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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Jim M

    reCAPTCHA v3

    reCAPTCHA V3 has not been introduced in our software. For reCAPTCHA V2, only regular or invisible are all that is currently available.
  2. This order in the ACP will reflect on the front-end.
  3. Are you referring to the auto-schedule feature? It is worth mentioning that you can currently custom schedule these on each promoted content piece (seen below).
  4. If Facebook login is not working for you, has Facebook disabled your access? If so, are you testing with the Facebook account you used to create the Facebook app? Would recommend the below if you're not having a Facebook specific error: Disable all third party applications and plugins. Switch to an unmodified theme. If you're still having issues submit a ticket and we can see if we can help you.
  5. Is Facebook login working for you personally? If so, have you reached back out to Facebook to describe the error they are experiencing? A few have come into support that were caused by third party items installed, manual IP bans, etc... My personal site got sent this because the Facebook tester was in a country I block on my personal server. Ultimately, getting the exact error from Facebook will help you narrow down what they're experiencing then if it is an application error, it can be possible to get the date/time or IP address that they accessed from to see what error they are encountering.
  6. I would recommend updating to the latest release. Working with the latest release, I am seeing Club discussion forums appear in my Forums sitemap and Topics sitemaps
  7. Signatures would not show when editing your profile as they are edited in Account Settings. Either you have a custom profile field named as such or this is a third party add on. Hope that helps.
  8. There is no means currently to do what you are looking for. You cannot automatically follow a topic, if you are following forum. It is an explicit opt-in process within the default software.
  9. Resists making a joke... What is the use case for knowing the exact time? Guess that's a better way to phrase the question.
  10. Curious, why does it matter if it was today or yesterday? Typically within 24 hours, I would just see as recent postings. Whether it was made today or yesterday really is irrelevant. They can also hover over the time string and get the actual date and time of the post. Not helpful on mobile but an option.
  11. You can setup your admin notifications by going to ACP -> notification bell (top right) -> Notification settings. In there will be the member registration alert :)
  12. This is not something that comes part of the software and would need to be done outside by yourself, hosting provider or a knowledgeable party that you work with. A warning I can provide is that your current URL includes "/forum" and this is also a reserved FURL in our software so need to be mindful of that as you're writing these redirects.
  13. Assuming you're on version 4 and self-hosted, the summary of the process is: Move the contents of your installation directory to the root of your domain on your server. (Any questions on this I would suggest reaching out to your hosting provider) Edit the URL in your conf_global.php file to reflect the file move in step 1. (depending on how old your community is this may be board_url or base_url) Go to ACP -> System -> Support -> Something isn't working correctly to clear your cache. Go to your Client Area ->Manage Purchases -> select your license -> scroll down to "Licensed URLs" -> click "Change URL." (this bit is the final piece to the puzzle to update your license URL on file)
  14. Caching of external resources is not something that you can control 😉
  15. System check and ensure that PHP and MySql are in spec. Seems they're attempting to do something not permitted
  16. Sorry, there is currently no converter between UTF8's. My best suggestion at your current time is to restore your 3.x backup and start over to ensure everything is properly done.
  17. Jim M

    Test 2

    Single event day test
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