Everything posted by Jim M
Tweets not embeding
Thank you! Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket so that we can better investigate this for you. Further communication will be provided via email.
Tweets not embeding
Could you please provide the example member's display name and URL you're attempting to post? We can then investigate further. Also, sorry to bring this up again but nothing was explicitly stated on the above. Could you please state if you're using mod_security or varnish?
error 500 after upgrading to PHP 8
Please see the following steps to troubleshoot this: Please ensure that you're using 8.0 and not 8.1. You specified 8.0 for WordPress so just want to double check you are using 8.0. Please use the following file to ensure that your hosting provider or server admin installed all required modules of PHP to run our software: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/?do=getNewComment If the above are all good, a 500 Internal Server Error is very much like the check engine light on your car. It states something is wrong but not exactly what or where. Please work with your hosting provider or server admin to obtain the Server Error logs for this error and either resolve the issue (if it is server related) or provide it to us so that we can further assist you.
While I appreciate your feedback, it comes back to developing and making the product better as we move forward with version 4 and beyond. It simply is not feasible to continue developing and supporting past versions indefinitely. Discontinuing support is very much a common thing in software development lifecycles as versions age (we actually did kept support for quite some time after version 4 was launched and matured). With version 3, there is nothing stopping you from using an installation, however, you will hit many roadblocks as many of the server infrastructure, 3rd party integrations (such as CAPTCHA), etc... have been discontinued, sun-setted, etc... by their own developers. Just a note here as we are getting into this information, PHP 5.6, which is the highest version of PHP which can run version 3 of IPB, is no longer supported by PHP themselves for 3+ years now and many hosting providers due to that choose not to run it or have it available to their customers. You may still find some that run it but as it is no longer supported by PHP, running 5.6 is a security concern 🙂 . @Tschieny, if you have any questions about switching or upgrading to version 4, we're happy to answer any questions. However, if you continue to run version 3 (which is completely fine if you want to), we will move this to our peer community support forum as version 3 is no longer supported.
Decrease database size
Best suggestion would be to upgrade your hosting to a plan or provider that does not limit your database size or is more inline with your growth. (Have you considered our cloud?) The short story is that you’re growing (congrats!) and the tables listed hold core content of your community. So the only way to get in line with your hosting would be hurting your community by sacrificing content. Once you start doing this, it’s a slippery slope, you’ll have to keep doing it to stay in line with the hosting. If you have the ability to upgrade, it’s the best idea to prevent this from happening and continue growing your community. Best of luck!
Is this right?
Yep, as mentioned by Terabyte (who is faster than me this week at answering this week 🙂 ), the flag is driven by the locale and the locales are fed from your server. If you do not see your locale in the list there, you would need to work with your hosting provider or server administrator to have it installed.
bug? php 8.0 error - user with no timezone
Please be advised I have tagged a developer to this topic so they can verify what is happening here.
How do you put a sidebar block in a forum?
Glad to see you found the answer 🙂 .
My Registrations Stopped: HELP!
I have messaged you the secret key 🙂
Editor Toolbar Error 1C120/B: Unable to Add New Buttons
Unfortunately, you will need to ensure it’s compatible with 4.18. 4.19 is a different version than our software runs so there could be slight incompatibilities.
My admin control panel doesn't work since porting over my forum to another web service provider
Please ensure that your permissions and folders/files are owned by the correct user/group for your new environment. If you continue to have issues, please contact your hosting provider to verify what is set. Often during a move, things can get changed and moving to a new environment, things can be different. IE if your new host is running suPHP or suexec, folders would need to be 755 and files 644 to be executed/writable. If you want to provide us access via the Client Area we can take a quick peek if you’d like. The high five is for thanking Terabyte, as that is the correct answer for the error shown 🙂.
My Registrations Stopped: HELP!
