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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Its simply warming you that they are present. Anything added additionally can potentially cause issues, and as a support area, its simply stating you have them, so you know its something you can disable and check should you have any problems.
  2. It is very likely you will have issue in the future. Quite simply we do not support its use in that manner
  3. Scroll to the "adding to the ACP" section and it shows you there
  4. Hello, You would ned to revert to the backup taken, as you have not followed the instructions correctly there. YHou would not be changing an existing path. As mentioned in the step you would be creating a new storage method
  5. Usually that would be the case, yes. However you would need to contact the author
  6. It sounds very much like someone has added malicious content based on what you have said there. I would say, those files you mentioned in the first part of your message, you should delete not just rename. The files are still present even if you have renamed them You could attempt the following to clean your uploads folder. Ensuring you create a full backup Create a new storage method in System>Files>Storage Settings>Configurations (uploads2 for example) Change your storage settings (all of them) to point to that new folder) Wait for everything to complete in background tasks Delete everything in /uploads/ Switch your storage settings back to /uploads/ Wait for it to complete For everything else, just delete them and upload a fresh set of files
  7. Glad you managed to find a resolution in any case. Sorry to hear you were having issues with your server there
  8. You appear to be attempting to use the pages application outside of the main folder. As mentioned in previous messages, this is not a supported item, and appears to be what is causing you issues there. You would be advised to move your site to route rather than attempting to use it in this manner
  9. Note, what you are trying to do here isnt an intended way for the system to be used. You cannot do a cleanup really without upgrading your site to the latest release of the platform, unless you happen to have a copy of the files. The correct way to clean things up from older installs if needed would be Create a FULL backup delete all files/folders apart from uploads conf_global.php constants.php (if you have one) .htaccess Upload a fresh set of files from your client area Note, this would not in any way account for 3rd party items. So you may have folders in the applications folder from 3rd party items you need to keep, and also the plugins folder if you have any plugins. Also note, the above is based on your being on the latest release
  10. Is this when you are logging in on a specific page or all pages?
  11. Thank you for reporting, and I have added this to our internal bug tracker to be resolved
  12. There isnt a facility to do that at present, no
  13. Just to note, you must ensure your converters remain installed, and that the converter login method remains enabled. Could I confirm you have not removed any of those 2? If so, and you are still having issues, please let us know
  14. Please could you confirm its actually birthdays you are referring to on this one?
  15. This is a known issue unfortunately, as mentioned in the ticket you have open. A bug report for this has been submitted
  16. I will move this over to our advanced hosting community support forum for you. Please note, any advice we give here relating to your hosting is not given as official support for your product. If your domain is from your hosting company, I would say it's a little concerning that they dont know how to add a simple entry for you.
  17. I have created a ticket for you on this and escalated it to our developers, as I cant see why its doing that either. Someone will be in contact as soon as we know
  18. Sorry, could I just clarify here are you referring to logging into the invision platform using an external login, or logging into an external platform using invisions login?
  19. Yes, that would be correct. You are switching off the system
  20. Ah, that would explain why I have a total, as I already have an address present. Please could you confirm you are seeing totals once an address is added?
  21. No problem. Glad you managed to get sorted
  22. Oh Ive no doubt it isnt. Unfortunately there is more involved than what people can see with ours
  23. This isnt something in which we can actively provide unfortunately. We have quite a lot of custom stuff going on within our sites, which is not readily distributable.
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