number">{number="$count" format="short"}</dt> <dd class="ipsDataItem_stats_type ipsType_light">{lang="posts_no_number" pluralize="$count" format="short"}</dd> </dl> {{endif}}  
  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Sirmadsen in Original Badge Icons   
    Solved it. For anyone else who might screw up their badges:
    Download the 4.6 IPS installation from your Client Area and unpack it. Go to your badges menu in your ACP. Click on Import and then import the badges.xml found in "yourfolder\applications\core\data\achievements". Make sure that "Remove existing unassigned badges" is set to Yes. Voila, badges restored and keep all other information like users earned etc.
  6. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nuclear General in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    I had a different experience when upgrading from 3.4.9 to 4.x.x. I had to upgrade to 4.4.10 first, and then upgrade to 4.5.x afterwards. 4.5.x would not work properly for me when converting my database to the new format they implemented in 4.x. I tried several attempts and all failed with 4.5.x but 4.4.10 worked (almost) flawlessly, but it did get me 3/4 of the way to upgrade to 4.5.x, and then the last upgrade of 4.5.4 months ago.
  7. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from kmk in Hide mobile breadcrumb   
    Hi kmk. Try it, it should work 🙂
  8. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Adlago in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    Shared Alerts - Before you begin the upgrade, remove the tables with "tapatalk" name from your  database
    If you forget this, torture follows ...,
    Many thanks to all the guys from IPS development - the converter you have built in is the perfect rifle for all evil dogs. Very good.

  9. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Sirmadsen in Admin CP Forced Logout   
    Did a new upgrade and it all went fine this time. Raised some limits in my php options and all seems good now. Problem mentioned is working as well.
  10. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from gaby in Enable number of solutions in topicview?   
    Hi gaby.
    If a forum does not have the "Solving" option turned on, the counter will not be shown in the topic.
    Community --> Forums --> Display Settings --> Enable Solved?
  11. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from BertT in What're minimum server requirements for 4.6 ?   
    The minimum requirements are included in the ips4.php file (Invision Community Requirements Checker) and in requirements
    PHP 7.2.0 MySQL: 5..5.3 Recommended
    PHP 7.4.0 MySQL: 5.6.2
  12. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Ramsesx in Multiquote button out of focus   
    Hi, Ramsesx. 
    Maybe you just need to center the button?
    Try it 🙂 
    html[dir="ltr"] #ipsMultiQuoter { right:unset; left:50%; }  
  13. Haha
    SeNioR- reacted to Dean_ in Hump Day: 4.6.0 soft launch 🤫   
    Wow, that was a stroke of luck, one of my Licences has just expired 5 minutes ago... Updated just in time. 😯
  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Linux-Is-Best in Hump Day: 4.6.0 soft launch 🤫   
    I was online this morning and noticed the upgrade page here on Invision. But I think my 1st clue that we were on the final release was the bug tracker soon vanished afterward. 😅
    I am still waiting on the CKEditor v4 fix that will resolve Mozilla Firefox Mobile. I figure it will be a few months before CKEditor fixes that (that's not an Invision issue, but still).  I, of course, also need to figure out why IN_DEV does not work for me.  For now, 4.6 is something for me to play with and play with I shall.
  15. Haha
    SeNioR- reacted to Ocean West in Hump Day: 4.6.0 soft launch 🤫   
    When will 4.7 release?

    Serious well deserved applause to the entire team!

  16. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: 4.6.0 soft launch 🤫   
    Been using 4.6 since beta 1 through beta 4 and now upgraded to 4.6 official, no issues using or upgrading bar one and that is under investigation and it's not a deal breaker.  Love the new features, now I just need to see how fast it is to use real time.  Am I correct in saying that 4.6 works with PHP 8, as I have that version available to me? 
    Fantastic work team, really fantastic work and I'm proud to be using the end result of all your efforts and will continue to do so for as long as I am able 🙂

  17. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Stuart Silvester in Number of guests Recently Browsing topic right now?   
    We also don't create sessions for all guests, this number would never be accurate
  18. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to KT Walrus in Navigation issues using 4.6 PWA on iPhone   
    I am using the PWA on this site. Apple does not support a back button when in a PWA. So the app must provide this navigation control on each page in the PWA. 

    I don’t have Android to test, but it is my understanding that Google supports back button in PWAs. 
    So It is up to IPS to provide a back button in IC if the PWA is to be as good as when in Safari on iOS. 
  19. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nathan Explosion in Option to set a default Code syntax highlighting   
    Edit the following template:
    core -> global -> editor -> code
    At the very start of the template, place one of the following depending on your desired default entry:
    {{$language = 'null';}} {{$language = 'html';}} {{$language = 'css';}} {{$language = 'javascript';}} {{$language = 'php';}} {{$language = 'sql';}} {{$language = 'xml';}} null = 'No Syntax Highlighting'
    Want to use one of the other entries as the default? I reckon you're going to have to get busy with some Javascript, and I'm not going there.
    Note: this might result in existing codeboxes defaulting back to your chosen language instead of the actual language that is in the existing code...not tested that.
    EDIT: or you could use the attached plugin 😉 plugin has one caveat to be aware of and that is noted in the settings.
    (NE) Change 'Code' default language.xml
  20. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Luuuk in Option to set a default Code syntax highlighting   
    It seems to me that it is not so easy to add this option to ACP because it is a CKEditor plugin.
    If you want to change the default code syntax highlighting, try going to applications\core\interface\ckeditor\ckeditor\plugins\ipscode\plugin.js
    Open plugin.js 
    \x26lang\x3dhtml and change the \x26lang\x3dhtml suffix to css or lua or something else.
    \x26lang\x3dcss \x26lang\x3dpython I have not tested this method, so I do not guarantee that it will work.
  21. Thanks
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Feneroin in What're minimum server requirements for 4.6 ?   
    These requirements are for IPS 4.6 😉
  22. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Thomas P in What're minimum server requirements for 4.6 ?   
    The minimum requirements are included in the ips4.php file (Invision Community Requirements Checker) and in requirements
    PHP 7.2.0 MySQL: 5..5.3 Recommended
    PHP 7.4.0 MySQL: 5.6.2
  23. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Stuart Silvester in Upgraded ubuntu to PHP 7.4.3 now errors   
    It sounds like your server no longer meets the minimum requirements for Invision Community.
    The DomDocument extension is enabled by default (and is perhaps missing from your PHP 7.4 build) and is required to run a lot of PHP based software. Please run our requirement checker to see if anything else is missing
    If that doesn't show anything missing, I would next suggest re-uploading a copy of Invision Community, overwriting your existing files.
  24. Agree
    SeNioR- got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Bump! 🙂 
    In these two years, the sitemap has been improved a bit. Let me know if you have better results in the search engine.
  25. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Gauravk in Meta description for /*/page/XX   
    Search Engine Optimization should be the top priority for IPB and every site owner. I have seen tons of valuable topic not showing in search due to this cause.
    Usually speaking or suggesting anything here gets the gun pointed on your head, so I always silently reading and waiting.
    Hope someone reading this either fix the core or offer some plugin or app to deal for time being - for any cost.
    Forums "NOT NECESSARILY" will have supersonic content on page 1, it might be on page 6 or 12, then what happens....?
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