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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Marc

  1. 42 minutes ago, sadams101 said:

    Rather than try to find the source of this issue, I've found that my site is just as fast with guest caching turned off, so I've turned it off. I've noticed other issues with guest caching, for example, my mobile banner ads regularly appear to desktop users, even though we do have the correct CSS tags that should not allow this to happen, so there are other reasons why I suspect that the caching system has issues. 

    If turning off guest caching does not fix this, I will create a new ticket...thank you!

    No problem. Let us know if you do need any further assistance

  2. 13 hours ago, Chris Anderson said:

    @Jim MThis isn't "really" a SOLUTION until you roll out a bugfix in an upcoming maintenance release.  If someone is scanning the forums and sees that it has been solved, they might assume the problem has already been fixed in a prior release.

    There should be some other way of acknowledging that an issue has been properly identified and a request to the developers has been made to create a bugfix. 

    Maybe you could mark this kind of post with a bugfix pending tag: "bugfix-4.6.7" or "bugfix-4.6.x" if it might end up being fixed a little farther down the line. 

    This would help manage customer expectations for those reporting the issue and others that may be impacted by the bug and search the forums to determine if it has been reported and what the resolution might be.

    Incidentally, and just to add to my colleagues comments above, we do actually follow up these tickets also. They are internally marked so that we can come back to them and let people know once it is resolved. The feedback though is very much appreciated 🙂


  3. 6 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

    If you are really paying attention to my replies, you would notice I answered your question dear.



    Moreover, this issue is since 4.6 version. 

    My apologies. I had indeed missed that. I cannot however replicate this in any way on my test instance. Without being able to replicate this, I am unable to report this as a bug. I can certainly take a look at it on  your own site if you would like for me to do this. I would need an example user, forum, and item you are trying to edit.

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