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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Seems that you have applied a redirect to your community there outside of the software as not aspects are loading. Event non-dynamic items. You would want to review the last few items that you performed prior to this happening. If you have an custom .htaccess rewrites or redirects, you will want to disable those to see if it helps. It looks like you're using CloudFlare and you will want to review the rules you have setup or recently changed.
  2. Are you applying any sorting or filtering to these which are changing/resetting when changing month? I would like to see what is happening here first hand: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  3. The error seems to be caught and displayed as such in the System Log. It does not seem to be displayed on the front-end so is graceful in that scenario. It would be up to you and your hosting provider to determine what the issue is with the server handling erroneously handling the upload at the point of failure. The software can also only grab/catch what is not a complete failure on the server's part. If you have any security modules involved which may be blocking some uploads, that is also something to consider.
  4. As you can see in the below Theme Difference tool, this part of the template was removed: https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff Items which were removed intentionally would not be added back in through a bug report. However, you're welcome to add this back in to your own theme if you so desire. It is worth noting that the only items which were removed were the "go back" button. The submit button is still there and you can click the "X" of the popup modal to "go back" so the button was repetitive.
  5. This is from Monosnap I’m the sense of verbiage for this particular segment, yes you could say that.
  6. It looks spammy. Looking at your administrator log, there was indeed a user deleted earlier today and 2 on the 24th.
  7. When a user gets deleted but their content stays around, you would also get what you're seeing now. Which is why the question was proposed.
  8. I haven't looked at your instance but was the user who made this post deleted without having their content deleted?
  9. I have moved this to a ticket so we can privately assist you in these matters.
  10. Check your background tasks to see if the Achievement system is rebuilding. If it is, you will need to wait that out. Otherwise, you will want to check your Achievement rules and then rebuild the system in ACP -> Members -> Achievements. For more information, you can read about Achievements here, it is a new feature in 4.6:
  11. It will not go at all to the notification list. I.E. no notification.
  12. It will not show up in the notification bell on the community:
  13. I am sorry you feel that we were being uncooperative. I'm afraid, we have standards of support which help us help all our clients in an efficient manner. The standards of support policies were agreed to at time of purchase. When we reach a unique environment encountering something which we can't reproduce in a normal environment, we need to undo that uniqueness as that may be the root cause. I'm afraid, you're still encountering something which I cannot encounter in a default environment of Invision Community. However, I will report this internally to see if this is something we can reproduce.
  14. Thank you. Please ensure that this instance has all patches applied and is available externally as I am getting various 401 errors in the Javascript console. It may be getting blocked by the .htpasswd.
  15. This is indeed what I have set on my installation which I mentioned above so we would need to see this on your live site to provide support.
  16. You would need to ask your server administrator or hosting provider what has transpired.
  17. As mentioned, support would only be provided on live URLs.
  18. I'm afraid, support would only be provided on Live URLs. Test URLs are only applicable for your testing/development purposes but would not be supported.
  19. Please ensure that the ACP account provided is not banned and has full access.
  20. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  21. Would suggest ensuring you're on the latest release with all third party add-ons disabled and using an unmodified theme. As when I do what you just did in your video, I get redirected to the registration page. E.g. it is no longer open in a popup modal like in your screencast. Therefore, you're either running something which is causing this. Then each time I submit the registration form, hCAPTCHA loads without issue.
  22. The URL is saved in your database from before the URL change. To update it, the system is going to check if the new URL you provide is valid, if CloudFlare is blocking that check, you cannot update it as the system cannot verify it.
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