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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. The group or users in question would need the Moderator permission called "Can view all topics/questions?" This would enable them to see these topics and reply to them that are created by other users.
  2. A third party keyboard may cause an issue, yes. I also am unable to reproduce this with the built-in keyboard.
  3. Correct. To have access to developer mode and develop a custom application/plugin, a self-hosted license is required. Hiring a third party provider to do any customizations for you though is an option.
  4. Sorry, we are still technically closed today (January 3rd). Tomorrow, we are fully open.
  5. Your sidebar looks to be currently figured to be on top in mobile view due to being on the left-hand side, this would mean all sidebar elements will be above content. If you would like these elements to show up below the content, you would need to swap the sidebar to being on the right-hand side currently. If you would like to see a change to this behavior, you're welcome to submit a topic in our Feature Suggestions forum.
  6. I am sorry, there is no estimate at this current time.
  7. Thank you for answering. What version of Android are you running?
  8. Sorry, your ticket is still open and we are working towards the issue. Due to the holidays and the department your ticket is in was closed, the issue has been delayed longer than normal and for that I apologize. However, as we are back in the office this week, our teams will be working towards a resolution for you.
  9. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  10. Is this on the latest release of our software and with all third party add-ons disabled (including editor plugins)? Is this something you're able to reproduce here on our community?
  11. In Fluid mode, the only selection is currently "Recently Updated." You're more than welcome to submit a Feature Suggestion for this or I can split this post into a new topic there if you would like?
  12. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  13. The logo height setting in the theme's settings would be the only way to control the height of the logo. Going beyond that setting would require a customization of the theme which would be outside our scope of support, I'm afraid.
  14. Sorry, we do not have a comprehensive list of permissions. For ACP, they should match up directly to their counterparts in the ACP and deal with direct access to those settings/permissions. If you have any questions, please let us know. The mobile app appears to be a bug which I have reported internally. Thank you for bringing this up. Randy I believe answered the rest of these but please let us know if further questions. We do not recommend making direct SQL edits and only provide the SQL Toolbox to our self-hosted clients at this time. If you are looking to do something specific, please let us know what that is and we can try to find something for you or help you transfer to a self-hosted version where this is still not recommended but is capable. As you are on Cloud, there may be some items, such as the SQL Toolbox which are available in permissions but hidden/restricted due to the Cloud platform itself. Other things, such as Redis, aren't necessarily something our Cloud customer need to worry about either as our system handles that. I have made a note on this as well for us to review this. Thank you for your feedback!
  15. Excellent, glad to hear you found the issue 👍
  16. Multiple topics can be pinned in a forum. If you're referring to recommending a post within a topic, there can only be 1 post that gets recommended. Getting some further clarification here on what you're referring to with screenshots or further information will help us confirm. Thanks.
  17. Would recommend disabling any third party applications and plugins then switching to an unmodified theme. If that does not help, please check your browser console in the developer tools of your browser to see if there are any errors.
  18. I would advise contacting your hosting provider if you cannot find the database for your installation as specified in the conf_global.php.
  19. Can see what can be converted from Xenforo on our Migration page here: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/migrate/ For instructions on running a self-hosted, unassisted conversion, you can see our guide here: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/migrate/
  20. As you are on Cloud, this is something which will need to be discussed with our Cloud and Sales teams. With that said, we do have conversion methods in place for converting Xenforo or if it is a version we do not have a method already for, we can evaluate a custom migration for you. If you would like me to open that conversation for you, please let me know.
  21. Sorry, our mobile app was discontinued for some time now and for the foreseeable future at this time. We removed it from all references in our software in lieu of building out PWA more fully in our software. There is a little more information about PWA in 4.6 here: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/web-push-notifications-native-sharing-offline-support-r1222/
  22. Most definitely someone being paid to go through this, unfortunately. Nothing more you can do but if you don't need those "About Me" or "Website URL" fields but to remove them. Creating the suggestion in our Feature Suggestions forum for better control over these fields would be the next step. I can certainly move this there if you would like?
  23. If you go some route like this, it would be advised to do a plugin rather than modifying the core files (of course, self-hosted as the access is not there on Cloud). Modifying the core files will make things hard to upgrade and if any issue come from modifying core files, we will need the core files restored before providing support.
  24. If this is frequent, might also be worth mod queuing till the user has approved posts. Just really depends how much you want to be seen by the users I guess. The auto-moderation rules is a powerful feature as you're using it 🙂 .
  25. If you are able to supply access details in the Client Area and then let us know the display name of this user, we can see what is happening here.
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