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Everything posted by Marc

  1. This isnt achievable other than selecting the correct locale for your language pack. You can do this on cloud from your language pack also
  2. There isnt a way of featuring a download from your standard downloads categories, other than just adding a link to it somewhere. However what is it you are trying to achieve here? I ask as there may be other ways of going about it. For instance, you can add a page in a club where you could add any content you wish, including a link to a download if needed. Or you can even add a downloads section to the club itself and bypass the general categories. It really depends on your aim.
  3. As mentioned by my colleague there, we wouldn't really add this as it goes against financial record keeping unfortunately.
  4. Must admit I'm not sure what it is you mean here. You mention articles, however that's a topics application. If you could provide more information on what you are looking for, we can certainly advise. If its categories however, it would indeed be the above you are looking for
  5. You would be removing the format="short" part mentioned above, but within the forums->widgets>forumstatistics template for that. Please note, we do not provide official support for customisation, so please ensure you back that template up before you do so.
  6. If you are physically moving the tested site to another server, then take a look at the guidelines here. You can however selectively use the information you need from this to switch from dev to live The main things to remember when doing this are the following If you are converting the other system, do a test first. This will save you having issues on the day you do it for real, and you will know what to expect Use -TESTINSTALL at the end of your license key, to use your test key instance. That way you dont have any issues with switching to your live domain. You just move it and set your live license key Any issues at all, go to ACP->Support (top right) and see that page to see if there is anything showing up, and (as already mentioned) use clear cache Make sure if you are moving from a subfolder, you change any .htaccess files (and indeed ensure you move that, as I have seen people miss that where its hidden) When changing your conf_global.php file, back it up, then change it. That way if you make a mistake, you can repeat that process. I have seen many times someone accidentally delete or add something that breaks the site on moving items One thing you can do to speed up the process, is if you are moving from one location to another with the physical files, make a copy of all the files in advance. Then you can just replace those which have been added or changed.
  7. Got that and will see what we can find out for you.
  8. We would need specific examples of these on that larger site, and we would likely need to log in to see if we can see what is happening there, so a ticket may be more helpful on this occasion, yes. On a larger site however, you would likely have more people following items. So when items are followed by a lot of people, its added to a queue task. When they arent, its sent instantly. This is likely why the smaller site you are seeing them straight away.
  9. This would indeed be under Customizatino->Appearance->Emails . The over all look would be "Email Wrapper". You would be best to take a look at the following guide which explains how emails are built up within the system. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/advanced-theming/email-templates-r325/
  10. In addition to the below, please disable all 3rd party plugins/applications and test while they are disabled. If you are still having issues, it may be helpful to know what was happening around the time this started to occur for you. Has anything changed with regards updates, items you might have installed, or indeed server components. In general the steps to try and resolve this initially would be Clear cache in your support area and check if this is resolved If there has just been a change on the server, is it something you can switch back and test? If so, try that Always disable any server side caching you may have Disable any 3rd party items and check In the support area, ensure any other items showing in there are addressed
  11. We would only really show things in there where there is an issue that affects everyone, that hasn't really been resolved or needs to be applied instantly. As the name entails there, what you see with the patches are optional. If you have issues then you would apply them. There is no need to really be applying them otherwise. For example, it may be gallery isn't allowing the uploading of images at all. We know about it, we are trying to resolve it, but there isnt yet a resolution to the problem. That theoretical situation may be something we add in there. Feedback on this of course is always welcome, however it would be more suited to its own topic, rather than this one.
  12. Not sure what it is you mean there, Nathan. There are no known issues that would affect the software as a whole at this time. In this particular example, the issue has been patched.
  13. The patch would be in your admin CP to run. If you go to ACP->Support you will see "Optional patch available" under the version number. Click this to apply the patch Incidentally, there was another patch for this just released, so if you applied before today, please check for further patches.
  14. Yeah, what its saying there is that there is an issue with your integration, and giving you the developer instructions on how you should integrate (this is what we use). We have done that in the software. The reason you got the message is because there was an issue
  15. Not sure where you are getting that you need to use an SDK there. Thats what is already integrated into our software. Now its patched, there shouldnt really be anything else you need to do. The message there was to let you know its not working, which is what was patched
  16. Feel free to post that up as a suggestion for the future, however as mentioned before this is not its intention at present.
  17. Have you checked word and/or URL filters within System->Settings->Posting ?
  18. No, not at all. I do enough for that for us all 😄
  19. You cant disable it,as it's the default reaction, but you could change it to anything that you wish. You would just edit the item, and change the name and icon. Of course you can switch off reputation altogether by toggling 'Reputation enabled?' in Members->Member Settings->Reputation & Reactions
  20. Thank you for reporting that. I have just taken a look and can replicate this myself. I've added a bug report so that this can be resolved in a future release
  21. Just as a quick update to this, while you are now of course a customer, your experience with demo conversion has given us some ideas on how to make this conversion process easier for new customers going forward. So thank you for your feedback
  22. I have just resolved those items for you, so you should be good to go
  23. Not a problem. Glad you got what you needed
  24. Hello, You would change the email logo within 'ACP->System>Settings->Email Settings->Email logo'
  25. Hi Nigel. What issue was it you were having trying to use folders?
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