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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thank you for letting us know. Which plugin was it you were having issues with there?
  2. Sorry to hear you feel the function is not suitable for your needs there, however we did indeed think through the specification of that function, and what you are seeing there is intended. We allow only one live and one test instance of the platform, and would expect that the test instance stays on the same URL. If you find a absolute need to change it of course, let us know and we can assist you without the need of having to take down your licence site.
  3. Indeed there would be no way in which to set that as default at present, as its not in its own module to set. I can move your ticket to our suggestions area for consideration for you.
  4. I have created a new ticket for you on this and sent over to our marketplace team to take a look at. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  5. As has been mentioned above, something on the server there appears to be changing permissions. Unfortunately only your hosting company is going to be able to tell you what that is. While the above process we mention is a thought on how you may be able to clean your system, its by no means foolproof, and not really what that file move is intended for.
  6. In order to do this you would need to be using a renewable product rather than the subscriptions system, as there is no way in which to restrict the code from being used only for a specific subscription, as mentioned above
  7. There is no way in which to see the current points at present. The idea of the system is for members to be less focused on numbers and more on achievements created by the admin. There is no way in which to promote based on the achievement system at present. Of course, this is the first rendition of the achievement system, and there will be additions and changes as we move through versions, so I have moved your ticket to our suggestions are so these can be considered.
  8. Hope you found what you need here. However if its something you are struggling to do, the other option is simply move everyone from the members group to another group, then rename the members group to whatever you wanted it to be
  9. You would add links to them in the ticket (email) as previously mentioned.
  10. If you take a look at the plans here, these are what we could move you to. If thats something you are interested in, we can get a ticket created for you, and one of our team can walk you through the process of getting you over to the cloud instance. In your situation, it can indeed be very beneficial as you dont need to think about hosting at all. Thats for us to sort out.
  11. Then yes, indeed that would be expected. The only items that would work would be logging in internally with users who can see the site when the site is offline. There would be no way in which to use the oauth web service if the site is offline
  12. I see from your ticket that this appears to have been an issue with Varnish cache. Please let us know if you have any further issues of course
  13. I have just created you a ticket. Please respond to that with an example user and password we can take a look at
  14. Try adding friendshipforums in the top box, then everything after "CNAME " in the second box
  15. You would need to edit his group and amend what he is allowed in there. I suspect his limits are probably set to 0 thinking thats unlimited when that would literally be 0
  16. Have you added clubs to your navigation somewhere? I'm not sure if you cannot get to clubs itself, or can get there but cannot see the create button. I suspect it's the former. If so, you just need to add it to your menu. See the following guide on setting up your menu https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/global-settings/setting-up-your-menu-r27/
  17. It seems it may have just been permissions on the folder. I would suggest moving everything in File Settings back to /uploads/ , lettin gthem all move, then moving it back again, and again letting it all move. Then you can be sure its moved everything. Once you have done that, ensure you back up that uploads folder before you remove it, and ensure you back up before you begin anything
  18. Sorry do you have another format you can upload these in. Unfortunately there is an open bug with mov files at present.
  19. My eldest is 23 and uses it rarely. my 19 yr old has an account, but cant remember the last time I saw him on it. I think its decline in new generation users has been going on for quite some time.
  20. I have move this topic to our developer connection forum, as this isnt really a built in function of the platform.
  21. Users can set them from their profile by clicking edit profile. Note however, as soon as you upgrade, that function will be gone. Therefore setting these up may well be a fruitless task
  22. Custom member titles are no longer present in the latest release of the platform. On older versions, users can change them on their profile, provided they have the relevant permissions
  23. If you update your ftp details on file to the corrrect ones, I can attempt this. However it was clearly stated in the instructions above to take a full backup for this very reason.
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