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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Gotcha, so a custom profile field here. Do you have an example of the data which you're attempting to insert? Often, this comes down to formatting.
  2. What field are you meaning by "postal address"? Is this a custom field or some on the customer record?
  3. You’d want to contact our sales team. Generally, after some time, 301 redirects can be dropped (I.e. don’t need a 301 after 10 years as everyone updated to the new URL) but usually our team can investigate accommodations to what you need.
  4. For the forums, you may be able to switch these to a redirection forum type and then point it to the URL you want it to go to. For topics, there is no built-in method to do this, you will want to likely work with your hosting provider to set up a 301 redirect via a .htaccess file or something.
  5. The latest version 4 in the Client Area would be the most robust upgrade procedure. We would not provide any download other than the latest release in the Client Area
  6. Version 3 is no longer supported at any level by ourselves, I’m afraid. You would need to contact a third party provider to help you perform an upgrade to the latest release. Version 3 will likely not be supported by any modern host either as the required PHP version and other related items will be out of support as well.
  7. Regardless of where you post, this does not give you the right to attack a fellow client who wants to help you. Please always be courteous and respectful of others. Think you're looking here for a software solution to an email / hosting provider problem. We can look into adding some alerts, troubleshooting guides, or recommendations to talk with the hosting provider in this scenario, but this is not something we can resolve on the software-side completely as it requires email/server configuration and DNS changes.
  8. As mentioned there, there is a server configuration issue. You will want to ensure that the uploads folder there is writable by your webserver/PHP. Otherwise, you will need to ensure that your server allows file uploads by contacting your hosting provider or server administrator for further assistance.
  9. I would recommend creating your own in a free trial: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/free-trial
  10. That is the "noscript" execution provided from Google. At the time, your browser is detecting that you can't run Javascript thus executing that. Are you stating that you see this a text or that you see this in the browser source? If you're seeing it as text on the page, you will want to ensure that your browser and OS are the latest release. The same code is executed for all device sizes so this would likely be something related to your Tablet than the code here if you're only seeing it on your tablet.
  11. This would not be possible to do because there is data in those specific tables related to your installation. You would need to restore to a point where these tables existed.
  12. Please watch your language here. Please remain civil and courteous.
  13. Think of the software "sending" emails as you handing a postcard to a mailman. Everything for email sending verification would happen after it is handed over to your email server/service (or reaches the "post office") rather than within Invision Community.
  14. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  15. Most of those are correlating to Windows servers which we do not recommend but resolving these by upgrading to PHP 8.1.29 would be recommended if you're running Windows. filter_var is used in our software so upgrading to PHP 8.1.29 is recommended if you haven't done so yet.
  16. Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket for you. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  17. To be blunt here, if you do not wish to enable this, we may never get to the bottom of your issue here as you appear to be the only one reporting this issue. It is up to yourself to live with the current issue or enable slow query logging. You can start at a higher threshold and only log queries which take 10 seconds or longer and if you don't get any (which shouldn't be the case if it is as you state), you can decrease it. Slow query logging when configured correctly on a performant server should not pose any major resource issue but of course, doing anything extra will cause more resource consumption. However, generally, you enable it when you are having a resource issue so the consumption isn't a great concern as you need it to resolve the bigger consumption at hand.
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. That would require one of the advanced options as you would need to whitelist everything used for your community as well.
  20. Your current settings in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration -> "Allow community to be embedded in an iframe" will only allow this iframe to be embedded on your current domain that your community utilizes. To use externally of your domain, you will need to change those settings.
  21. Unfortunately, I do not read/speak the language there. Could you please translate what it is stating into English?
  22. What do you mean by "blocked"? Do you have a screenshot?
  23. It does not. Everything sends out of the same email. The only thing which does have an alternate configuration would be bulk mail sending through the SendGrid API.
  24. Does it say that the user is in Email Validation or Administration Validation in ACP -> Members -> Members. That will confirm that they were sent an email. Outside of that, if they were sent an email correctly for Email Validation, you may wish to contact your email provider for assistance to see why that may be. As once our system hands off the email to your email provider, it is on your email provider for the deliverability aspect.
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