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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This is just a user agent string generated by the browser for all users who use that device/browser combination. The way we recognize a device is by a cookie. If the user deletes the cookie or uses a private browser that does this, we would not detect the same device.
  2. We just received the one which you just submitted. Do you know if you submitted the request via the Client Area or via the contact us form?
  3. Thanks for sharing your results and findings, @DDMike. Glad to hear you found your solution 🙂 .
  4. Speaking with one of our developers, you should be prompted in the conversion settings which one you wish to bring over (avatars or member profile photos). Are you receiving the setting to do so?
  5. Looking at that product's settings, I did see that physical was still checked but as you have no shipping options setup anymore it displayed none. Additionally, you did not have a payment method selected for that product so I selected one as well. Could you please let us know if you're still having issues after these changes?
  6. Everything would be contained in /board. Whatever application you choose to be your default application then would show up at /board. Say you chose to keep the Forums application as your default, then you would then have your index page and articles at /board/{page-name}/ (where {page-name} is the name of your page or page's URL). If you chose to set the Pages application as your default, then your index page would be at /board/ and your articles would be at /board/{page-name} and then the Forums application would be at /board/forums/
  7. No worries 🙂 . Yeah, due to this complexity, it would probably be recommended for those who do not know .htaccess to simply have their server redirect all requests to /board to /forums. Simplifies things down a bit 😉 .
  8. Believe there is a misunderstanding in what I mentioned. Root FURLs like /forums, cannot be altered in the FURL system, I'm afraid.
  9. I can certainly move this topic to our Feature Suggestion forum if you would like?
  10. The theme CSS would be included in part of your theme export. There is no export currently for other files in Pages.
  11. What Randy mentioned, apart from, root FURLs cannot be customized. It would be better to 301 redirect via your server board to forums.
  12. Believe you're looking at two separate things here. The export functionality of the Pages section is for transferring your templates/css/etc... to another installation. Designer's mode is for editing your theme through an IDE in a development environment.
  13. Correct. The items would only be functional with the system with Designer's Mode enabled. Otherwise, the system reads/writes this in the database.
  14. For technical support, please use this forum. Our system would encompass all departments in searches. Was it submitted under a different email?
  15. I would advise reaching out to your hosting provider if you do not have a backup. Unfortunately, once you converted to a non-mb4 collation, there is no way back as it has gotten rid of these emoji characters essentially.
  16. There was a bug resolved in a patch that was related to sending emails with EasyPost. I have applied that to your installation for you. Could you please try again now?
  17. Glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue!
  18. Thank you for reporting this! I have moved this internally for our developers to review and investigate. If a release is needed, this will be made into a future maintenance release. Thanks again.
  19. The lock timeout, and server shutdown in progress are related to your server itself so asking for assistance from your new hosting provider would be advised. Call to undefined method stdClass::language() is typically a connection error in the database so checking the connection in conf_global.php (or the above with your provider). The first "OutOfRangeException" has some third party add-ons in the stack trace there so I would recommend disabling these and testing again. The final "OutOfRangeException" is referencing loading or an orphaned a failed promotion item from the database. Do you have the previous installation up and running to test? If you're not receiving the same error, I would suggest exporting and importing the database again as it seems something has gone awry with that process.
  20. I can move this to our Feature Suggestion forum if you would like to suggest that? Typically, the version is a numerical number with minimal SEO significance but of course, we do not limit that. Please let me know.
  21. Sorry, we do not have any open/recent tickets for your account. If you have submitted an email directly to our support address, I'm afraid, this would be rejected and sent back to you with instructions to submit your request via the Client Area. How did you submit the request?
  22. I have created a ticket for you, you can share it in the ticket for our developers.
  23. Appreciate the feedback and fully understand but to be honest, we haven't had the need around these items over the last few weeks and we've done our normal support volume. I am just saying, you can do this if the need comes up and addressing your concern that there are ways to handle "sensitive" information. Addressing the ticket concern, once things hit a ticket, it's the "OK we need access for our developers to further review" and there is extremely limited communication from the client's end at that point. We then have updated the topic with anything further that has come to it. Ultimately, like @Jordan Miller said, it is a new process and it is going to take some time to get used to from both customers and our staff. Think benefits are already showing with customers helping and contributing so continue to work through it and we welcome any feedback 🙂 .
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