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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. The image is set to fit the container with no overflow so if the image has different proportions than the container, it will be cut off.
  2. I would suggest looking in /uploads/logs to see if the error here is written there. We can provide suggestions but I'm afraid, without direct access, we are limited in the support we can provide.
  3. Sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the transaction process. Please be advised I have replied to your ticket that came in yesterday. (Please create all tickets via the Client Area as direct mailing will reject them.) As mentioned in our policies, if you leave a card on file, we do attempt to take payment 7-10 days prior to your expiration. This way, if the automatic payment method fails, you have ample time to correct it before your community goes offline. If you do not wish for this to happen, you would need to remove the card on file and make manual payments. I have responded with further details addressing your other comments but as we are currently out of the office, please be advised, responses may take longer than usual.
  4. Hello! Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your server or other aspects of your infrastructure that are required for self hosting our software. I have moved your post to Community Support where you can utilize peer-to-peer support as many support needs for self hosting are outside of our scope of support. Please note: You will need to rely on your knowledge and support from your server host to run the software successfully. If you determine that converting to our Cloud where we host and provide support for Invision Community will better meet your needs, please reach out via our contact us form. We would love to talk with you!
  5. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  6. This has been our policy for quite some time, very long before the recent change to support forums (it has been our policy since I have been a part of support 6+ years). While I certainly understand that you believe there is an issue here and that it should be assisted with, you have to realize we do not support customizations. Caching is meant to cache what is present and display that on devices available. If this happening only with your advertising code and in a custom location, I would advise investigating this further with other variations and troubleshooting this with your advertisement provider. I do know that Google AdSense will not serve advertisements on every page load for every URL. It analyzes the client, URL, and more (much beyond what is published) to determine if it is worth it and the bid in place. The only means currently which we have to detect and show elements on page to desktop/table/mobile devices is through CSS. This would still render the elements on page but would simply hide them. You are more than welcome to post a suggestion in the Feature Suggestion forum but currently, this is how it is designed.
  7. If it is attached directly to that post and not on the server, you would want to check with your hosting provider as likely it may have encountered an issue or something happened. The software would not delete an image but leave it in the post like that.
  8. Are you suggesting to utilize the $name in the alt tag in this template? By default, the alt tag should be getting placed in when our Javascript handles a few various items (unless I am missing your question here). As seen here:
  9. Unfortunately, I am not seeing any issues. Navigating around your community seems fine. The page loads extremely quickly, the only delay is once the software loads and your advertisements and third party JavaScript loads in. However, the fact that it is erratic seems to point more towards a server problem than to a code problem. If it was due to a poor performing piece of code, that would be slow each and every time you use that specific page, function, etc... I would continue down the route of your hosting provider as they have the tools and responsibility to troubleshoot this. If this is outlined as an issue with our software, we will require the supporting log entries which they determined this from to advance our troubleshooting.
  10. You're very welcome! Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future.
  11. OK, I have taken care of the plan/community upgrade and you're all set/online again. I apologize again for the delay here.
  12. I apologize for the delay here and that your community has gone down during this, I just worked with a manager to get this done for you. I also am in the process now of upgrading your cloud plans so we can get this turned online again for you as quickly as possible. I will update your ticket as well with this and update again here once we have done that.
  13. That would be an indication that your push notifications are not setup correctly in your browser. You would want to go to ACP -> Support, to verify that push notifications are able to be working on your server. Then go to notification settings on the front-end to see if they are setup, you should see "Push" if your browser allows it under "Notification Types Available" in Notification Settings. If you're still having issues, are you able to setup push notifications here? (trying to determine if this is a browser issue or an issue on your community)
  14. Sorry, the image/video URL which you're attempting to share/embed here that the error you mentioned comes from.
  15. If you're on Windows, do you see these notifications in your notifications window? (on Windows 10, this should be on the right side of the task bar and you have a chat bubble there with potential numbers) You will not get inline notifications on the website and push notifications, it is one or the other.
  16. Our package plans and pricing recently changed so what you payed and were restricted to previously may not be now. It looks like you need to upgrade all your plans respectively and should have received an email about this. On our new plans, many of the higher ones have unlimited storage. You may need to re-evaluate your strategies and what you're paying for and compare it with what we offer now when you upgrade.
  17. Could you please provide the image/video you're attempting to share? Looking at your posting settings, it does look like you're restricting a lot of URLs.
  18. To confirm, you are able to reach your bucket from your server? I would recommend confirming that and that all your settings are indeed correct. Something seems wrong here or is getting stripped from the request to produced this result.
  19. Sure thing, our pricing can be found by clicking "Pricing" in the top right of our website or directly at: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy
  20. You're very welcome! Glad we could be of assistance here.
  21. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  22. Looks like theme cache maybe missing or otherwise corrupt on your disk. If you use template disk cache, you may want to try to clear it to see if that resolves it by checking the path in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration -> Template disk cache path. Then clearing the files on your disk manually.
  23. This was due to a domain change, we helped the OP by clearing their cache in the Support Tool.
  24. Glad to hear it worked this time!
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