To have Invisible Captcha work, your key will need to be authorized/setup for it. If you did not do that for your key, it simply won’t work. Therefore, your options are: 1. to leave it on reCAPTCHA 2 as you have now 2. if you want to use Invisible CAPTCHA, switch to the default key 3. if you want to use Invisible CAPTCHA, setup your key for Invisible CAPTCHA
My admin control panel doesn't work since porting over my forum to another web service provider
- Questions for upgrade from 4.3.6 to 4.6. (current update)
We have the following guide on how to perform upgrades: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/install-and-upgrade-r259/ However, there isn't really a best practice list outside of what I mentioned in my other post. I would recommend the below, seeing as you are so far behind in updates. Additionally, setting up a test install may be a good idea if you have a lot of customizations to test or simply want to test upgrading. Before performing any core software upgrades, do some research of the third party applications/plugins/themes/etc... you have installed and see what is available for the most recent release. If you there are any that aren't mission critical, now is a good time to perhaps uninstall those. When you're ready to perform the core update: Turn your community offline. Take a full backup (database and files). (for those reading who are cloud, you're all set here) Disable all third party applications, plugins, and language packs. Create an unmodified theme and set it as the default theme (ensure your administrators who are helping with the upgrade use that theme) Perform the core upgrade. As you are so far behind, it may be a good idea to perform a manual upgrade (see guide above for more details on that). If any issues with the core upgrade, please create a topic here and someone will help you 🙂 . Have a look over your community to ensure things went well. This is a good idea for the next step. Once the core upgrade completes, you will want to consider looking at getting your third party items in line: As you are coming from 4.4, you will want to setup the Marketplace integration and go through onboarding. There should be a notification to do this in the notification bell of the ACP (top right). This will step you through which applications/plugins/themes/language packs you have installed from the Marketplace or are custom (aka custom development you had done or installed from elsewhere). You will want to upgrade each application/plugin/theme/language pack independently and then test before moving to the next one. This will allow you to tell what may be breaking and causing that break. For third party items which have no compatible release with our core software you just upgraded to, be very cautious of enabling these but ultimately, enabling these independently of others is advised. Done! These "best practices" are really an extremely cautious approach coming from a rather old version. Point upgrades (e.g. 4.6.11 to 4.6.12), you likely would not need to be this cautious but I would stress item 2.2 (Backups) for any self-hosted client for any upgrade, no matter how small.- My Registrations Stopped: HELP!
As mentioned by Terabyte, your CAPTCHA key looks to be incorrect or otherwise not working so you will want to see if you have your own account. If so, you will need to check the key/secret to ensure it is correct from the admin area on CAPTCHA.- Newest Member Not Correct
You can view all block cache settings in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration.- Newest Member Not Correct
ACP > Support > Clear System Caches- Anyone around to do email support?
Please have the Cloud client ensure you are on their Cloud package as an alternate who can submit support replies. Unfortunately, often is the case there are multiple packages, and permissions incorrectly set which would trigger our bounce back and the ticket to be deleted. (I was actually just helping where the individual was set on their self-hosted license and the same thing happened). However, if they have you as an alternate, you should be able to login to the Client Area to submit the ticket. If you do not have that option, setup was not done correctly and need to be adjusted. Please have the client contact us if any questions.- % on sales and multiple paiement method
Yes, you can assign payment methods available to different products. This is not possible in Commerce as, generally, it is assumed sold from only the site owner(s). Our Downloads application does facilitate in this manner due to members can sell downloadable items there. I'm not sure if you're selling downloadable items if that can assist you?- Newest Member Not Correct
Has the user validated completely? This block will only show validated users. If you clear your system cache in the software, does it change?- No "Install" button
Glad to hear it has resolved and you were able to install it 🙂 .- How to install Pages or Blogs in a different folder than the forum?
Customizing the root slugs for FURLs would not be advised. Not only is it not supported but would require manual manipulation of the core files which will present upgrade issues as you move forward with the software.- Mark as Solution not visable for moderators
If that does not help, please let us know and we can take a further look 🙂 .- Customers Only Area!
As Randy mentioned, our Commerce application will be able to assist you here with your goals. It will allow you to take payment and handle renewing products or subscriptions. You can then have it assign a specific member group to users who have an active renewal. Then assign that group with the ability to see all the items you wish in member group permissions. You can read more about Commerce in our Guides here: You currently do not own Commerce so you would need to purchase this in the Client Area if you decide to move forward with it 🙂 .- RSS feeds look?? Issue??
Correct. That is an RSS feed 🙂 - Questions for upgrade from 4.3.6 to 4.6. (current update)