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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. I'm afraid, this is not functionality in the default software. While I am unsure of a third party add-on which meets this need, I can certainly move this topic to our Feature Suggestion forum if you would like to suggest this for a future release.
  2. Excellent. Glad to hear that they are able to login now.
  3. Please be advised I have transferred this to a ticket for you so we can privately handle the backup and it's verification process. Someone will be in touch soon.
  4. Were you logged in as that particular user? Simply logging in as an admin you would not be able to view other user's invoices.
  5. As my colleague mentioned, sounds like his browser is pre-populating the field. They would need to clear that or switch to a different browser to try and login. There is nothing in our software which would, on it's own, pre-populate login fields. To answer your other question, you would need to login as the user to view the invoice (either through the ACP or as themselves through the login page). As an admin, you still are not able to view invoices from other users.
  6. I'm afraid, as mentioned, it is also a technical limitation as it follows the license with only allowing 1 base URL.
  7. You're welcome to post that as a suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum or if the OP would like me to move their topic, I can certainly do so.
  8. Sorry, there are no means to automatically update your community. However, you can follow our Release Notes section to be notified with an email when we do release an update: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
  9. I'm afraid, our licensing alone, would prevent you from setting up multiple domains on one license. You can only have 1 Live URL per license. Additionally, technically speaking, our software follows that strategy as well as it requires 1 URL. You could do the redirection thing which @Runar was talking about as that would not interfere with licensing or technical components.
  10. Glad you were able to find the issue here. Likely the heart and extra code bit is the same thing. With modified themes and third party plugins or applications, things like this can happen. Why we suggest disabling these items to see if this is a core issue or something in one of those items. Then you have an idea where the issue exists. We never will scold you and we apologize if it seems like that 🙂, just want to make sure you understand the risks of running customizations and of course, where our support ends with customizations 😉.
  11. While I am not able to get as far as you have here, I do see an issue which will need to be further investigated and I will also have them investigate this. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. Thank you for reporting this. We are aware of this issue and something which will be solved shortly:
  13. Could you please provide us a link to the example? I can then take a look to ensure this is working appropriately here.
  14. Is this an attached image or a copy/pasted URL to an image?
  15. There are no means for which a user could email out to random users via the software. If you are seeing this, you would want your hosting or email provider to trace the origins of the email. It could be your hosting or email account is compromised. If you are merely getting bounce back reports or similar, it could be someone is attempting to spoof your email address as well. All things your email provider will need to investigate.
  16. Personally, I would not recommend utilizing a service like that as it is a little concerning linking all external links via it. However, there are numerous areas where you can add in Javascript if you wish, such as the Analytics integration. This will add any Javascript to the header of the community on each page load. This one is outside our scope of support but you can also modify your globalTemplate in your theme to include this script where you would like. For more on themes, go to:
  17. Sorry, there are no means to resolve this at the moment.
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. If this is one-on-one help, I completely agree with you. However, the purpose is a group effort here not only to help the original user but any future users. In order to collaborate, we ask everything is in English. You're welcome to put another language below your English but all replies should be in English.
  20. You can set your icons in your ACP. PWA is essentially a browser opening your community. It just has a few “app-like” features.
  21. Excellent. Glad to hear you found the issue.
  22. Unfortunately, to investigate and resolve this it would need to be more than a few moments here or a screenshot. We would need to reproduce it or see it effectively so our developers can investigate on your community.
  23. Unfortunately, I am not seeing this issue. Each tasks' last run and next run are all either 7pm or 8pm on both your root domain and sub-domains.
  24. When you use the default text color in the editor and do not change it via editor controls to a specific color, the UI will automatically change this. For example, I am using dark mode here in the ACP for this forum description: Here is the same item in light mode in the ACP (no changes made): However, this is how it will appear on the front-end: If that does not happen for you, please ensure that you have not applied any coloring to the font in your editor. If that still does not resolve the issue, please let us know an example and we can look but likely this is something specific.
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