Sorry, we do not have a comprehensive list of permissions. For ACP, they should match up directly to their counterparts in the ACP and deal with direct access to those settings/permissions. If you have any questions, please let us know.
The mobile app appears to be a bug which I have reported internally. Thank you for bringing this up. Randy I believe answered the rest of these but please let us know if further questions.
We do not recommend making direct SQL edits and only provide the SQL Toolbox to our self-hosted clients at this time. If you are looking to do something specific, please let us know what that is and we can try to find something for you or help you transfer to a self-hosted version where this is still not recommended but is capable.
As you are on Cloud, there may be some items, such as the SQL Toolbox which are available in permissions but hidden/restricted due to the Cloud platform itself. Other things, such as Redis, aren't necessarily something our Cloud customer need to worry about either as our system handles that. I have made a note on this as well for us to review this. Thank you for your feedback!