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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Glad you managed to find something you would like there
  2. Ours would be a bad example there, We have a custom theme, and do not have any hover menus. If you have any at all on the menu, which it looks like you have there, you would need to click twice
  3. Ah, indeed if this wasnt just now you had the issue, and you were trying yesterday, that might be what was causing the issue. If it was just now though, that wont be the cause
  4. There doesnt actually appear to be any tickets related to manual upgrading that I can see. Do you have another account somewhere? It unlikely anyone would not know how they have resolved something. We did have an issue previously with PHP 8 and upgrades, which was resolved. You can also check in your uploads/logs folder which may tell you why this is happening
  5. Have you first of all tested this on a default unaltered theme? If however there are submenus anywhere, it will have the same effect
  6. In order for the warnings and restrictions section to show in that area you must enable the warning system. At present this appears to be disabled on yours
  7. That is actually correct as per design. Without this, there would be no way in which to get to the submenu under it
  8. I have flagged this so that we can get some clarification for you
  9. Our developers will take a look through that section occasionally, so I'm sure someone will be able to answer you there. Please bear in mind that this isnt something that would be within the scope of standard support though, so it may take some time until someone looks at that. I would suggest however, also adding that to suggestions if you wish to see something like that as standard in the future
  10. The package you have purchased there is a cloud hosted SAAS (software as a service) plan. As such there is no FTP access, and it hosts nothing other than your invision installation. You can add marketplace 3rd party items only with that package.
  11. It does seem you have gotten into quite a issue there. I would highly advise at this point reverting to the backup taken before you started your upgrade. If you were at the point where you had just had issues after upgrade, I would have advised contacting the author of that application, or we could have attempted to get the standard handler switched on for you. At this point however, you are trying to connect new installations to a database which will may be expecting files which simply arent present, with settings (login handler being one of them) that the system will not understand.
  12. Thank you for letting us know. We are aware of this, and will let you know as soon as this is resolved
  13. Yeah that sounds like the same issue. WIll keep you posted as and when thats resolved
  14. It is indeed. If you take a look at the following guide, this shows you how you can set up admin along with restrictions
  15. We have someone taking a look at this at present as it looks to be an issue with downloading for some. I will let you know once this has been resolved
  16. No problem at all. Enjoy the rest of your day 🙂
  17. Theme customisation is outside the scope of our support unfortunately, and this is what you would need (either that or a plugin to do so) in order to add the log out item to your main navigation, rather than in your user dropdown menu. If you are looking to attempt this yourself, the logout link can be found in the core->front->global->userBar template . Look for <li class='ipsMenu_item' data-menuItem='signout'> and the make up of the link is below there
  18. While in an ideal world, there would of course be no security issues in any application, people will find ways to exploit any software. This is simply the nature of software. Everyone from small one man developers, to large multi billion dollar companies will experience these. Even the likes of apple released security fixes only 2 days ago, and are the largest company in the world at the time of writing.
  19. This looks to be resolved in the upcoming 4.6.7 release which is currently in beta. I can replicate what you are saying on my test 4.6.6 instance, but not on the 4.6.7.
  20. Please could you check if this is happening only on that browser? If so, which browser is that you are using?
  21. There is no facility for this within the software at present, however I have moved this topic to our suggestions forum, so that it may be considered for future releases
  22. Sorry to see you were having issues there. I have corrected this on file, and logged in to ensure its still sorted on your admin CP side for you.
  23. There would be no way in which to change that to work as it was previously unfortunately, no.
  24. While the file name saving may be part of the same issues we are looking at (will let you know on that), there have been no reports of templates showing from other themes. What is happening in the case of this one is its actually showing customised because the filename that was exported as exported incorrectly for some reason. Could you confirm if this is what you mean (it showing customised)? Also, could you let me know what operating system you are using, and how you are editing the files (what program)?
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