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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Saved actions are under the Moderation Actions for a topic. Could you please provide an example of a topic and user who are not able to see this?
  2. Unfortunately, I don't have an Android to test this on but knowing that Android 14 is the latest release of Android, it may be that X's app is optimized for that, thus, creating this problem for you. Updating Android and X may be your best bet here. Testing this on computer and iOS devices things seem stable and working as intended so I imagine this is something local to the device as this doesn't use device specific code here on our end. In fact, all we do is tell the browser to open X in a new window. It is the app itself which is translating this to opening the app.
  3. Root FURLs (e.g. "events") cannot be altered at this time as they are required by the software to control the application.
  4. If you are unsure what you are doing, I would advise contracting a server administrator to assist you. Having that many items idle and children are likely creating problems in of itself.
  5. Opentype is a client, not a staff member of Invision.
  6. This is false, I’m afraid. I would reread what I posted earlier about V3.
  7. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  8. As mentioned in both Stuart's and my replies, we actually released a feature a while back to allow the first uploaded image of the topic to be the og:image now which is suggested to social media and other embeds. The default sharer image is the fallback.
  9. Please disable Two Factor Authentication for your account which you have provided as we cannot used that.
  10. Indefinite subscriptions, fortunately or unfortunately, have always been a way of life. If you ever have owned/rented space, you have had an indefinite subscription in the space itself, utility bills, etc... 🙂 . Even your license with us is an indefinite subscription in a way because without it, you don't get the services you want. Think this clarifies what you want here and "installment" payments are not something we offer. You can certainly suggest this though in our Feedback forum.
  11. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  12. Unfortunately, renewals do not have term limits. It may be best to charge a flat fee for your course so that you can reach your define space/price.
  13. Would suggest disabling anything third party and getting back to the core software, whether that's third party applications/plugins, a modified theme, CloudFlare, etc... that would be the only true way to test. I can say that, I have not noticed any changes on my test instances and here on our community.
  14. V3 was the wild, wild west. It was solely on Facebook to go to your website and grab a random image. The image may not even have been related to your topic, it could have been someone's profile photo, an ad, etc... It was pure luck that you were able to get it to be something related to your topic 😉 . V4, we changed this so we are now suggesting a photo to Facebook (and others) via OpenGraph to grab this photo. Typically, it is the first attached image in the topic, otherwise, it will fallback to the default sharer image. There may be third party plugins out there which may allow you to have better control if this is something you desire. However, this is not something which we support.
  15. I have not seen this happen on your community in over 10 minutes now. I will keep my eye on it but it looks like it has been resolved.
  16. I'm assuming you setup this email to receive contact us requests? Thus, this is the system verifying the email before sending you the contact request. This is not the user that sent the request.
  17. Sorry, it is a little confusing as email verification and the Contact Us form are two separate things. Also, the link you provide there has keys present which are specific to an instance of an email verification. It sounds like the user has attempted to register or change their email address and receive the email verification email which is correct and not "spam" as you're stating. To prevent further confusion, could you please share a screenshot of the email?
  18. May be best to reach out to the user and ask their steps of logging in or registering to get to that point.
  19. Anti-Fraud rules would apply to all payment methods.
  20. Are you stating that Commerce is placing the transaction in manual approval status or you stating it is in manual approval status in PayPal? If the former, I would suggest checking your fraud review rules in ACP -> Commerce -> Payments -> Settings -> Anti-Fraud Rules.
  21. I was able to upload when the system redirected on the error. Which is likely what you saw there with the cars. Unfortunately, we do not provide support for BackBlaze so this would be outside our scope of support if you continue to use them.
  22. While ACP is working now, I am not able to connect via FTP provided now.
  23. I'm afraid, the credentials are still invalid for the ACP.
  24. Dear users living in the past, please be made aware of this. Love, Administrators. -------- Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  25. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
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